
A spetznaz detachment in another world

We found ourselves outside of reality. We weren't in earth anymore. We were sent by the G.R.U the investigate an anomaly in space time. We were part of a division inside the Russian G.R.U called the anomaly department. We investigate and study dangerous anomalies that can harm the motherland so we could make counter measures for them. Can we go back or should we be worried? I asked my comrades as they go around screaming, and panicking as the anomaly disappeared. Well shit.... Writer: If you enjoy this please follow or leave a star on the chapters. it really helps me a lot. Note I am the only one that makes this chapters and don't be worried if I'm late on my schedule. Also the source of the pictures seen here are from creator night cafes. They are a site that makes A.I generated art for free. Thanks please enjoy this story about a spetznaz detachment in another world as they find a way back to their world.

ComradeoftheGRU · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: unexpected visitors

" " Terran language

* * Actions, sound effects, or sign language interpretations.

Yeshua Volkov's POV.

I brought out the AN/PRC-77's, and the generators. Thankfully I remembered to bring them, and fuel them up. Knowing what happened to the fuel to the transports this baby wouldn't run out of fuel so no need to worry. The problem was the noise pollution, and maintenance. Sooner or later we'll get tinnitus due to the loud humming of the generators or the generator will break down. I carried the PRC-77's back to the temporary headquarters, and left it there to bring back the generators, a few essential medical equipment, and power outlets. We had flashlights with us, and just for safety reasons I brought defibrillators, and a few essential medical equipment. Just encase someone needs medical attention. It happened a couple of times. Well to say a couple would be an understatement. Since most of the people here are unknowing conscripts/75% trained half baked spec ops soldiers of the temporal anomaly division that was either recommended that didn't know what they were joining, or decided to join us. Either way multiple people suffered from heart attacks in the middle of battle either due to stress, too much natural adrenaline pumping through the heart, or either they were tired and got too emotional after a battle then got a heart attack after the battle, and a few thousand people maybe over 6,890 people died due to lack of medical treatment in the battlefield in our history. Estimates produce over 234 battlefield deaths per year. We've got new conscripts yearly. Thanks to the n.a.t.o partnership, and the recent temporal anomaly attack in Alaska N.A.T.O gave us a few volunteers to combat these threats. Yearly more, and more temporal anomalies pop up all over the world. In northern Siberia, parts of Norway, parts of Sweden, parts of Denmark, parts of Germany, parts of America, parts of Africa, the middle east, etc. Due to this a partnership was stuck between the N.A.T.O and the temporal anomaly division. It only started a few months ago. This partnership is at it's best a mutual one. Usually we get people mocking us for being Russians and mocking our government for it's unconventional ways like every city has autonomy, and everyone can vote, or suggest laws that can benefit everyone. Everyone gets to vote for laws, and suggest them not just the bureaucrats. We've taken some inspiration from anarchism and made a decentralized government, and a borderless state. So anyone who wants to enter Russia can enter Russia. We help refugees, sent dirtbags who've destroyed lives on the modernized version of the gulag system (Where the worst of the worst are forced to do labour/create sweets or bake for 4 hours a day for selling to fund children hospitals, live lives with luxuries like tv, computers, etc, and pretty much can steer their lives back from turmoil. It was made to make an example of those who wronged others. Some one wanted to stay while some others only committed crimes because in their original countries they were dirt poor and decided to Travel here to break laws to get away from debt, and make their lives easier.), and where there is no such thing as debt. Essentially making the imf useless in our country since we have an economic system based around services, goods, investments, and most people don't tolerate debt/banned debt here because it's too unethical to put people in debt because we've seen what happened to people who've risked their financial futures for just a piece of paper from prestigious universities that got them nothing, and made their lives worse by putting themselves in heavy debts that they can't pay out.

Anyways I set up the medical equipment into the temporary medical tent for the medics, and the physicians to use encase someone got hurt or needed medical attention.

A few days later.....

The men are currently doing live exercises like capture the flag, search and rescue, and medical exercises.

Suddenly in the distance we saw some sort of floating ships.

"What the fuck?"

"Does this world have any semblance of physics?"

Said the Captain

I spat out my coffee while seeing floating warships that looked like ships from the exploration era from the 15th century.

We waited if it wasn't hostile and after a few minutes it got near and noticed us. The people inside the ship started to paradrop down their parachutes are engraved with some sort is sigil. The men looked stunned at the level of absurdness they were seeing. The men started to question their sanity. This was absurd beyond absurd.

We let the men land, and they started to surround us with spears, and swords. The men put their weapons in semi auto and pointed their weapons in the incoming hostiles.

I fired off a warning shot and some of the hostiles flinched due to the loudness of a gunshot. You can effectively get hearing damage if you don't have proper hearing protection.

"Lower your weapons or we will fire again. Lower them or face the consequences. Lower them or the ship gets an RPG-7 rocket into its hull."

"Men ready the RPG-7."

I said with scorn in my voice.

"*Incoherent language*"

We didn't understand that but the refugees of the village came into our aid and decided to be our interpreters. We used sign language to talk with some of the villagers and created a cease fire.

*We are the 3rd airborne regiment of the kriegsgebeutelt Reich. We have been at war with nature, and other nations since our enseption. We have received reports of an unknown force invaded our territory, and stealing our people. Are you the ones who invaded our territory?*

Said their commanding officer interpreted by one of the villagers. it took them 15 minutes to interpret that.

*We are not an invading force but a force for good. We are research expedition that is researching what's inside those portal that appear in our world. We are trying to find results to stop the anomalies/portals from appearing from our world or find something of relevance to help our civilization improve.*

They seemed shocked when they interpreted the word portal. They seem to know about it. Maybe they know something we don't.

*Do you like to make an agreement?*

I asked the commanding officer of the possible hostiles.

*What kind of agreement?*

*A mutual defense agreement, and technology and services agreement.*

*Why do you think that we can trust you?*

*Well we don't think you can trust us but both of us know that the monsters that attacked this village will attack other villages. Those monster's are a threat to your existence. Am I right? What if we can give you an edge against them?*

*Hah! You think arrows will interest us?! We have magic a much more superior weapon than anything you can give us.*

Magic? So all logic has been thrown out of the perverbial window?

I sighed and looked at the captain.

I came near to the captain and asked them if we can trade them modern medicine.

"Yes if we can."

I came back to the commanding officer of the potential hostiles or from what they call themselves the 3rd airborne regiment of the kriegsgebeutelt Reich.

*What if we can give a cure to diseases?*

He looked at me with some sort of zealous face.

*Go on I'm listening.*

*A cure to plagues that put too much water in your lungs the thing that allows you to breath or perhaps a cure for extreme excretion or extreme "Shitting".*

*Maybe I'm gonna think this one through.*

Said the commanding officer of the 3rd airborne regiment of the kriegsgebeutelt Reich.

To be continued....