
A Song For A Summer's Night

[R18: Completed] Two people, the CEO of an Entertainment company, Song Luli, and Long Jie, the successor of a conglomerate, are entangled together in a web of power, high society, and calculating schemes—and what do they need to do to survive it? A marriage pact to bind them together. Both are bound to duty, responsibility, and their families, and neither cares about love. But what happens when they both mutually respect and admire each other’s work? What happens when they cannot deny their physical attraction for long? Will their feelings develop profoundly, or will they maintain a platonic business relationship? Disclaimer: This novel is RESTRICTED to 18+ only due to Mature themes such as DETAILED SEX SCENES, COARSE LANGUAGE, AND FIGHT SCENES. THERE IS NO RAPE. ... Synopsis: Song Luli is a sharp-tongued, bold, and reserved young woman who unexpectedly becomes the new successor of her father's company—Song Entertainment—right after her older sister abruptly disinherits herself. Song Luli, now the heiress of a large company, soon receives word that Song Entertainment is crumbling in the business world. To secure her position, she must marry Long Jie, a wickedly handsome heir of a conglomerate, who is bound to duty and responsibility. Long Jie is a handsome, ruthless, and calculative young man who destroys careers or makes them, and he is known to be frigid by rejecting every offer for a suitable match. But he picks Song Luli. On the terms of marriage, they agreed to never fall in love, to never think about the possibility as they dedicate their time towards their jobs and families. Marriage benefited both of them for the sake of power and to survive the turmoils of High Society. Watch as the budding romance blooms between two stubborn and cynical individuals who share more in common than they want to admit, learning more about what it means to be married, and battle the power struggles that they face, together. Meanwhile... Song Luli's cousin Su Xiang is an aspiring doctor devoted to her job and inheriting the legacy her mother built. She is the heiress of Song Pharmaceuticals, one of the largest medicinal companies in the country. But when her older adoptive brother returns from four years of Medical school, she must confront the blooming feelings she harbours for him. ... Tags: #Arranged Marriage, #Romance, #Forbidden Romance, #Crime Drama, #Mystery, #Plot Twists, #Underworld *There are a few love stories interwoven in the plot that comes together in the end to unravel a devastating truth.* - No prolonged misunderstandings - No sexual assault Discord: https://discord.gg/nBT8jWj ... Art, not mine, will be removed at request. Credit to the artist!

TheRedQueen · Urban
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147 Chs

First Official Date? (1)

Song Luli decorated a new office for Lan Shufen, officially welcoming him as a full-time member of Song Entertainment. 

She officially introduced him to the other employees, overwhelming Lan Shufen with socializing people other than her. When Lan Shufen finally settled in his office space, Song Luli assigned him to look for new talent, assigning interviews for her. 

Song Luli then said to him, "See you tomorrow!" 

"Eh? You're leaving so soon? " he responded.

"Yes. I have to get home early," Song Luli replied. 

Lan Shufen blew a bubble from the gum he chewed and popped it against his mouth. "What are your plans for tonight?" he asked her, genuinely curious. 

Song Luli narrowed her eyes. "I...am just going home."

Lan Shufen eye's widened. "Oh...OH," he trailed off awkwardly. "Enjoy your night, then," he said with a smile. 

Song Luli tried not to look embarrassed. She was going home to see Long Jie, who was also going to finish work early. They both had planned to take a night off during a weekday since the weekends have been piling up for them, and work had gone busier. 

She waved at Lan Shufen before leaving his office.

Song Luli then unlocked her car, hopping in, driving home. Her palms began to sweat, and she couldn't tell why she felt nervous. She lived with Long Jie already, and it was like every other day, and yet it was different. She had been feeling shy and conscious of him lately, which was both frightening and satisfying. She was finally going out with him on a date like any ordinary couple. 

Song Luli arrived home, finding Long Jie in their bedroom. Her eyes gaped at the stark nakedness and casualness of him. He had little reaction of her walking in as he continued to put on his briefs and pants. Song Luli glanced away, and then she caught herself reacting differently than she should. It was not like it was the first time seeing him naked.

