
A Song Of Ice And Fire: The Winter Monarch

Long before the Long Night, long before the First Men reached the continent Westeros, one of the Others, broke away from the control of the Great Other. He lives a long life as there are none that can kill him, so he wanders the planet to find his purpose, other than the eradication all the living beings from the face of the world.

BokutoKotaroAce · Bücher und Literatur
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[Conditions Met! Calculating Rewards!]


[Granting Reward For Completion Of A Legend!

Reward: Black Winter Heart

Granting Reward For Unlocking Your Previous Lives Memories Without Any External Help!

Reward: Rune Magic

Granting Reward For Reincarnating Once!

Reward: Shapeshifting

Granting Reward For Reincarnating Twice!

Reward: All Speak

You Can Live Your New Life As You Want Without Any Restriction!]

"GASP!" A humanoid being covered in jagged ice took in deep breath and looked around frantically.

All it could see was never ending land of snow and ice. Closing it's eye, the humanoid ice muttered out "In my first life my name was Edward Frost, I was a normal language teacher and a part time blacksmith, I died while protecting my students from a school shooter, hope they are okay. In my second life I died as Robert Drake also known as Iceman, when I was melted after being injected with cellular napalm by Nimrod. Now, I'm in my third life, and I have no idea where I am. But from the looks of my hand, I look like one of the Frost Giants from the Norse Mythology."

Squinting his eyes, the man observed his hand, and suddenly it started to change into human hand from an ice monster hand. Nodding his head, the man thought to himself 'Yeah, I have some gifts in this life. But it's better not to change my form into that of a human in this place.'

Returning his hand back to the ice form, Edward looked around and sensed the most coldest place around him. Turning to his back side, he thought 'That's the North. So I should go South from here. I don't want to stay here any longer as I feel like I got free from someone's control.'

Deciding on his route, Edward started to walk to the South. On his way he couldn't see anything but ice field covering the ground. Shaking his head at the scenery, he started to think about the rewards he had received 'Black Winter Heart, produces it's own mana, create and control Winter, shadow reanimation. Rune Magic, I can use other type of magic through the runes. Shapeshifting, I can change into any living being I have seen before and I have a base human form that mirrors my Others form. All Speak, I can speak, read, understand any kind of language, even the dead languages. With these, I won't have a problem in living in this world. But, am I immortal? If I am then it will suck. Unless I find someone or something that will keep me going, I may even kill myself after two hundred years or so.'

As he was thinking all of this, he traveled great distance from his initial position, and he was unaware of it. At some point, he started to play with making things using ice that he can create. Ice swords, spears, hammers, axe, knife, tridents, shields, armor etc., ideas started to form in his head to what to do with his new found powers.

Time passed by and after walking a long distance he reached a place that showed signs of plants. Observing his surroundings with mana as a radar, Edward made sure that there were no one near him that could see him, so closing his eyes he started to morph into black peregrine falcon using his shapeshifting power.

Getting a feel of his wings, Edward took off from the ground at an amazing speed. Edward started to observe the land as he was high up in the air, and started to see forest some distance away from his position. To know more about the place that he have wound up he started to fly towards where the forest is located.

After flying for some time, he started to see people walking around and makeshift huts that could house ten to fifteen people. Finding something amiss in his observation, he started to look more closer and what he found surprised him 'That's not humans, they're giants! They're at least ten feet tall, so they have to be giants. But, if I am in some kind of prehistoric world then they might be humans before their evolution. For now, let's just memorize their location.'

From the village of the giants, Edward went further south and when he reached another forest he started to pick up something through his mana detection method. Diving down to the forest to know what he detected, Edward preached over a tree and started to observe the forest with his eyes.

A couple of minutes later, he started to see some child like entities with green skin and makeshift cloths made from green leaves. From further observation, Edward concluded that those were not cloths but part of their body, which intrigued Edward as he remembered something similar that he had read in his first life 'Those guys looks like the Children of the Forest in the A Song Of Ice And Fire. And if they are what I think they are, then those people I saw before are giants and I would be the one of the Others also White Walkers. That explains the shadow reanimation skill from the Black Winter Heart, I thought I got it thanks to me being an Omega Level Mutant in my second life, but I think that me being a White Walker in this life played a major role in getting the Black Winter Heart. Do I get to store them like the Shadow Monarch or is it just use and throw method? I have no idea, I'll have to look into it later. For now, I should morph into something else like a predator, or else the giants may shoot me down to eat me, I don't want that.'

