
Punching the V-Card

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 12: Punching the V-Card

"Remind me what this has to do with my training again?" I drawl as I put my brush against the canvas, glancing at where my Aunt is sat staring at me with a slight smirk.

We spent some time practising dancing before she stopped it, which led to this.

"Yennefer was smart to make you take up one of the arts, being talented, and more importantly well known, for one of the more... cultured skills will give you a lot of leeway in your actions. It is the difference between being weird, and simply being eccentric. A lord who is... as insular as you are by nature will be seen as a strange longer, however if you gain a reputation for both your art and magical talent, then you will simply be an eccentric genius, and one of those is far better viewed than the other. I've seen some of your work at your Manor, and you certainly have a gift, a rare one as most painting are done by magic alone." Narcissa explains simply as I continue painting.

"Hm, the magically painted ones are... subpar." I say after a moment, switching brushes as I dip it into the enchanted paint.

"Indeed they are, and yet they are also far more common due to how easily they can be made. In Britain there are only two nobles I know of that paint, yourself and Iris von Everec, there are more on the continent, but the nobles of Britain have grown... lazy." Narcissa says scornfully. "Most are unable of even dressing without magic and three house-elves, they won't put in the years of practice to learn an art, and as such your willingness to put the effort in will set you apart from the rest." Narcissa explains. "Iris is talented, but she paints mostly landscapes and doesn't take commissions. It is a hobby for her, and her family are rather anti-social. Neither she nor her husband has been seen at events in... three years? Or was it four? Regardless, Olgierd makes the occasional appearance at the Wizengamot, and that is all that is seen of them."

Interesting... the von Everec are a mildly minor house, and yet Narcissa knows so much about them? She's just a treasure trove of information about the various noble houses, and one I want to fully exploit.

"Wasn't Olgierd a war hero of sorts during the war? A... German wizard, whose family moved to Britain... just before the war with Grindelwald?" I ask, frowning in thought.

"Indeed, Olgierd is an excellent duellist, but he is not suited for leading his house. A cultured and intelligent man, but he prefers fights he can solve with violence rather than words. He thrived during the war, then all but vanished afterwards." Narcissa agrees.

"Hm." I say, letting the conversation die off so I can focus on my painting.

Ever since I became a demon, painting has come far more... naturally to me, I was always good but now my brush practically dances across the canvas.

It doesn't take me long to have finished my painting of her, it's a fairly large canvas but I paint incredibly fast, without reducing the quality.

"Oh my..." Narcissa says as she stands up and walks towards me, looking at the painted version of her. "You have improved considerably from the painting I saw at Raum Manor." she says, running her hand down my arm.

She has been doing that a lot, constant small touches as we danced, and the way she 'accidentally' placed my hand just a bit to low, giving me a handful of her firm buttocks, not saying a word when I left it there.

"I do believe I will be finding a prime location in Malfoy Manor for this, I can already hear the jealous noblewomen." Narcissa says, amusement in her tone. "I have been told you have something else to do today, and I didn't think you would be able to finish your painting in a single sitting... I would advise slowing down if you do commissions to make it seem like it is more effort, don't make it look too easy. Tonight there will be a ball at the Malfoy Manor, and if you are finished with your task beforehand, it will make a good event for you to introduce yourself to your fellow nobles."

"After barely an hour of dance training?" I ask, amused. She just wants to solidify the connection between the Raum-Black's and the Malfoy's in the eyes of the nobles of Britain, and Yen would never attend a ball held by Lucius.

"Indeed, to my surprise you are a natural at this, I feared you would be lacking in the more physical arts much like many young intellectual geniuses, but it appears my fears were unfounded. As my nephew, you would have an excuse to simply make an appearance, fashionably late, of course, introduce yourself, dance with me once or twice and leave whenever you wished without it seeming an insult. The rules are slightly different when it is family holding the event." Narcissa explained.

...attending would be a good excuse for why I left Hogwarts, enough to keep anyone from paying attention well enough.

But I'm also tired, even with the sleep supplement, and it took me a while to realise why.

I'm a fucking idiot, that's why.

When I felt tired from repeatedly doing the enslavement ritual, I should have held off luring Poppy in, my body was trying to warn me, and I didn't listen.

When I enslave someone, I flood their body with my magic... and my magic doesn't just return after the ritual is over, and to enslave them, my magic has to overpower their own.

I could handle the three civilians easily because they were all very weak, or a literal child, but Poppy had quite a lot more than the others even though her magic is fairly weak (something common in Healers since weak magic is easier to control, and control is everything in healing), so I had to basically exhaust my demonic mana pool to beat her, and then quite a lot of my human mana. If Poppy was stronger... well, I got lucky. Four rituals in a row was a dangerous mistake and it could have cost me if my magic failed before I finished capturing her.

It's coming back, slowly, but I cannot risk trying to do the ritual with anyone stronger, there is a chance it could fail, leaving me exhausted and vulnerable. I do still think I can go for Trelawney, but I need to pick my targets carefully until I have a lot more magic. I also don't know how Occlumency works with the ritual, as Poppy isn't a practitioner of the mind arts due to a personal lack of talent in them.

Using my eyes is starting to hurt, a dull throbbing sensation, a sign of my demonic mana pools running out, and I doubt I could even summon my hellfire at the moment... or if I summoned it, I doubt I could force it to obey me.

"If I have time and am not too tired, I may attend for a time." I say calmly, I can sleep tonight instead. Anything that lowers suspicion takes priority.

