
Adrian's pov.


Another day has passed.

My mind begins flashing back towards the arena today.

My mind begins flashing back towards the arena today.

She didn't know anything of what was happening.

She didn't know anything of what was happening and even though most of the time I had been working, even though most of the time I had been faking my actions in front of her, i have to say that sometimes I was actually very very genuine with her.

It wasn't like everything i told her was a lie.

It isn't like every action that I carried out was fake.

It was not. I endured it when she worried about me, I actually stepped on a nail, I actually stepped on a nail before anything even started and I have to chuckle at this.

Father and mother would kill me if they heard about it.

They will kill me if they heard that i was reckless enough to actually step on a nail before the games were actually supposed to begin.

She is very inquisitive.

Aderyn is very inquisitive.

That much I can point out.

She can possibly point out people's weaknesses to you just by a mere glance and I've never seen anyone who is able to do that. I've never seen anyone who is able to do that at all.

The only person that I know of who is able to do that is the high councillor herself.

She can point out your weaknesses.

She cannot point out your weaknesses, let me correct myself here, she can detect it, she will detect it and she will use it to her own best interests and I'm guessing that is why she is at the helm of affairs here.

That is why she is at the head of everything that is going on here and seriously I have to frown at this.

I have to frown at this.

She is the reason why I practically have to fight to get Father's inheritance back.

She's the reason that I actually had to go into a relationship with Charlotte.

She saw my weakness.

She saw the weakness in my affections towards the person who betrayed me and she exploited it.

Even if Damen practically has nothing to do with this. Even if Damen practically has nothing to do about this, he is still a pawn in her hands. He is still a pawn in Charlotte's hands, and she is still a pawn in the hand of the high councillor herself.

Somehow I feel sorry for them, somehow I feel very very sorry for Damen himself.

I don't think he actually has a choice.

I don't think he truly has a choice like I did.

That is why I don't feel really revengeful towards him.

I don't feel that I know exactly what Charlotte has over Damen.

 Whenever Charlotte comes to me most of the time I try to smile.

I try to sympathize with myself because Charlotte knows me like the back of her hand.

She would know whatever is going through my head at the moment and she will exploit it so i try to be as unfeeling as I can whenever I am near her but still it is very hard.

It had always been very hard until Aderyn came.

Even that first day even, the first day that she practically saw Charlotte she told her off.

She told her off immediately and if not for the farce, if not for the composure i have, I'd have simply started laughing maniacally in the room.

She's the best.

She's practically the best and I mean that in each and every way.

She's the best but yet I don't think she will want to come to terms with exactly how good she is.