But then again, the lights were bright, and the lines and contours of his body appeared to be more—

Long Jie let out a short laugh as he buckled his belt. He then walked towards her as she stood frozen at the doorframe. He lifted a hand, brushing her cheek fleetingly with his fingers. She couldn't look at his face or meet his eyes, so she stared at his bare chest, at the ink etched in his skin. 

Song Luli never imagined that she would reach this point, since she was so adamant about opening up again, refusing to do it for so long. But Long Jie was with her, returning the same feelings she felt, not seeming to have any cruel intentions. 

Long Jie raised her chin to face him, using his index finger. He wore a grin. "Make sure you bring spare clothing, something comfortable." 

Song Luli raised a questioning brow. "Where are we going?" she asked. 

"You'll see," he answered before turning around to put on a casual dress shirt. 

Song Luli decided not to question him any longer.

She then stepped into the closet, changing and placing some spare clothing in a bag. She packed a pair of black tights, a shirt, underwear, and a sports bra. 

After she finished, Long Jie had placed a gym bag over his shoulder and said, "Let's go." 

She followed him to the car, and he drove them to a fitness centre. Song Luli's mouth hung open at the massiveness of it. Indoors, people were working out, lifting, or running on treadmills. Long Jie led her down the stairs, into a room with boxing rings. 

Song Luli continued to follow Long Jie, and as he passed by, men greeted him, patting him on the back. Song Luli gazed around the entire gym in awe. 

"Luli," he called. 

Song Luli fought her daze, catching up to him. He then directed her to the women's changeroom, and she changed into the spare clothes and shoes she brought. She also put her hair into a simple braid. 

Afterward, she met with Long Jie, who had changed as well, leading her towards a freestanding punching bag. "I want you to do some cardio kickboxing," he said. 

Song Luli stared at him, "Why?" 

"It will help you pick up some self-defence skills," he told her. 

Song Luli grinned. Why would he take her here for their first official date? 

Nevertheless, she felt excited to learn. Song Luli glanced around the room, "Where's my instructor?" she asked him. 

Long Jie walked away, taking some wraps before he approached her again. "Me," he said. 

Song Luli glanced at him. Interesting, she thought. 

They both did warm-ups and stretches. 

Long Jie then demonstrated and taught her how to wrap her wrist and knuckles, explaining the importance of protecting them. He also mentioned that since it was a training session, they didn't need to wear boxer gloves. 

He then helped her get into position, practicing  her stance in front of the standing punching bag. He began to teach her by keeping her arms up, elbows by the ribs, her fists covering her chin. He continued to teach her how to extend her left arm to take a jab and how to shift her hip when she makes a cross with her right. 

When she got the hang of it, Long Jie picked up some kick pads, teaching her to do a roundkick, and putting all the moves together. 

Song Luli wasn't afraid of hurting Long Jie, and he had faith in her.   

She also practiced her hooks before facing him as an opponent. She threw jabs and crosses and kicks as he defended himself. What pissed off Song Luli was that he didn't attack her, so instead of doing a round kick, she lifted her knee and kicked him in the stomach, sending him back. His eyes widened, caught off guard as his feet slid on the ground. 

"Where did you...?" he asked, not finishing his sentence.

Song Luli smirked. "Bold of you to assume I didn't learn Muay Thai when I was younger because my brother wanted to use me as a punching bag," she answered. 

Long Jie let out a short laugh, smiling. "I should have known better," he stated. 

Song Luli pretended as if she didn't know, but when Long Jie didn't put any effort when he practiced with her, she let out the same moves she used to perform on her twin. 

This time, Long Jie didn't hold back when they practiced. 

After they finished, they both went to their respective changerooms to shower and changed into the clothes they arrived in. 

In the car, Long Jie started the engine and he drove her to their next destination. Song Luli's hair air-dried by the time they arrived at an empty theatre.