
A step at the End of the World "English version"

On going: 09-11-2020 Diseases, death, chaos happen after what would have to be just a shower of stars, accompany and survive together with Jin through the end of the world.

iTeshi · sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 6 "Survivors"

Felice City

That same night, the survivors of the city Felice were thinking about what to do, they had several wounded in their group, the most serious of them was Erik, the father who threw himself against the gangsters to save his daughter

The wound was quite serious, but he was calm for her daughter does not cry ra . When the group talks ended, the new leader introduced himself to the father and daughter .

~ I introduce myself again, my name is Ethan, as I was saying, I need to know how much you can move ~ Ethan was a man in his 30s, his physique was regular, but Erik knew that he was more than what he appeared .

He remembered that when the gangsters died under the attack of the mantises, Ethan was the one who controlled the situation and led them to protect themselves .

~ At the moment I can walk normally, but due to the loss of blood I will not be able to run if we are in danger ~ he said concerned for the safety of his daughter.

~ I understand, in half an hour we will leave the city, on the way we will pass near a pharmacy to see your wound, we will not stay to be food for those insects ~

~ Ethan, I need to ask you to protect my daughter if something happens to me , since I am injured I prefer to stop, even for a moment, the beasts so that they survive ~

Ethan didn't respond to her words, he motioned for her to wait as he headed towards a small room. After a moment the return with two makeshift machetes, the length was about 70 centimeters and they had a handle covered with cloth, Erik could notice that Ethan had ripped a piece of his clothes to prepare the weapon and could only feel grateful to the man in front of him.

~ Take this weapon, although it might not be the best, all help counts for survival, Erik don't die ! Live, so that your daughter does not cry for her father ~ he said wanting the father to give all of him to live.

Feeling touched by Ethan's companionship, Erik could only do everything possible not to be a burden, after a strong handshake they both began to prepare for departure.

The streets were silent, every so often a shadow disappeared between the buildings, it was already midnight when the group left for the outskirts of the city, everyone was very tense, they tried to avoid making noise that could attract unnecessary attention .

Erik and his daughter were in the center of the group since they were the weakest of the group.

Most of the group's weapons were homemade , apart from the two machetes there was a pistol, but nobody wanted to have that responsibility, they knew that with just one shot everyone would die, in the end it was Ethan who took charge of that weapon.

The first stop they had was a family pharmacy, according to a member of the group that pharmacy always had everything necessary to treat wounds and was easily accessible .

If all went well, soon heal ian wound Erik, but arriving they found a surprise. The pharmacy was under a building that collapsed on top of it, the only way to access it was through the roof .

~ I need two people to accompany me ~ Ethan asked looking at his group.

Two people came out in front of the group while chatting with Ethan, they knew they couldn't make too much noise so they planned what to do in case they were chased. In the end, the group stayed guarding the entrance while the others went for the medicines.

Only three people entered the building, they were Ethan, Hector and a 16-year-old named Elyya, each one holding their weapons tightly in their hands. Ethan, before leaving, indicated that if a problem occurred they should take refuge in the building.

Erik, who was one of those who were left out, kept watching the surroundings of the place, he had left his daughter with an older woman, he tried to avoid being distracted so they would not be taken by surprise.

Inside the building, the environment was very dangerous, the floor was sloping and the walls squeaked when they moved, in one of the rooms the water dripped down the walls leaving several wet spots on the floor.

E l group of three advanced carefully, because of the inclination of the construction was complicated fast forward, the most feared of the three was the young Elyya, without looking at the wet ground, the young man tripped and fell in a destroyed room .

~ Are you hurt? ~ Ethan asked when he approached the room.

~ I'm fine, but this place is pretty wet ~ Elyya tried to get up by falling again.

~ Wait a minute ~ Hector said after throwing a rope for Elyya to climb.

C hen Elyya could notice a great brochure up near him, to the lift it saw that it was a map, but seemed understaffed half, he wanted to tell Ethan about it , but was silenced.

~ They think I saw movement further ahead, we will divide into two, you cover me while income from the pharmacy, if they see something strange just to inform me ~

Ethan entered the pharmacy, he was worried about the shadow he saw, but he knew that the faster he found the drugs, the faster it would go.

When he was at the pharmacy found very quickly what came to look, and I take full bag including more things like soaps, sanitary towels and condoms, "must always be safe , " he thought .

When I returned with the duo I noticed that they were hiding from something, when I looked in their direction I noticed red eyes that were looking around, they seemed to have poor eyesight since I looked in their direction and did not notice them .

~ We must go, that thing can't seem to see us ~ Ethan took them out of their bewilderment and told them to leave, he didn't want to try his luck facing an unknown beast.

When the team left, they delivered part of the medicines and gauze to treat Erik's wound, they asked if something had happened during the time they were inside, but the only thing that had happened was that a group of wild dogs passed by fleeing from something.

The girls in charge of curing Erik warned that they were ready and the group started their trip again, Elyya took the opportunity and gave the map to Ethan telling him where he found it, after observing it for a while, Ethan could only sigh and ask.

~ Does anyone know how to interpret a map? ~

After a brief moment of silence Erik came to the front, he knew it was a good time to show that he was not useless and contribute to the team.

~ The map shows part of the exterior of Felice, I think there is a base in that location ~ They remembered that a couple of military bases were under construction.

~ I see, I heard that there were shelters in the other cities, that base must be one of them ~ Ethan said.

~ Too bad half the map is missing, but I think it 's about 5 kilometers outside of town ~

After talking a while, the group decided to go in the direction of the base to seek refuge, if unsuccessful only alienate more of the city looking to try their luck.

