
Chapter 25: A Dumbass

A/N: I feel like this one is one of the worst chap I've written so far, I've written this like 3 times because of a dumb mistakes I made. THREE FUCKING TIMES! I lost my drive writing this chap half way trough so I've written whatever goes to my mind.

So the writing quality may not up to par with others as I took a short cut with this, giving little descriptions and some bull crap conversations.

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"Ahhhh, all of that for glory?" Jim said as he pointed his pistol at his temple that greatly horrified the others. "Stupid Jim, theirs nothing to live for anymore."

"J-JIMMY, NOO!" Shizuka shouted as she rushed to Jim to take the gun out of him but she was too late as he squeeze the trigger.


Fortunately Saeko was faster as she dashed at Jim and swatted his hand with her shinai and redirected the fire from the pistol, effectively saving him. She let go of her shinai as she cupped his cheeks with both of his hands as she looked him deep in the eyes.

"Jimmy san, look at me," Saeko said firmly, even though they just met a few hours ago, she feels pretty sad for him. "You are not alone. We're here with you."

Jims gaze flickered, as Saekos words sink in. The pain he felt is unbearable, it was not the physical pain you'll feel in wounds it was much more something in mind, or much better words - in soul.

The others don't know this or can see it but Jims soul is flickering like a light with cracks accumulating around it. If he was alone, even if he shot himself in the head and it did not kill him, he would die either way because the damage to his soul if continued would turn Jim into a vegetable. 

Thankfully Jim isn't alone.

Shizuka hurried to his side with tears streaming down her face as she embraced him in a tight, warm hug. "Cutie kun, please, you have so much to live for. Think about all the people who care about you. Think about us."

Jim's eyes darted between Saeko and Shizuka with confusion. He was confuse as to why they care for him even though they just met a few hours or so.

While Saya was pretty much shaken up as well to see the man who lectured her a while ago completely broke down. 'Why is he even here in our time? Time travel? Possibly.... Theirs something fishy going on here.'

Saya mused as she felt anger and worry. 'Stupid man, why take a dangerous job like a soldier if he can't handle the loss!.....I hope he returns back to the carefree guy a while ago....'

Saya can't be honest with himself but his worried for Jim.

Saeko took a deep breath, her hands still cradling his face. "Jimmy san, I know you're hurting. I can't imagine the pain you're in, but ending your life is not the answer. You've survived so much, fought so hard. You can get through this too."

"We need you, Cutie kun. You have so much strength, so much courage. Don't throw it all away." Shizuka added.

With each words they say restores a little bit of luster in his grey, dull eyes. 

At that moment, Takashi also stepped forward and tried comforting Jim. "That's right! Theirs too much to live for, and I'm sure that killing yourself is not what your friends and family wants." While Rei nodded.

Saeko said woth her voice softening. "Remember the promise you made, Jimmy san. You promised to get Shizuka out of the school safely. You have a mission and a purpose. You can't give up now."

"You are not alone, Jimmy san, were here for you, Shizuka and me." Saeko continued as she reached to Jims hand where he was holding the pistol. 

Thankfully, Jim regained some consciousness allowing Saeko to take the gun. Jim sobs as he put his head to Shizukas shoulder. "I... I don't know what to do, I don't know where to go. Sh-Shizuka please, help me."

Jim said with a heartfelt tone as he asked for Shizukas help, this made Shizuka smile gently as she wiped a tear from his cheek. "Don't worry Cutie kun, if you need shoulders to lean on, ears to listen to your worries, and a person who'll stay by your side, I'll be there for you. So smile, your more handsome that way."

Jim couldn't help but widen his eyes, so he gave Shizuka a warm embrace.

"...Th-thank you Shizuka.." He muttered.

Shizuka blushed slightly but returned the hug, squishing those bountiful boobs to Jims chest. "So don't ever do it again Cutie kun, your not alone as I'm here for you."

Jim can feel it, the warmth of her embrace and the beat of her heart. It brought him a sense of peace as he uttered another thank you.

"Thank you Shizuka, really, thank you."

Unbeknownst to Jim that this whole thing happening to him was planned by a higher form of power that was pulling the strings.


(At The Corridor)

(Some Time Ago)

Murasaki was chilling as usual, reading the newspaper about his recently sent samurai drifter. When suddenly he felt it

A disturbance.

He put down the cigarette he was smoking in the ashtray and quickly take a look, the newspaper images flickered a bit and was replace by written words with a two ball of light slowly merging. If you look closely, you can see that the ball of light was in fact, two realities fusioning bit by bit as they form a new reality.

This made Murasaki sweat as he cursed under his breath. "What is Z sama doing?! Merging two realities like that is forbidden by the others. Doing that is punishable by destruction of own essence! Huh? Whats that? a barrier?"

Murasaki finally saw a thin, almost invisible film of colorless void enveloping the the two realities obscuring the view of what's happening in the inside while it is pretty normal and seems like nothing change on the outside.

At last, the two realities finally fused and resulted to a brand new reality. Murasaki quickly turned to the endless rows of doors as two doors is vanishing out of existence as they were replaced by a brand new door.

If you look closely, the two doors that vanished was the door were Jim used to came to and where he was sent to. Something Murasaki noticed.

"You seen nothing, right Murasaki?"

A voice snapped him out of his thoughts making him sweat a little bit.


Thankfully, the mysterious being didn't linger around long giving Murasaki the usual peace he had. He lit up another cigarette as he sort his thoughts about what happened.

'That was young Jacksons old world and where he was sent to.... why did he take the risk to do that? Then again, his one if not the strongest of them all but fighting them all is risky even for Z sama...'

"I cant really understand what his thinking."

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A/N: Need some break for two days or so, need to sort my thoughts up and go outside.