Observing for a bit more, he found a tiger like entity that had black fur and white stripes 'Shadow Cat' He muttered and flying down from the tree, he morphed into a shadow cat. As soon as he touched the ground with all his four legs, he started to run further south to see if there are any human settlements present in this land.

After a half a days travel, he reached a pond that was clear as a mirror. As he was drinking some water, he felt his stomach rumble as he was hungry. Shaking his head, he dived into the pond without a second thought and went the depths of the pond. A couple of seconds later, he found a large fish, and without wasting any time he went after it with an amazing speed. Within a short amount of time, he caught that fish and pulled it along with him to the surface. Placing it on the shore of the pond after making sure that it was dead, he opened his maw to eat the fish. But he stopped and thought to himself 'Wait a minute! Weren't there a rule about warging? Do not eat flesh while warging an animal. I am not warging, but I don't want to taste raw meat in anyway. I better change into my human form.'

Looking around and seeing that there were no one near him and that there were no weirwood trees near him, he started to morph into his human form with some tunic cloths. Walking over to the pond, he observed his facial features 'White hair, blue-grey eyes, white facial hair, handsome face, normal ears and teeth. Looks good, this must be my base human form, and I like it very much. Now, to get some food.'

"First, I will have to remove the scales and guts from it. For that I need a knife." As he said that he extended his hand and started to create a knife using ice creation, one of his skills.

Taking the fish in his hand, he started to clean it water then started to remove it's scales from it. After the scales were removed, he sliced open it's underbelly and removed the guts from it, then he started to clean the inside of the fish with some water. Then he removed the flesh from the bone of the fish and set it aside. As he didn't like the fish head, he threw it back into the pond. With the bones and flesh separated, he started to cut the flesh into to small pieces. 

With the prep work done, he took a flat stone from the shore and cleaned it with water. Making a sharp pen like object with the ice, he started to engrave some words on it. After he finished engraving them, he said to himself "It was a good decision to study about nordic runes as a hobby and the reward All Speak also helped me to write this down. Now, all I need to do is give the runes some mana."

As he applied some mana into the runes, those runes glowed in red and started to heat up the stone. "Since it's at optimal temperature for cooking, I should start frying them." Saying so, Edward started to place the sliced up fish on the stone.

After some time, the smell of fried fish started to rise. Taking a piece of it with his hand, he placed it in his mouth and started chew on it without any delay. While eating the fried fish, he thought 'No salt and seasoning, bland fish. But it will make my hunger go away, so there is no problem with that.'

When he finished eating the fish, he took the rune engraved stone in his hand and was thinking what to do. Right then, he saw two child like figure in the distance, and cursed in his head for not noticing two Children of the Forest watching him. 'Well there goes my incognito mode, I will have to act like I am the first human that came here from a far away place. That is if there are no humans present here at this time.'

{Bark! There is some strange creature at the pond. And it is looking at us!} One of the children said, and Edward understood it clearly.

{I can see that. So shut up. We have to inform the chief.} Bark said, and that too was understood by Edward.

'Thank you, whoever you are to rewarding me with the All Speak.' Raising his hand, Edward said in the language of the children {Hello, my name is Edward. Do you know where this is?}

{Root! It spoke our tongue!} Bark shouted out as he heard Edward speak in their tongue.

{I heard it too! Is it one of us?} Root asked.

{I don't know. We should ask the chief.} Saying that to Root, Bark looked at Edward and shouted out {You stay here, we will bring our chief with us! He will answer your questions, and you will answer his!}

{Alright, I will wait here for your return. Safe travels.} As soon as Edward said that, Root and Bark ran away from their spot into the forest.

Looking at their retreating backs, Edward thought to himself 'I wanted to find some humans first, but this is good too. I think.'