"The House Malfoy would be honoured by your presence, Heir Black." Narcissa says formally, another light touch on my chest as she smiles at me. "The ball will continue into the small hours of the morning, so time should not be a problem. If anything being late should give enough time for your painting to impress the vapid noblewomen who usually attend these things, before the artist appears."

"As I said, if I have time and my... family business does not leave me too tired." I say simply, unwilling to confirm or deny anything, watching as her smile falls slightly before she puts it back in place.

"Of course, Gray." Narcissa says, moving close and wrapping me in a tight hug, my head pulled into her breasts. Returning the hug, I place my hand in the exact same place she put it earlier, right on her ass as I give it the lightest squeeze.

It's completely inappropriate, no matter how you look at it, pawing at my married aunts behind is the actions of a pervert, not the gentleman she is supposed to be helping me become, and I spot a hint of annoyance in her eyes as I look up at her.

"Out of curiosity, Aunt Narcissa... do you think I'm not aware of how my presence would benefit Uncle Lucius?" I ask, watching her eyes widen. "I may not be used to balls, but I do understand politics... this ball is to gather support for his newest legislation, in the hopes of turning around his... repeated failures, and my presence would imply that the Raum-Black House approves, something that would corner my mother as we would look two-faced if she then got in his way as she often does." I point out, watching her pale.

Lucius's new legislation is a... minor tax increase on imports if I recall correctly, nothing major or even anything that supports the Pureblood Agenda, he's just trying something simple to get a win on record since all his attempts so far have ended in failure thanks to Yen. It's nothing that I would even mind supporting.

But I do not like her attempts to use me.

"It would still-" Narcissa starts quickly before she stops, seeing the unamused look in my eyes.

"I believe mother made it clear that you were not to try and use me for your families politics during these lessons, and the consequences of trying to do so?" I drawl, my hand still on her ass as she goes quiet. "I may still make an appearance at your little event, but do not think that this attempt at manipulating me has gone unnoticed, or has been forgiven. I am the Heir, the future Lord, of your house, I am your superior in every way that matters.

We will discuss how you will be apologising for your attempts soon enough, but I have a prior engagement to attend to." I say, giving her ass a harsh squeeze before I let go and move back.

"I... thank you for your mercy, Heir Black." Narcissa says, her normally sultry tone tinged with shock and worry. She overextended and underestimated me... like mother, like daughter.

"It isn't mercy, it's a stay of execution until we can decide how you will be apologising." I say bluntly. "You are an arrogant woman with an entirely too high opinion of your own talents, and my family would be better off with you kicked from it, but I believe I can still find some use for you."

I don't even have Pride as a sin, but my mother's bratty little sister thinking she can manipulate me is just offensive.

"Now, you will leave and go to your little ball, but before that there is something I want you to do for me." I say, making her straighten up. "Remove your dress."

I have a plan for this.

She goes to speak, before the same sly look appears in her eyes, thinking of how she can salvage this error as she calmly undoes her dress, letting it fall from her shoulders and gather around her feet.

Her underwear is rather fetching, a matching black silk bra and thong with transparent sections, hinting while not showing anything. This is the kind of underwear you wear if you are expecting it to be seen. The bra barely holds in her large breasts as she sticks her chest out slightly.

"I shouldn't be surprised, you are a teen boy after all... is this satisfactory?" Narcissa asks, putting on a look of amused exasperation. Her amused smirk doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"No. Keep going." I order, making her roll her eyes as she reaches back and undoes her bra, dropping it to the ground as her breasts bounce free, milky white skin topped with cute pink nipples.

Turning around, she bends over slightly, her ass sticking towards me as it devours the string of her thong as she hooks her thumbs into her the waistband of her panties, slowly pulling them down and revealing the enticing slit and rosebud hidden beneath them.

Turning back around, she poses slightly with no shame at her nakedness.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Grayson? Gazing at your Aunt's naked body, using your power over me to disgrace me, to force me to show you what should only be seen by my husband?" Narcissa asks as I step forwards.

Instead of molesting her as she clearly expects, I simply reach down and take her underwear, pocketing them.

"I am, but this has a point to it. Tonight, you will not wear any underwear for the ball." I order, watching her eyes go wide. "If I do attend, I will be checking that you obeyed... and you will be spending the night... apologising to me, however I desire. Is that clear?" I ask sternly, enjoying the way the older woman meets my stare, before looking away submissively.

"It is, my Lord." Narcissa agrees, her tone submissive and quiet. She's an excellent actress, taking on whichever role she thinks best suits the moment.

Yen taught me to be able to pick up the small hints that remain, the slight anger in her eyes. I was raised to be hard to manipulate.

"Excellent, now put your dress on and get out of my sight." I deadpan, watching her quickly dress.

"Then I will be seeing you soon, my Lord? Either tonight or in two days time?" she asks, testing the waters.

"You will."

She shouldn't be calling me 'My Lord' yet, I'm still just the Heir, but I don't mind her failed attempts to flatter me.

I can see her relief, and something tells me she is thankful for more than just saving her family... she's a Lodge member after all, and that means she is working on orders from one of Yen and Triss's... associates.

Yen is cautious of some of them, and if she of all people is cautious, I'm sure as fuck cautious as well. It's no wonder Narcissa seems afraid to fail them.

- Later -

Heading through the visitors Floo, I step out at the Raum family manor, Keira beside me as she gives me a smile.

"Right... I need to get changed and finish the last second preparations. Be right back." Keira says quickly, a hint of nerves in her tone as she leans forwards and gives me a light kiss before heading off into the Manor, in the direction of her bedroom.

