10/10 0:03 (Autumn, Sunrise, Midrar)
*Luna Gains 2.346 Magicules.
*Luna's Ability Skill "Crafting" D Increases to C.
Sabel slowly woke up, trying to stretch only to find it impossible as she quickly recognized her position.
Her eyes, upon opening, met the amused red ones belonging to Luna before she was able to fully understand her situation, her face quickly reddening.
The Human was currently resting her face on the Lunarian's chest while the Phoenix and the Elf were resting their head on the white-haired one's shoulders in either side of the two, held down by her other two Mate's arms.
The red-faced one would have found it much less embarassing if not for their state of dress, or more specifically state of undress as while Mafel and herself were both in just their sleepwear, Luna and Amber both were completely naked with all four of them being gently enveloped by Luna's Aura, as were they during the entirety of the previous night.
"Happy birthday, my little Sabel." Luna whispered before her Aura formed a pair of arms to guide her in a brief kiss before the Human was led back in her previous position. "Now, rest a little more."
Sabel closed her eyes, falling back asleep as Luna's Auric Hands gently lulled her back to rest, her gaze barely able to make out another Luna made out of Black Blood entering the room while holding something, what she was quickly able to figure out was a newly-created Artifact, covered by bandanges, a very cruel light in Luna's eyes.
10/9 12:26 (Autumn, Sunset, Mysterious Island)
Previously, Sider beholded as the turtle, step after step fell apart before reforming, bigger, stronger, sturdier and a little, even if just a touch, faster.
Not only that but as the Cultivator focused on feeling out the Monster with her Qi Sense, a process that should have been instinctively considered as an immediate attack but was instead completely ignored by the turtle, noting the formation of a rudimentary Qi Circulatory System within it, thing normally impossible with so tiny a quantity of both time and Qi.
This denied to her that her initial hypothesis of a very strong Cultivator died here and in so doing twisted the area.
Something was actively messing with the Magicules in the air, rendering it similar to a twisted variant of Qi and corrupting all of them, creating a Monster with a biological makeshift Qi Circulatory System with a single Meridian in comparison to her own eight Meridians.
The black-haired one silently prepared, her right hand opening and closing a couple of times before it transformed in a mass of fur and claws, electricity vibrating around her metallic claws before she sent forward a very light shock, trying to prompt it to react to a more direct form of attack.
The turtle fell briefly before planting its limbs firmly to the ground, pulling itself up before continuing on its journey indifferently, its vacuous gaze not moving from its destination.
At seeing such, the silver-eyed one did not hesitate, Lightning-Attribute Mana accumulating around her rocky right hand before she swung forth at full strenght and with a thunderclap, the Monster exploded violently, parts of its body sent flying all over the place.
By this point she already figured out where it was moving towards and so she had no more need for its life nor could she risk it becoming an obstacle in the future.
Sider continued forward, her gaze and Qi sense focused on her destination as her rocky body enveloped in lightning burned her footprints upon the grassy terrain underneath her at a fast but manageable pace, without the use of any of her Vital Energy, Mana and above all of her Qi, her senses stretched out fully to feel out any changes in the area around her towards the mountain at the center of this island lost in... wherever she was.
During the whole of her running there she found no recent traces belonging to any living things, Monsters or otherwise, with the latest traces, excluding the now deceased turtle, was to more than three weeks prior and belonging to Monsters at that, while the latest traces of animal life were more than a month old with traces of insectile life were even older than that, and significantly at that.
She stopped at the foot of the mountain, her imprint involontarily being left in the ground, before stretching lightly, her body while temporarily being comprised of rocks still more than flexible enough to do just that.
Electricity surged briefly around her before shutting off completely to dodge its cumulatively increasing in its cost, her body turning back into flesh to similarly minimize the stress from her [Living Stone Technique] while her Living Weapon was being kept dormant to eliminate the risk it would absorb any of this island's quasi-Qi.
She sat against a tree, resting underneath its shade while eating a snack she brought with her to help recover faster before closing her eyes, faking having fallen asleep to try and invite an attack.
A good twenty minutes later she sighed, ending her impromtu session of meditation on her Qi with no attack on her nor was there any change in the area around her, before standing up at her full two meters height, turning in full towards the mountain and moving forward.
"I hate mountain climbing." Sider complained half-heartedly, her boots stored within her spacial ring, a difficult Artifact to create, sure, but even so the most widespread as their invention was popularized by an Otherworlder long ago with an Unique Skill capable of easily mass production them around four to five centuries ago.
Her skin after all was more than durable enough to deal with the ground underneath her feet between her high Rank, her status as a body-focused Cultivator and her various Skills.
Pebbles were crushed underneath her feet as she started up on her hiking trail, if so it could be called, jumping from rock to rock, her senses especially her Qi one searching incessantly for any particular anomaly in the flow of the fake Qi.
And finally after another ten minutes searching for traces, she was able to find the precise direction it was flowing from, process rendered quite a bit more difficult by the fact that she was actually quite bad at feeling out the ground around her, paradoxically for an Earth Cultivator being better with Lightning than Earth itself, as shown by her use of Thunder Gems in battle and her altering the [Living Stone Technique] to integrate electricity into it to increase her ease of use.
"A Dungeon? No, this is not a Dungeon. It's more similar to a Divine Realm but not exactly." She scowled at the cavern from which the fake-Qi flowed, well acquainted with both of those kind of places, the first where Magicules and Miasma massed together until they created a Dungeon Core, distorting then space until Monsters start to automatically generate within it, while the seconds was a similar type of place as Dungeons however, instead of Magicules and Miasma, Qi is the thing that accumulated until it distorts the laws of physics until it matches the flavour of the Qi until it is exhausted.
