
A Spyce Ninja's Multiversal Journey

Dying and getting reincarnated is something a lot of weebs want. Though, being someone who is a weeb, Faye didn't want that. Yet, that is what she got. Dying during surgery after being pushed down the stair by your brother is not even a good way to go either. Now she was reincarnated as Momo Minamoto, now here she was looking around only to see where she was only to hear a voice ring out in her head. "Welcome to the training world host! Shall we begin your training?" " Eh? EH!? WHAT!?"

YuriNeko · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs


"I'm sorry, we did all we could." A female voice rang out, it was a woman that was dressed in a doctor's attire. The sound of two people crying was heard after the doctor said that.

It was two other women, one woman had pink hair and blue eyes. This is Lilith, the other woman had Black hair and brown eyes, her name is Sienna. They were crying over the death of their adopted daughter, Faye. Faye had Black hair and blue eyes, she looked like she was their biological daughter. Faye was a 15 year old girl who was rushed to the hospital. Next to the two women was a boy with blonde hair and green eyes, this is Faye's brother, he was 18 and still in high school, his name is Daniel. 

It was his fault that his little sister was dead, they had gotten into an argument about her sexuality, which their parents didn't know about, he saw that his boyfriend liked Faye more than a friend. Meanwhile, Faye saw Daniel's boyfriend as a brother, she didn't see him as any more than that. 

Daniel's boyfriend kept trying to talk to Faye, angering his boyfriend and confusing Faye. Instead of confronting his boyfriend, he confronted Faye, who had no idea that her brother's boyfriend had a crush on her. When Faye told her brother her sexuality, lesbian, he didn't believe her. Which led to an altercation that led to Daniel accidently pushing Faye down a flight of stairs. Everything was an accident, he didn't mean to, he felt guilty and ashamed that he let his emotions get the better of him. 

His parents were mad at him at first, they were going to send him to therapy to help with his anger issues. Though, that was before they knew that Faye wasn't going to make it. At first they were livid but they saw that Daniel was going through the same thing as them, he was angry at himself. He knew that he was the reason his own little sister was dead.


Faye groaned as she moved to sit up, she had a major headache. She felt as if she was sitting on grass, which made her confused as the last thing she remembers was getting pushed down a flight of stairs. She opens her eyes and sees that she was in a forest, luckily it was daytime, so she could see around her. 

"What the?" You probably would have expected her to freak out and scream, but there could be predators all over this forest and she doesn't want to draw there attention to her. 

Placing her hand on the ground Faye pushed herself up so she could stand. Once standing her confusion grew a bit more, she felt shorter like a few inches shorter. She knew she stood at 5'5 but now she was like 5'2. Looking down at her hands, she noticed that her skin tone was slightly darker. Looking back up, she walked to a nearby lake that she noticed when she woke up, and looked down into the lake. Her eyes widen in shock.

"W-what the hell?" She mumbled, she looked like Momo Minamoto from Release the Spyce. From the pink hair to the brown eyes, nothing look different from how she looked. She had noticed that her hearing was way better then before, and she could smell things better too. Her eyesight was better too, these were things that Momo had in the show.

Her outfit was the same as Momo's shinobi outfit, that was probably the only thing that Faye didn't like, one she didn't like skirts and two it basically had no armor. Faye was about to speak again but didn't get the chance to. 

"Welcome to the training world Host! Shall we begin your training?" A robotic voice rang out, scaring the ever living shit out of Faye. Looking around Faye saw no one, not even a animal.

Faye:" Was I imagining that?" She questions holding her head while she glances around. Though she was quickly proven wrong when she heard the voice again. It rang through her mind.

"No you weren't host. I am your A.I assistant for your system." The robotic voice made Faye realize what happened to her, she died at some point after she was pushed down the stairs. Then she got reincarnated as Momo Minamoto, she left her family behind. 

Even if she found a way to go back they would think that she was crazy for saying that she was their dead daughter/sister. Faye sighed, before a thought came to mind, she had some of Momo's memories, more specifically her death, Momo was captured and was burned to death. 

"System, who am I? Am I Faye or am I Momo?" Faye wanted to know, and since she read reincarnation stories the system should be able to answer it.

"Well host your name is Momo Minamoto, if you want to check for yourself just say 'status'"

"I see... Thank you. 'Status'" A green screen appeared in front of her and she is slightly surprised by her level, she expected to start out at level one, but she was not disappointed. 



Name: Momo Minamoto

Blood Type: O negative

Age: 15

Species: Human

Titles: None

Level: 5

(All goes up by 5 every time Host levels up)

Strength: 25

Agility: 25

Luck: 25

Intelligence: 20

Endurance: 20]


"Is there anything else that I have system?" Faye wanted to know if it was just this or if there was more. Faye decided to just go by Momo, as that was her ID on the system, and besides the name Faye doesn't really fit her anymore. She was in Momo's body with her strength and muscle memory, so she knew how to use certain weapons. Though she wonder some things about this body.

"Yes, there is host, there is inventory, store, gifts, and quests, more will be added when you reach certain levels." The voice made Momo slightly happy, she was a little worried, though there was something that bugged Momo.

"What is gifts system?" She asked, crossing her arms, she was still thinking about how her family felt now that she is dead. She shakes her head with a sigh, there was no reason to think about it anymore. 

"Gifts are things that are given to you by the gods that reincarnated you here, that can give gifts anytime that want. You have 5 gifts right now, would you like to open them?"

Momo thought about it before looking around, there were a lot of dangers in a forest. So if she gets a weapon out of one of the gifts she should be a little bit safer. " Yes open the gifts please." Faye answers with a smile.

"Opening gifts...

Congratulations you have got:

-Minato's Kunais

-Anbu Outfit

-Steel Katana

-Book to unlocked chakra

- Kakashi's Mask"

"Woah! I wasn't expecting that!" All the things she got was really good, she was expecting to get less special things, besides chakra is really powerful and useful. "How do I equip these things?" 

"Say inventory and click on the things you want to use, then it will pop into existence. You will have to put on the Anbu outfit and Kakashi's mask like you would regular clothes." The system says causing Momo to flinch, at least there was no one anywhere to see her change as this was a training world.

"Inventory." Momo says causing the screen to open up once more showing her inventory, she clicked on all the gifts she got, causing their icons to disappear from her inventory. A bright light soon blinded Momo as she closed her eyes and used her hand to block the light. 

Once the bright light died down Momo opened her eyes, seeing the gifts now in front of her on the grass. The screen in front of Momo vanished into particles as she walked to the gifts she got. Grabbing the Anbu outfit and Kakashi mask, she decided to change into them first, to get it over with.


Once Momo was finished putting on the outfit she nodded in approval, it actually had armor to protect her. It even came with a Anbu mask, also it was really comfortable and fit her perfectly. 


She glanced at the chakra book and grabbed it, sitting down to read it. Momo decided to start training by unlocking her chakra. She started to read the book but her system interrupted her.

"Host, once you unlock your chakra I will summon people to train you." 

"I-I see, thank you for telling me." She hoped the system didn't summon any trainers like Goku, I mean she is a ninja and she would like to stick to that!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I surprisingly didn't have much difficulties figuring out the prologue.

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