"Grayson." Yen says, drawing my attention to her.

"Mother." I say back, getting a slight smile. Well, a smirk but that's the closest that Yen gets to smiling.

"I've already prepared the ritual room beneath the manor, the wards are already up, and everything is prepared." Yen says from her chair, making me smile slightly.

"How efficient of you." I compliment, taking a seat opposite her.

"More importantly, how was Narcissa? Was she as idiotic as I expected her to be?" Yen asks bluntly, making me chuckle.

"Yes, she was. She tried manipulating me into attending Lucius's little gathering tonight, wording it as if she was doing me some favour. I put her back in her place, though I'm considering attending briefly anyway." I admit making her hum to herself in thought.

"It would serve as a reason why you had to leave school, would you like me to give Lucius a pass this time?" Yen asks, making me raise my eyebrow. "You are the Heir now, these are decisions you will be making yourself in a few years. Lucius is a political creature, and while I hate him, I don't mind letting him get a few wins in. I have other ways to deal with him if he becomes a problem after all. You are the head of the family now, even if it isn't unofficial yet." Yen says simply. "Though, as a warning... Philippa Eilhart will be attending, likely to press Narcissa for details about you, be careful around her, she is one of the few Sorcereress better at manipulating people than I am." she says in amusement.

"I'll decide after the ritual, I don't know how tired I will be after all." I say making her nod.

"Your magical reserves... both of them, are low. Thankfully it won't affect the ritual. Practising your new powers?" Yen asks.

"Something like that, I turned some of the Hogsmeade villagers into my slaves, and Poppy Pompfrey. It was more tiring than expected, and when the adrenaline wore off my tiredness made itself known." I admit, making her eyebrow raise.

"...I offered to become one of your sworn followers if you gained another one and proved yourself, and it appears you have won that wager." Yen says simply, smirking slightly. "Victory is yours, Gray... and as am I."

"Excellent... though I have to admit I don't think I have enough demonic magic left to imbue a contract." I admit making her nod.

"There is no rush, now... Lucius?" Yen asks, making me pause.

"Don't get involved this time, either way. We will see how he acts after his legislation either passes or is denied without our interference. If he can be dealt with, then he could be useful, if not... deal with him and make sure he never becomes a problem." I order, watching her smirk grow wicked. "Also, Barty Crouch Jr has taken the place of our defence teacher, a Leshen sitting in the place I want to make my lair, and there's a worshipper of Da Ji within the students." I inform her, making her grow serious.

"Do you require any assistance?"

"No, not yet at least. I can't hide behind your skirts forever." I say with a smirk.

"I don't wear skirts." Yen deadpans back, making me chuckle as I look over her, wearing nothing but a long black silk dressing gown. I know from years of experience that she isn't wearing anything beneath it, she's never had much shame and I think all four of the Raum children have seen her in various states of undress over the years.

It's less that she's trying to look sexy, though she is absolutely does, and more that she doesn't see the point of wearing a lot around the private and heavily warded house.

It isn't that unusual to see her reading in the lounge or eating, completely naked.

"I'm ready." Keira says, drawing my attention as my eyes widen slightly at her new look, her school robes switched for an incredibly sheer white robe, almost completely transparent doing nothing to hide her nakedness beneath it.

"Really, Keira?" Yen asks in amusement.

"If I am to be a virgin sacrifice to a demon, I should look my best." Keira says without shame as Yen rises.

"Where did you even... wait, never mind I recognise that seamstress, it's where I get my own gowns." Yen says with an approving nod. "Follow me, you two haven't seen the ritual room before, I normally keep it under the Fidelius Charm." Yen says as she walks out of the room.

Pausing for a moment, I take Keira's hand in my own, watching as she blushes slightly at the contact.

"Given the ritual you have devised, I would expect you to be able to handle something so utterly degenerate as Handholding." Yen quips playfully making Keira blush harder, looking away even as our fingers intertwine.

Heading into a small section of the basement I didn't know existed, I take in the room with a look of appreciation.

It's very bland, all stone walls and floors with no decoration, but that's what a ritual room should look like. Much to my demonic approval, the Seal of Raum is already placed on the cold floor in preparation, along with candles and chalk circles.

"Right... Gray, undress... then go stand in the circle. This ritual has three parts, and the first is supposed to represent my willing submission to you." Keira says quickly, her face burning slightly as I remove my robes, walking into the circle.

Responding to my presence, the flickering candles start to burn purple, the same colour of my hellfire, giving the room a deep purple glow as I stand in the middle of it.

"I will remain just outside the circle, everything should go fine, but I will not take chances with two of my children." Yen says as she moves to the corner of the room. "But the ritual is meant for two, so I cannot enter unless I need to stop the entire thing."

"Now then... the submission." Keira says, entering the circle herself, walking towards me before she drops to her knees before me. "Don't do anything, this has to be all me." she warns, one hand wrapping around my shaft as she slowly strokes it, leaning forwards and parting her lips as she engulfs the bulbous head of my throbbing shaft, staring up at me with love-filled green eyes as she starts to slowly bob.

Normally I'd stroke her hair, or take over and start fucking her face... but this time I simply stand still, hands behind my back to lessen the temptation to touch her beautiful blonde hair as she pleasures me.

"Don't hold it in, this time." Yen advises from the corner of the room, making me glance her way, raising my eyebrow at her discarded gown, her hand gently groping her breast.

Turning away from the admittedly enticing sight, even as one hand makes its way lower, I smile down at Keira. She deserves my full attention right now, even if the light moans coming from the corner of the room are certainly helping me reach my climax.