The black-haired Werewolf proceded forward, stealthily entering the mouth of the cave, or at least as stealthily as she could be as a two meters tall and very muscular Werewolf-Amazon hybrid that was never properly taught how to fight as a rogue, and finding the air around her to flow wierdly while being strangely heavy and hard to walk through.
Finally she met the first inhabitants of this Dungeon-Divine Realm combination, a group of four Goblins? No, they were certaintly similar to that kind of Monsters but on the inside they were quite different considering how they had a more refined version of the same One-Meridian, biological Qi Circularory System that was being built within the now very dead turtle.
Sider stepped forward, a grave expression on her face, a loose rock being crushed underneath her feet and in so doing alerting the four "Goblins" that hurriedly turned towards her, three immediately taking up spears while the fourth, the one farthest from her turned and ran deeper in.
The Werewolf stepped forward further, her hands opening and closing, before she moved left, dodging the thrust from one of said "Goblins" moving at an unexpected speed considering their E-Rank, leading Sider to raise an eyebrow in surprise before she herself attacked, grabbing it by its face before smashing it into the ground, electricity couring her body before exploding forth, charring it immediately from the inside out, killing it.
Differently from a Dungeon Monster, said Goblin did not start to dissipate at high-speed immediately, instead behaving like a Monster unbound from a Dungeon in remaining stubbornly existent, her gaze moving towards the other two "Goblins" still currently in the room, noting how the other two were now surrounded by an Aura of Miasma, their fake-Qi starting to actively strenghten them instead of passively only.
Another "Goblin" jumped towards her, its Aura concetrating around its spear before it swung rapidly multiple times, sharp shockwaves flying from every single one of its attacks, this still far from enough to let it hit her.
The proper Cultivator observed the way her prey's used its fake-Qi before nodding satisfied, her own Qi moving towards her right hand, before she punched, crushing its heart and most of its chest at once before a sharp shockwave destroyed the rest of its body at once by imitating its attacks.
The black-haired one fully turned towards the last of the Monsters still in the room, her silver eyes meeting its dark gaze, its Aura concentrating around her spear before it thrusted forward towards her own heart, crossing the ten meters between them in an instant.
In response Sider simply moved right while striking the shaft with a left palm strike covered in her own Qi to deflect the attack away from herself before she attacked back, Qi sharpening around her right hand for an instant to create a [Qi Blade] that she used to decapicate the last of the "Goblins".
Lightning-Attribute Mana accumulated around her left hand again before it fell, frying the body of her opponent and decisely ending the fight.
"This Fake-Qi is much less effective than normal Qi at boosting a Cultivator but is probably much easier to create, I suppose. As demonstrated by the fight itself, I guess. Their strenght, even considering how I am a B-Rank Werewolf and they E-Rank Goblins, was way too low to be Cultivators at the same stage as myself, [Foundation Establishment]. However they were way too smart and skilled for what they were. Is it better at enhancing that in respect to power itself? No, I strongly doubt that." Sider sighed, emotionally exhausted. "It's no time to stop, Sider. Let's take care of this as fast as possible."
10/9 13:02 (Autumn, Night, Oceans)
The Leviathan moved, Their body currently composed by water alone attraversing the oceans, lazily hunting for any other Abomination to devour while most of Their attention focused on searching any major irregularity in the Layer of the World They were the Guardian of.
They briefly wondered if this Werewolf would be able to deal with the island, differently from the other four People They previously sent before deciding.
If she also failed, They would call upon support from Their two Siblings and simply erase the whole island, any living thing on it and all of its Energy.
After all it was as good an excuse as any for the Guardians to meet again despite Their different Roles.
In an instant the Guardian of the Middle Layer decided, Their Will expanding over the entire World, before conveying Their message to Their Siblings, casually and instantly doing something that would have left a fully-Incarnated God absolutely exhausted and in their cases needed previous preparations.
Soon after, They recieved Their first, unsurprisingly curt response from Their Sibling whose Role was taking care of the Bottom Layer, the Behemoth, currently busy in a free-for-all with Beasts larger than most manors.
>-["' B : AGREEMENT '"]-<
A couple of seconds later, a significant wait for Beings like them, their other Siblings, the one whose Role was the Protection of the World from external Threats, the Ziz responded too, in a manner not unlike Their usual Self.
The response was not unlike Theirself as of the three They were the most ruthless and most solitary of them, well accustomed to simply erase all possible threats to the World immediately and deeply disliking having to leave Their Topmost Layer, an emotional response caused from when Their past immaturity was taken advantage of by the Lunarians to launch their invasion.
But They knew very well Their Siblings and so Their response was already prepared in advance.
>-["' Z : DISTRACTION '"]-<
This contined for a while, neither of Them willing to cede Their position as the Ziz offered excuse after excuse only for the Leviathan to shatter Them, this process repeating itself various times and as the Leviathan planned from the start, where They would be unable to win…
The Behemoth would for Them, as shown by Their order, bringing an immediate end to Their argument in an instant and accepting no rebuttal as They all were well aware that the Ziz would like to meet Them and was only Their rampant paranoia that fueled Their negations.
>-["' L : AGREEMENT '"]-<
Thanks for reading, comment if you have any thoughts about this chapter and story in general or any suggestion at all.
If you want to read chapters in advance of this and my other story, I have a Patreon.
( patr*eon.com/White_Chaos )
Thanks for the Power Stones to: Slothfulmonk; Austin_Hamilton.
Thanks for the comment to: Slothfulmonk.