
A student in the midst of Pandemic

Igotami_fictions · Teenager
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4 Chs


Despite all the negatives in the reality, we still have the positive side right? Thinking about it, this online class did gave me some pros or advantages. One is I don't need to print or do crafts for projects and stuff like that. That is a really big pro for me because I don't like making crafts but crafts are always included in projects. Other projects could be a bit subtle and are just printed essays but we don't have a printer so I always need to go out to print them. Two, I have more time to calm myself after anxiety attacks that usually occurs after and before presenting something in the class. Just ask for permission to turn off my camera and done, I can calm myself. Usually in school I need to really hide my anxiety because I hate being called by teachers and become the center of attraction, so I try to keep my emotions. At the same time this also help me to be closer to my brother, we discovered different bonds together and I felt happy about that. I also found that this online classes gave me time to be alone and care for myself. Because of this online class I also got more connected to one of my friends who is depressed and is going through a lot. I am glad that I became a reason for her to have a sense of feeling that she is not alone in this situation.

Above all, I think those are the only things I could think of as a pro. Ending this chapter with a quote "nothing is perfect in this world, everything has its own pros and cons."- Alvendito Sharma