As Keira's tongue gently swirls around the head of my shaft, I take Yen's advise and don't hold it in, letting my release build quickly as I groan slightly, seeing pride and amusement in Keira's eyes as she speeds up her ministrations.

I normally pride myself in lasting long, but right now it's better to just let go and so I do, groaning in pleasure as my balls start to churn in her soft fingers.

As I cum, her eyebrows furrow in concentration, her throat constantly swallowing as she tries not to spill a single drop, it's more cute than sexy with how utterly serious she looks, and the adorable pout on her lips as she finally has to accept defeat, pulling back and getting the last couple of ropes across her pert breasts, above the gown.

I can't help but notice the way the candles all started dancing as I came, the brightness of the room growing more intense.

"Damn it all, I was sure I could handle it." Keira said with a frown.

"Swallowing takes practice, don't expect to be able to take a load as big as Gray's on your first time... lust demon indeed." Yen chuckles as Keira stands up, leaving the cum on her breasts. "Lay down, on your back. The sacrifice of virginities is next." Keira says quickly. "Again, I need to be the one to do it as an act of worship towards you."

"Got it, just lay down?" I ask as I move onto my back, the cold stone uncomfortable as she slips her cum covered gown off, tossing it out of the circle.

"Yes, this has to be a willing sacrifice, and if you are the one to... penetrate me, it could mess it up. I need to be the one to impale myself. Once my hymen breaks, you can move again." Keira says, moving over me and falling to her knees as she grasps my still hard and wet shaft, lining herself up.

Speaking again, Latin leaves her mouth, and while I can't quite translate it all, I do get a few words... Raum, Sacrifice, God.

Finishing her chant, she practically slams herself down onto my shaft, a hiss of pain leaving her as my shaft pierces through her hymen, a slither of blood leaking from her as she braces herself against my chest.

I've never had proper sex before... and Pussies definitely feel different than a mouth or hand. Mouths are enjoyable, they are warm and wet, and the tongue moving against my shaft feels wonderful... but they can't compete to the sheer tightness of a virgin pussy. The way she is clamping down on me is insane, her inner muscle practically squeezing my shaft as it tries to draw out my climax.

"Y-you can move now... congrats, Gray, you've officially lost the V-card." Keira says with a smug look on her face, the pain fading as she starts to move, slowly, gently riding me as my hands come to her ass. "Take that Morrigan." she mutters as she moves, smirking to herself.

After being so passive last time, I can't bring myself to sit back and just enjoy her warm tightness as she bounces, grabbing her I spin us over, so she is beneath me with a smirk, kissing her roughly as I take over and start to thrust.

Wrapping her arms around me, her fingernails dig into my back, scratching me slightly as I speed up, pounding her into the cold stone floor. With each thrust, she tightens down, trying to stop me from pulling out.

Keira moans in pain at first, but the pain quickly fades to pleasure as she whimpers, her kiss becoming hungry and desperate as I pound away. If this is what sex feels like... well, a lot of girls are going to be without their virginities by the time I graduate Hogwarts.

I can here Yen's moans in the distance, but the only ones that matter are Keira's, a beautiful sound completely overwhelming my own occasional grunts.

Hammering away into my sisters tight quim, it doesn't take me long before I feel my balls start to churn again, preparing to flood Keira's womb with my seed.

Clearly, my movements had to give something away as her eyes shot open, staring into mine as she breaks the kiss.

"I-Inside, do it inside." Keira orders, her legs wrapping around my waist. "I'll take a potion for it tomorrow." she says quickly, kissing me again before I can reply.

Well, I've never had a problem satisfying Keira's demands, she is my favourite after all...

Slamming into her, I groan as I let go, balls deep inside her as I cum, my seed flooding into her inner channels, painting her insides white as she practically screams into my mouth.

- Keira -

She'd like to see Morrigan act smug about going to the forest with Gray now... she was the one to take his virginity, to give him her own, and she was the first person he creampied as she came around his invading shaft.

Now... as the candles flared up, purple mist filling the room... it was time for the third and final act.

The submission, the sacrifice... and this one was the one where he had to do all the hard work.

Panting to herself, a sore but pleasant feeling in her no longer virgin cunt as she rolled them over and pulled herself off him, feeling a burst of warmth at the smile on his face.

It wasn't the fake smile he used, or the smirk he inherited from their mother, but a gentle soft smile, it was one he very rarely actually showed to other people, and she was almost always that person.

"Last act of the ritual... I need you to trust me." Keira said as she stared into Gray's eyes, helping him to his feet. "The domination, this has to be all you... and it is going to hurt me." she admitted.

It wasn't the pain she was dreading, but making Gray hurt her, but this act would ensure all the power went to him instead of getting spread around.

"...Keira, what have you done?" Gray asked, worry for her in his tone.

"Too late to stop now, I need you to fuck me, anal specifically... and I need you to be as rough as possible." Keira said, moving onto her hands and knees, looking over her shoulder at him. "We can't stop mid-ritual, and I can take it. Pull my hair, spank me, and fuck me as hard as you can." Keira said, her eyes flickering to the flickering candles. "Now, Gray!"

"We will be talking about this later." Gray half-growled as he moved behind her, his shaft resting between her buttocks, making her lips twitch.

She'd set off his wrath, that might actually help.

"You want to punish me? Do it." Keira said, pushing her ass back towards him.

Without another word, he reached forwards, his slender fingers threading through her hair before he grasped them, yanking her head back. Lining himself up, she tried to prepare herself for the imminent pain as he spread her ass-checks, the tip of his shaft pressing against her rosebud.