Along the way several people peeked out of the buildings, some of them laughed at how foolish they were to walk unprotected through the streets, but others were braver and came out to the front to be allowed to join their group, even though their homes They seemed safe, they knew they would soon run out of food, and they didn't want to starve.

During the night, the only sounds that were heard was the breathing of those who still wanted to live, every so often in the shadows you could see silhouettes that moved investigating the group, among them, one was more restless than the others, it had the shape of a silver wolf, but it had two horns protruding from its head .

Just like the wolf, various beasts wanted to find a moment to grab a prey and retreat, they did not want to stay fighting with others for food, even so, every time they felt it was time to attack, their instincts stopped them.

The wolf stared at the group leaving the city, when one of the shadows could not stand it any longer, it pounced on the last survivor, in less than a second it managed to destroy the throat of its prey and took it to its hiding place .

D ue to the dark of the night no one noticed the loss of one of their peers. After the first attack, the other beasts were more aggressive, no longer paying attention to fear and rushing towards the group .

Erik was one of the first to notice the danger approaching his daughter to protect her with the makeshift machete, after a timely movement he was able to block the attack of what appeared to be a wild boar, cutting off her front legs .

O thers lucked out and were seriously injured, while the fight became more a great red feline intense was launched against the back of Ethan, he could not react and could only see death coming before his eyes, wanting to give a final fight deal to raise his weapon to damage the feline, but it was not necessary, Bang! Elyya fired the gun and a bullet went through the cat's eyes, Ethan didn't realize when Elyya had taken the gun.

The loud shot scared everyone, including the attacking beasts, out of nowhere a large shadow appeared in the sky and extended its claws, no one could notice when it caught two beasts and broke them in half to swallow them, the great bird was a Vulture over 10 meters with outstretched wings .

C hen finished devouring their food, I look up looking for a new dam, several snakes that had not joined the fight decided to flee, each half easily 1 0 meters long, but before those claws were so small.

The Vulture, seeing how its prey escaped, raised its wings and went in pursuit, the other beasts did not want to die and decided to leave the place after taking the two corpses .

Ethan and his group could only sigh and decided to increase their pace to avoid being attacked again, surprisingly they no longer received attacks on their way to the base, but at no point did they trust each other.

After a long walk they could see the shadow of the base, most of them demanded more energy from their bodies and increased their pace to seek shelter, but no matter how much they advanced they could not find any living person .

A lthough the military base looked somewhat desordenad to , there was no trace of fighting or attacks. The group decided to explore the places that were open , the access to some sectors of the base were blocked, but places such as the cafeteria or the residential sector were open .

A ome of them found weapons and some ammunition, too bad only two people in the group knew handle, then finished reviewing the place they decided to prepare a place to rest.

~ Erik, what do you think of the place, did you notice anything strange? ~ Ethan asked Erik, he felt he was a capable enough person to analyze the situation.

~ At the moment, I think everything is fine, although I do n't know what reason the military left the base, I think it's quite safe ~ Erik said while hugging his daughter.

~ I think the same, it will be better to rest , in the morning with daylight we can see the entire base ~

When the rays of the sun began to reveal the military base, it could be seen that it was in a good state, a pity that the same could not be said of the mountains around it, if Erik had had the complete map he would have been scared to death . S ccording to the base map was between two mountains, but no longer existed no trace of them.

Meanwhile, Jin's group started checking the place where they heard the sound at night . R odeando the house found traces of what looked like the trail of several snakes, appeared to be one meter wide, could not imagine the total length of said animal . If they met him head on, the first thing they would do was get away from her while they would think about how to defend themselves.

The group arrived at the thought that the place was no longer safe and they prepared to leave, after uncovering the jeep it had no damage. Taking advantage of the moment, Jin began to check the state of the vehicle, after filling the tank he thought they had enough cans of gasoline to arrive without problems.

That morning they had a light breakfast, as Jin stayed up all night, the teachers were in charge of preparing breakfast, it didn't really take long, they just made milk with toast and some eggs.

Grateful for the care, asked to sleep on the j eep as they continued their journey. Jin got up when it was two in the afternoon and was scared because the vehicle was not moving, nor could he find the teachers in the place.

He looked through his things and found that he was not missing the shotgun, I took the opportunity to load it to go out to look for them, when at that moment they opened the door, they were a bit astonished to see him with the shotgun in his hand.

~ What do you do with that? ~ asked Aria angrily.

~ I thought something had happened to them and I was going to try to look for them ~

Lana blushed and decided to explain a bit.

~ We were doing girlish things, you don't have to worry about anything , you'd better keep resting ~ she said a little worried about her health.

~ I'm feeling better now, I think it would be better for you to rest ~ Seeing Lana's reddish tone, Jin understood why they didn't want to explain themselves, so he just nodded and asked to take the wheel so they could rest a bit.

According to the route and the time they had estimated, they were a day away, the road was quite clear so they did not find anything unusual, from time to time they would find caravans of vehicles moving together, but they did not decide to join them.

According to the information obtained from the caravans, the cities were no longer safe, most of them had been attacked and those that were not only a matter of time .

Lana felt more anxious for her mother and they sped up their journey, even so there was one more day to go .

M hile both Altima, the mother of wool helped his neighbors more elders to come to shelters, she looked exhausted, but had a look strong on his face that revealed his willpower to assist its neighbors, " still remains One day for my daughter to arrive, I have to stay here whatever it may be "he thought and turned to continue assisting the others.

Pending update

iTeshicreators' thoughts