
Chapter 163

My legs move faster than they have ever moved before, they move faster than they have ever moved the whole of my life.

I practically walk at an incredible speed, I do not run like Adrian because I know that he is bent on killing somebody, he is going to kill someone, probably whoever was shooting the arrows in the first place. I am not also worried about the person that i have probably killed.

I want to keep that out of my mind as much as I can because I cannot imagine it. I cannot imagine it.

So I have actually taken a life, o have actually taken a life because the smell of blood is already wafting into my nose. It is either the blood on the floor from the fights or fresh blood that is practically guzzling out of someone's throat as their vocal pipe has been embedded with their arrow.

Alice seems to come to her senses quite easily.

Okay it wasn't like she was out of her senses before but yet she recovers from her shock quite easily, she recovers from the shock and she gets into action.

Alice is practically a whirlwind of activity as she's practically throwing anything into the crowd, she's throwing anything that her hands can grab and I wonder where all these weapons are coming from. I still do not understand what is happening here today but oddly enough there is a feeling of trust that I have in this new instinct.

I have developed a glimmer of trust that allows me believe that whatever is happening now is not in my best interest.

It is not in my best interest because exactly who will be firing random arrows, who will be firing random arrows into crowds.

Oddly enough the crowd was in a standstill at one point, and I take in the chaos that is happening around me.

People have started running, some select people do not run, the simply wear smiles on their faces as they take in the destruction that is happening around them.

Adrian is slashing around and wherever he slashes there is a stream of blood as it flies into the air.

I cannot tell you how devastated I am by this because I thought there would be no killing today, I had thought Adrian would not kill anybody today but it seems there's a madness in his eyes, there is a madness in his eyes that tells me that is the only thing he is going to be doing as from now on.

He is going to kill because someone had practically tried to kill me.

All this seems unreal to me, for a normal person i would have expected myself to be shocked, i would have expected myself to be shocked us up to the point that I was crumpled on the floor and I was crying at having been so close to death today but yet I'm not doing that.

Instead I am walking about, practically pinching people behind the neck before the fall down unconscious on the floor, okay that is a new development.