She'd cleaned herself in preparation of this.

She utterly failed as he thrust forwards, and a half-scream left her as he bottomed out inside her in a single movement, slamming his entire dick into her ass, the fat shaft splitting her backdoor in two.


"You chose this." Gray whispered into her ear, before he used his grip on her head to force her face against the cold stone, pulling back until only his tip remained inside her for a moment, before he slammed back into her. "I've dreamed off doing this to Morrigan, but you? This doesn't bring me any pleasure." Gray said as he started rutting into her.

That made one of them... even now she could feel herself growing wetter. She had always known she had an... unusual fetish, and nothing made her wet more than pain.

Even as his hips slammed into her ass, pounding into her again and again, she could feel the pain fading and pleasure slowly building up. She shouldn't enjoy this, not when Gray wasn't.

Or at least, he wasn't enjoying doing it, even as his thrusts sped up, grunts leaving him as her tight ass drew him towards the climax, he was definitely enjoying her tightness, enjoying being the first, and hopefully only, man to take her final hole.

Leaning forwards, he kissed her shoulder lightly, and as she went to warn him... bit down, a yelp of pain leaving her as his teeth broke her smooth skin, blood leaking down onto the floor.

Looking back into his eyes, she saw only anger as he took her.

His thrusts had grown downright savage, and a part of her wondered if this was what being raped felt like, the utter disregard for her body as he used her for his pleasure, the loving little brother was gone now, only the demon she had sacrificed herself to, and nothing she could do would stop this defilement.

Even her mother was looking at them with concern, her own masturbating stopped as she watched them closely, her wand held loosely in her hand.

She... liked it. She was helpless to stop the brother who always spoiled her from simply taking her, she was just here for his pleasure... and she loved it.

Moaning, she saw the anger fade to surprise for a moment, before it changed again to exasperation. She wasn't her mother, she was nowhere near as good are reading people... except for Gray. Gray she could read better than anyone else.

His fucking became even harder, demonic strength behind each thrust, and to her shame, her moans grew to match, her climax approaching faster than his own.

On the bright side, the uncomfortable look in his eyes had also faded, no longer worried about hurting her as he started to smirk again, enjoying himself now that he realised she was getting off on the abuse.

She knew the pain was going to get worse when he finished, but she had no plans on telling him that until it was far too late. Gray had a weakness, and that weakness was her. He wasn't willing to hurt her seriously, it was flattering but inconvenient for the ritual.

As much as she wanted to move her hips back to meet his, she didn't, for the same reason Gray couldn't guide her head as she orally worshipped him, and instead she simply placed her face back against the cold stone and moaned as he took her.

Her own climax hit first, and as she let out a scream of pleasure, she tightened down on him once more, hearing his surprisingly deep grunt as he slammed back into her, sheathing his dick to the hilt as the hot, sticky (and surprisingly tasty) seed flooded her intestines.

She knew it was coming, but she could do nothing to stop the second scream at the sudden burning sensation on her right buttocks, the pain in her voice making him pull out of her quickly, looking down at her smoking ass with confused and concerned eyes.

Working out how to make the ritual brand her had been difficult, but branding was the ultimate sign of domination, that she belonged to him... and with it, all the power of the ritual, changed up and waiting in the circle, flooded his body as she smirked tiredly, pain coursing through her body.

"Keira... why would you..." Gray started, his eyes on the brand, the seal of Raum which was carved into the floor.

"B-because you needed the power." Keira replied simply, smiling as the circle faded, its job done.

- Gray -

I have never met anyone half as stubborn as my sister.

Morrigan and Yen have nothing on Keira, and when she sets her mind to it nothing, not even my control over her, will make her change her mind.

If she wants to brand herself as a slave, to benefit me, then she will. Fuck what I think, fuck what everyone else thinks. If she wants to do something, you can't stop her. Yen couldn't talk her out of it, and was even convinced to not tell me.

Cuddling her, I stroke her hair as we lay on her bed.

"You have places to be... a ball, right?" Keira points out, having been cuddling against me for the better part of an hour.

"Fuck the ball, I need to be here." I say making her chuckle, rolling her eyes.

"I'm not a baby, Gray. Go, attend your ball, play the little lordling like you need to. I'm just going to go to sleep anyway." Keira says, moving away and pushing me lightly away with a smirk.

"...I do love you, Keira." I say, giving her a kiss.

"Naturally, who wouldn't?" Keira replies with a smirk. "I love you too... now get going, and stop feeling so bad. I did this, and I don't regret it."

As I said, nothing can change her mind when she decides something, and after a few more kisses I get out of bed and leave her to it.

First things first... my grimoire.

Demonic Mana Regeneration – Very Slow

Demonic Mana Reserves – Far Above Average

Demonic Mana Power – Good

Demonic Traits

Magical Control – Unnaturally Good

Magical Regeneration - Slow

Magical Reserves – Above Average

Magical Power – Average

Magical Traits

Demonic Mana Control – Very Good

Keira really is the best, and after years of being so far below average... I'm average. Add in my control and skills, and I should be able to handle almost all of my year, except the strongest like Rose.

What does gather my attention is a new section...

Demon Lord Domains

Lord of the Arts

That... explains a lot, and leaves me with more questions. Am I not a lesser demon? That's what the grimoire claims.

My Art Proficiency has jumped to Grandmaster level, and it certainly explains my ease at drawing, but what triggered it?

Also... 'Arts', not 'Art'. Something to look into. It would help explain how I am already an Apprentice at dance.

