
Chapter 238

"What do those patterns mean?" I say looking at Adrian and his flit between me and Ercles.

I snap back in surprise from this and i can practically see the anger and the fear that is running through him.

"Is this the beginning of another fued?" I said looking at him and he nods his head.

He nods his head i and have to be considerably surprised at this. I thought it was simply fighting, what was i even going to call all that's happened in this case?, I thought it was simply thier lunatic actions that settled fueds, but now snakes, snakes have been mysteriously involved and I have to say that this is a development that I do not like at all. I do not like it at all.

I mean why snakes???.

Can't we find something else, can't we find something else that kills quickly but yet doesn't make me feel as unsettled as the slithery creatures do.

Alice is looking at the both of us, she is looking at the both of us and you can practically see the decision in her eyes.

"Don't bother about it, they won't come for us again".

Adrian cocks and eyebrow up at her and I see a silent message pass between the both of them.

A silent message passes between the two people and I have to roll my eyes at this.

Seriously can't things just stop getting weird and worse today?.

Can stuff even get any worse because I don't think I can handle this, I don't think that I can handle this new level of what am i to even call it???.


I mean real actual snakes, who does that, who does that sort of thing, who uses snakes!!!.

Well it might have been a rogue attack, it might have been just a coincidence that as snake could be in such a heavily guarded place as this and I'm guessing that is right, they are all snakes in here, there all snakes except for the ones who have proven themselves to not be.

I am looking at Adrian and Alice and I sigh.

I have to go and comfort Ercles because the boy looks scared, he looks scared, he looks confused and oddly, he looks angry.

"Are you okay?" I say looking at him and he nods his head.

"Do you know what the snake wanted to do to me? he says and I nod .

I nod and you can practically see the hard resolve settling in his eyes.

"He wanted to kill me right?" He says and I have to nod at this.

It is integral he knows this thing sooner or later, it is better he knows what animals are safe and what animals are not?.

I don't even know why some people like snakes, I don't know why some people like snakes, I feel like I will literally die if anyone even came near me and I feel I am on high alert right now.

I'm on high alert right now because I feel something else coming behind us, I feel something or someone for that matter and I have to step in front of Ercles as I look towards the dark hall behind us.