
A spetznaz detachment in another world

We found ourselves outside of reality. We weren't in earth anymore. We were sent by the G.R.U the investigate an anomaly in space time. We were part of a division inside the Russian G.R.U called the anomaly department. We investigate and study dangerous anomalies that can harm the motherland so we could make counter measures for them. Can we go back or should we be worried? I asked my comrades as they go around screaming, and panicking as the anomaly disappeared. Well shit.... Writer: If you enjoy this please follow or leave a star on the chapters. it really helps me a lot. Note I am the only one that makes this chapters and don't be worried if I'm late on my schedule. Also the source of the pictures seen here are from creator night cafes. They are a site that makes A.I generated art for free. Thanks please enjoy this story about a spetznaz detachment in another world as they find a way back to their world.

ComradeoftheGRU · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: A troubling event

Yeshua volkov's POV.

"Well shit..."

I said as I checked if I still had some left over MRE's.

"Damnit! I knew we shouldn't have entered that anomaly!"

Said one of my comrades by the name of Ivan Pavlov. Some were already screaming for their babushka's like children when something isn't going their way. Although we had trained with mental fortitude we were in a quite a rough situation. We had no idea where we are or how can we get back to the motherland. Some were already panicking while some are getting counselling from the onsite phycologists.

"Don't worry comrades! We will find our way back! From this unknown reality we now live in! I know, I know. Some of you want to go back home immediately. But... ask yourselves this! We don't know how to come back but what if can find another way back! Back to the motherland! Maybe we can find something with great importance here and bring it back to the motherland. We will be treated as heroes, visionaries, and adventurers! If we ever go back to the homeland. Now get yourselves shit together and let's find a way to escape from this reality we found ourselves in!"

Said the charismatic leader Captain Alexander Mikhailov.

Some of my comrades stopped their screeching/screaming and started cheering. Some were stunned at how the captain was acting in this time. Honestly he was better than me with leading. He was like a charismatic leader that won the hearts of his soldiers while I the lieutenant just sat there doing the paperwork, doing logistics, making tactics, etc. Sure I am the lieutenant I shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff but we still need to plan logistics just encase of a fight to get reinforcements or supplies to the frontlines. He was more charismatic than me, and I let him do the speeches to boost morale. At least I'm not stuck giving endless speeches. I was the man that everyone counted on for tactics. I was one of the six tacticians in the detachment.

We checked the BTR 80's and a few transport trucks we brought with us and saw we had MRE's and water to last us over 50 days and ammo to last us over 70 days if we use it right. Suspiciously the BTR's fuel tanks were full. Huh? We drove over 6 kilometers with this thing and yet it's fuel tanks are full? Well lucky us I guess.

You must be asking yourselves how did we got into this mess in the first place?

Well that is what I'm going to tell you.

We are a part of a division of the G.R.U called the anomaly department. We study, and eliminate hostile or very dangerous temporal anomalies. We also develop teleportation technology but the tech is basically a barely functioning prototype that uses up so many energy that we typically need to drain 4 nuclear reactors or more to fire one up and teleport 500 people, 60 vehicles, etc they are so costly to use that we rarely use them, and need specialized equipment to use said prototype. These temporal anomalies are typically made from what's known as the god particles. They are basically particles that can bend reality itself or what the extremely dummies call magicules or magical particles because they seem magical to their eyes. We typically use those particles to create holes through space and time. We discovered our first anomaly back in the times when the USSR was still in its glory. In 1974. These anomalies typically bring with them destructive beings with them so we clean them up by killing them by either small arms fire, usage of military vehicles, missiles or even if it comes to it nukes, and burning their corpses. if we don't they usually turn into undead creatures that is very very hard to kill unless you have a tank, a flame thrower, or if you have liquid hydrogen to freeze these things up just to punch them and crumble into ice.

The first ones happened in Sarov or arzamas-16 one of the hidden cities in the USSR created by the KGB. The creatures that appeared on the first temporal anomaly were hulking abominations of green creatures filled with unknown viruses and diseases. We defeated them and later got an outbreak of one of the diseases, and later found a cure to the disease. Thus our predecessors the komitet vremennykh anomaliy or the committee of temporal anomalies created by the secretary general of the committee of state security with funding from the state to combat these threats. One day our unlucky asses got dragged into this assignment to investigate a temporal anomalies, and be one of the first to enter the temporal anomalies. We were greenlighted to do this mission due to our new naive, and unknowing overseers or as we call them the overseer council because they are a council of a few people dictating the fate of the motherland. And we followed those orders. And eventually got stuck in this hell hole inside some cave in the middle of who knows where. We were called detachment Alpha 3. The loyalists. We were the most loyal detachments of the overseers and we're trusted to keep the researchers safe. We didn't even thought that this would ever happen. We were naive to accept this.

Anyways we checked if everybody was okay. Some of the onsite medics and doctors who were with us in this expedition checked every one from diseases and found none.

We packed ourselves up and told everyone to ride in the transport vehicles to find a new place to build a temporary forward operating base.

Engines roared to life as the vehicles started.

"Now the true adventure begins. We will face hardships, losses, and so many adversities but know this comrades. We will survive and come back to the homeland! We will get through this together! We are the hope of the motherland! We will not fall!"

Said the captain.

We all hop in the transports and start moving.

We will comeback to the motherland.

To be continued...

Author: Hello there reader. I am the author of this story. I will explain the timeline of the universe.

1974: The first temporal anomaly every recorded

1975: The start of the Committee of temporal anomalies.

1986: The Chernobyl anomaly

1989: The fall of the Berlin wall

1991: The fall of the Soviet union and the creation of the GRU

1992: The start of the G.R.U anomaly department

1992: The start of the overseer council

1993: Borris Yeltsin gets impeached

1994: The Election of president Nikita Parlov

2000: Prime minister of Russia Vladimir Putin gets charged with corruption charges and gets a life time in prison in a maximum security prison

2001: The election of president Igor Petrov

2006: The election of a dictator

2007: The second Russian civil war

2008: The battle of saint Petersburg

2008: The battle of Stalingrad

2009: The battle for moscow and the victors of the civil war are the democratic socialists.

2010: The start of the socialist democracy of Russia

2010: A new president is announced

2012: The Taliban does a terror attack in saint Petersburg killing 600 civilians.

2013: Russia joins the Afghanistan war in the American side.

2016: A new president is elected

2017: Russia becomes a part of NATO

2019: Russia nukes an underground city complex. Killing 10,000 terrorists but causing nuclear radiation to spread towards china.

2022: The expedition into an anomaly.