How can I have a Demon Lord Domain, when I'm not a Demon Lord? My race is still registered as Lesser Demon. There's something I am missing, and I don't think bothering Lucifer and Maze, the only other demons I know, will be a good idea.

Either way... I have a ball to attend. I don't plan to stick around too long, but Lucius is either going to be an enemy or an asset, so I can offer him an olive branch this time.

If he rejects it, I can offer him release from all his worldly troubles instead.

- Narcissa -

She had made a stupid mistake, overextending her reach on her first meeting with Grayson.

She had thought it was going well enough for her to get a minor victory in, one that would benefit Lucius's enough for him to be convinced of the benefit of this plan.

She should have waited longer, used a neutral ball as Grayson's first introduction, instead she made a reckless mistake and endangered everything.

If Gray wasn't a lust demon, she might very well have been kicked out of the family by now. Instead, she would simply have to try and turn things around and use her new position to ensure he forgot all about her little lapse in judgement. Men tended to get attached to what they stuck their dicks into, and if she played it right, she would be connected to pleasure in his mind, thinking fondly of her and the ways she could pleasure him.

It wasn't ideal, but it would have to do.

"Well?" Philippa said immediately, not bothering with niceties. "Tell me about him." she ordered bluntly.

Normally, a guest giving orders to a host during a party she was holding would be an immense insult, but she had grown used to Philippa's personality and understood her position.

Philippa had been the one to recruit her into the Lodge, and she was one of the highest-ranking members, so the power balance here was clear. She'd also seen the much more powerful woman put up a privacy ward with a casual wave of her hand so they wouldn't be interrupted.

"Grayson is... as smart as his reputation suggests, and he is more confident than I expected. I expected him to be shyer due to years of being the weakest of his family... but he is remarkably self-assured. He is also as lustful as you said he would be." Narcissa admitted. "He is also very... observant, I attempted to manipulate him, and he caught on immediately, calling me out on it."

"Then you're a fool, he was raised by Yennefer, and while I don't like her, even I will admit that she is an excellent Sorcereress, and one very good at manipulating people. She trained him to be able to spot and resist manipulations from birth..." Philippa said bluntly making her frown.

"Were the Lodge not planning on controlling him?" Narcissa asked.

"We were... clearly Yennefer had a change of heart, which explains why she has spent so many years keeping us away from her son. Our plans will have to change, but we still have need of a Demon Lord whether Yennefer likes it or not." Philippa said, frowning as she stared right through her.

Blindfolded or not, Philippa was an intimidating woman, and one who could probably crush half the people in this room without breaking a sweat. The other half she might have to try for.

"What do you wish for me to do?" Narcissa asked, making her scoff.

"Stay close to him, I believe he has already started his cult, and the Lodge requires someone on the inside. Yennefer and Triss are emotionally compromised, and cannot be counted on, and I believe Yennefer warned him of Margarita's membership so she will have a hard time getting into his trusts. For now, you are our best option, do whatever you need to do to gain his trusts." Philippa ordered, making her nod.

She had used the Lodge's connections to great benefit for her family, but there was a downside to every deal, and this was hers as she had to follow the orders of the council if she didn't want to find those same connections turned against her.

"And if he discovers I am spying on him?" Narcissa asked.

"Then you are a bigger fool than I thought, and will no longer be worthy of membership." Philippa said, not a hint of pity in her tone. That was pretty much what she expected from the other woman.

The Lodge was an elite group, and for lesser members like her, messing up was enough for you to be tossed out and everything you'd managed to achieve with the vast resources to be ruined.

"I'm glad you understand. Now, if you'll excuse me I have spent enough time amongst fools for one night." Philippa said, turning and walking away without another word.

Putting her polite hostess smile back in place. Most of the guests here were just regulars, Lords and Ladies of the darker houses, most of which Lucius had made allies off during the war, at least the ones who had avoided Azkaban, either through connections or simply by not being actual death eaters, simply supporting Voldemort from the shadows instead.

However, there were a few that were new to the Malfoy's ballroom, and one that was far more important than anyone else.

"Lady Henrietta, how are you enjoying yourself?" Narcissa asked as she approached the French noble and her remarkably quiet lady in waiting... Vivienne- something? The beautiful blonde had barely said a word as she stuck by her lady's side.

It had taken... a lot to get one of the most powerful people in France to come to their ball, both the Malfoy connections in their original homeland, those that hadn't been burnt when Lucius's ancestor fled the French Revolution, and some of her Lodge connections.

Lucius's proposal stood to make both governments a fair amount of money, and as such getting the support of the French Government was just as important as getting her own... and if it failed, Lucius would look like a fool to two countries.

It was why she had taken the chance to invite Gray.

..It was strange speaking to such a powerful noblewoman without any underwear, the cold air occasionally getting under her dress. She'd had to replace her other dress with a far more modest, and more importantly thick as to stop her nipples from showing up.

"Hm, well enough. I suppose Lord Malfoy must still have some of his French Roots to be able to pull off an event as passable as this one, and my compliments to your chef." Duchess Anna Henrietta said in slightly accented English, her lips twitching slightly. "It's still got that... gaudiness that all British events have though."

Hiring a famous French chef had cost a lot, but it was worth it if it helped her rebuild the connections in France that the Malfoy's once had. Their influence in France was... fairly weak at the moment.

"Though, if may ask... this portrait? Who is the artist?" Anna asked, making her look over at the wall, the large painting of herself staring back down at it. "I know every good magical artist in Europe, most of the ones elsewhere as well... but I cannot place the art-style... nor the signature."

She'd gotten dozens of compliments for her portrait so far, and as she said she would, she had made sure to use it to boost Gray's reputation.

"Ah, that is a very recent piece. It was finished earlier today, in fact. I'm not surprised even such a renown art lover such as you can't place it, as the artist is not famous, nor has he done any other paintings that would be displayed where they could be seen despite his skill." Narcissa said with a smile, drawing her attention away from the painting.

"Oh? I have worse paintings on display in my palace, it seems a waste of talent for such an artist to go unknown." Anna said, more to herself than to anyone else.

"Hm, I wouldn't call it a waste of talent. My nephew is still in school after all, and he doesn't have time to paint all day, he takes his studies very seriously after all, near the top of his year every year." Narcissa said, watching Anna's mouth fall slightly in shock.

She could use this.

"The Artist is Grayson Raum-Black, the Heir of the Raum-Black Noble Houses and my fourteen-year-old nephew, he painted it for me as thanks for assisting him with some etiquette training." Narcissa said calmly, not quite boasting.

She knew little about art, usually just deciding by the price-tag which one was best to be put on display, but Anna Henrietta was a well-known patron of the arts.

"He is a teen? Has he been painting for long?" Anna asked after a moment, looking back at the painting.

"Hmm, I believe he started when he was nine, though I heard he stopped for his first couple of years in Hogwarts so he could focus on his schooling." Narcissa said, pausing to try and remember what she had found out about him.

Getting information from Yennefer was difficult at best.

"Five years... at the most?" Anna said to herself.

As she went to reply, something caught her eye.

Watching Gray walk into the ballroom like he owned the place, a look of casual boredom on his face, filled her with a mixture of different emotions, happiness that this meant that Yen wouldn't be able to stop their plans for expanding into France, and a feeling of annoyance as she remembered his words to her.

It was lucky then that she had followed his orders, naked beneath her dress as his eyes locked onto hers.

"My apologies, Duchess Henrietta... I need to greet my nephew." Narcissa said quickly with a small courtesy, making the French woman's eyes move over to Gray, curiosity filling them.

"Of course, I'm sure we can speak later." Anna said calmly, not even looking in her direction.

Heading across the room quickly, she made a note of how many people were staring at Grayson, curious what brought a teenager to the ball, or to be more specific a teenager, alone.

"You came." Narcissa said simply, looking over him with a nod. She could see Yen's touch in his black and white robes.

"For a while, I don't intend to stay long." Grayson replied, looking at her with the slightest hint of a smirk.

"Hook your arm through mine, I need to introduce you to the various guests." Narcissa said, taking his arm.

"Fine, but I intend to make sure you have been an obedient girl soon." Gray warned her, smiling calmly as she led him around the room.

She had to give him credit where it was due, he did know how to deal with upper-class society as he immediately fell into the role of the perfect Heir, greeting every single Lord and lady she introduced him to with ease.

She could also see him filing away every name as she said them, a hint of

"Lady Greengrass? I wasn't aware you would be attending." Gray said politely as they reached the beautiful white-haired noble.

"And I wasn't aware you would be joining us either." Anastasia said calmly, looking at her future son in law. "I was invited by Narcissa, we have some... mutual friends, and Lucius's little proposal affects my businesses." Anastasia explained.

The Greengrass family were very powerful, simply because they had a fortune bigger than the Malfoy's... and they didn't have the negative reputation the Malfoy's unfortunately possessed from the war, which gave her far more options to deal with the 'good guys'. That meant she couldn't be ignored, even without her daughter marrying into her family.

"It's about time I joined the high society, I am the Heir of two very powerful families after all. I can't hide away forever." Gray said easily, smiling at her lightly.

"I see, and how are you and Daphne getting along?" Anastasia asked, making him smile in amusement.

"We are... getting along? We've moved into the marriage suite, and we are making progress... slowly. She is trying to make this work, in her own way. I do believe I will be taking you up on your previous offer though." Gray said calmly, making Narcissa frown slightly as she looked between them.

Problems with the engagement?

Anastasia had a mixture of relief and... shame on her face?


"Of course, you are always welcome in Greengrass Manor." Anastasia said calmly, with just a hint of embarrassment.

Apparently Gray had a thing for older women...

- Gray -

These things are frankly boring, and while it is interesting to put faces to the many names I already knew, there is little to do here other than wander around with Narcissa being introduced to what seems like half the Wizengamot.

I'd be more interested if it wasn't for the fact that my eyes are hurting from overuse. Sure, my reserves have been permanently increased... but they didn't magically fill by themselves.

Still, I know better than to do anything to irritate my future coworkers, and play the part of inexperienced Heir well, I can practically see the plotting in some of their eyes as they hope to take advantage of my inexperience, but Narcissa doesn't let any of them get me for any real-time, simply introducing me than moving on.

I'm sure it will be worse next time, when she doesn't have the excuse of introducing me to more people to pull me away.

Even still, I've been asked about my opinion on Lucius's proposal no less than seven times, remaining mostly neutral each time.

"Ah, the young artist himself." A French accent says, drawing my attention to a beautiful woman with dirty blonde hair dressed in a golden dress, far more elaborate than anyone else's, another beautiful golden blonde haired girl standing beside her.

"Artist? I've painted approximately five proper paintings so far." I deadpan, making her lips twitch. "I'm not sure we have met.. though you clearly know a bit about me."

"Duchess Anna Henrietta, one of the two most powerful nobles of France." the younger woman said, staring me down.

"Vivienne, please. As she said, I am Duchess Anna Henrietta, please forgive my handmaiden, she gets defensive at anything she sees as disrespect." the Duchess says calmly as my eyes widen ever so slightly as she offers her hand, palm down.

Taking it, I place a light kiss on it without any hesitation.

"My apologies, Duchess. I am Heir Grayson Raum-Black, it's a pleasure to meet you." I say smoothly, I figured there would be some foreigners here due to the multiple countries that would be affected by Lucius's proposal.

"I'm sure it is, now... the painting of your Aunt, you painted it? Yourself, with no magic or assistance?" Anna says, and out of the corner of my eyes, I spot Vivienne rolling her eyes slightly at Anna's insistent tone.

"I did. It's a hobby I picked up when I was younger." I admit with a shrug.

"Hm. Soon an associate of mine, Lady Orianna, will be hosting an event to celebrate the arts, you should attend and see how to really hold a party, why it's practically our national hobby." Anna says with a slight smirk. "I shall have an invite sent to you, I do hope you will attend."

"It certainly sounds interesting, my Lady, I'd be happy to attend." I say, watching her smirk grow.

"Excellent. I have a portrait of myself in my palace that makes my nose look too big and my buttocks too small, but the artist was too well-connected for me to set my beagles on him, but I want it replaced. A portrait by a rising star taking its place will do just fine." Anna says smugly.

"If that is what her Ladyship wishes..." I say with a shrug after a moment, making her beam at me.

"Wonderful, you will be well compensated for your time, be assured of that. I am no beggar, unwilling or unable to pay those I commission." Anna says calmly. "I will mail you soon enough, but for now I will let you get back to your rounds."

"I'll look forwards to it, Lady Henrietta." I say, giving her a slight bow.

"You handled that fairly well, I was concerned when she approached you, and I couldn't pull myself away from Fudge without being rude." Narcissa admits.

"She is nice enough." I say calmly.

"She's one of the most ruthless nobles I've ever met." Narcissa deadpans.

"Well, she was nice to me." I correct. "Either way, I grow weary of all these greetings... why don't you give me a tour of the Manor? I've heard so much about it from Lyra." I say, watching her eyes narrow slightly.

"As the Hostess, I can't be missing for too long." Narcissa says after a moment, making me smile coldly.

"Mother has asked me my opinion on whether she should get involved in the next Wizengamot meeting, wouldn't it be useful for you and Uncle Lucius if she abstained?" I offer, watching her eyes widen. "Now, are you sure you can't make some time to show me around?" I ask calmly.

- Bonus Scene – Poorly Worded Wishes -

As Rose went to speak, she froze in place, causing Severus to pause, his wand in his hand at the unnatural way she stood, mouth open to speak even as she stood perfectly still.

It took him a moment to realise that the dew she was adding to her potion had also frozen, a single drop frozen in the air, the clock on his wall still.

Glancing around the room rapidly, he frowned as he saw... nothing.

A quick diagnosis charm on Rose returned no result, his spell simply failing to produce any result, before his wand itself had vanished from his hand.

"I'm curious, is it guilt or affection that drives you to give Miss Potter so many extra lessons?" a voice said, right behind him as he jumped, spinning around before he froze, staring at the bald man, calmly watching him with amused eyes. "Or is it lust? She looks just like her mother, does she not?" Gaunter asked in amusement.

"You- What do you want? Haven't you done enough?" Severus asked, not deigning to respond to the accusation from the inhuman being. He knew better than to try and attack it, even as he spotted his wand in its pocket.

"Ah, you do remember me? Wonderful." Gaunter said simply. "And whatever do you mean? We have a contract, and it is time for you to fulfil your end of it."

"Fulfil... you took everything from me." Severus said, his face flooding with anger. "You tricked me, cheat-" he continued, before the words died in his mouth, the look in Gaunter's eyes growing less... amused.

"No, your poorly worded... and drunken wish did that. I gave you exactly what you asked for, no more, no less. I am many, many things, but a cheat is not one of them. You wished, and I quote... 'I just want Lily to be as far away from Potter as possible.' End quote." Gaunter said simply. "And she is, James Potter died a warriors death defending his kin, and as he followed his ancestor's religion, even passively, he was taken to Valhalla, to feast and revel until Ragnarök comes. Lily however, is in Hell and Rose Potter is on Earth. I would say they are all as far away from each other as you wanted." Gaunter said happily.

"I was drunk and ranting, I thought you were just another drinker." Severus said angrily. It had been the night he had heard that Lily, his precious Lily, had given birth to the spawn of Potter, and he hadn't taken it well.

"And yet, you agreed to the contract all the same. One favour, to be called in whenever I wish, in exchange for separating Lily from 'Potter'... and I'm here to collect." Gaunter said, smiling.

"You expect me to-"

"I expect you to keep your word, and there is nothing that angers me more than someone who tries to weasel out of paying their dues... but really? What makes you think you have a choice?"

Authors Note: And Gray is no longer a virgin, happy now?

Ugh, this chapter was supposed to include Narcissa's scene. 

Also, I'm back at work now, and I'm working basically every day this week. I don't think it will affect uploads, but I promise nothing. They've only brought back half the staff, so two people are covering the shifts of four, that means I'm going to be busy. 

There's now a discord for my stories, after a year of putting it off until someone did all the work and made one for me... discord .gg/ k3jTZB9 

Someone asked if I had a pat reon, so I made one, check it out, or don't. I won't be posting anything on there that I don't post here

www. Pat reon .com/user?u=13212571 

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts