
A Snake's Obsession

Author: slythefoxx2 Site: Fanfiction.net ------------------------------------------------------- It isn't Sasuke that Orochimaru wants, but Naruto. And she'll do anything to get him. Warning: — Naruto Red Hair — Female Orochimaru -------------------------------------------------------

Moon_Lord_ · Anime und Comics
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75 Chs

Chapter 05

"How, how did you convince him to allow you back?" The Daimyo had exited Hiruzen's office and it was only Orochimaru and him, his ANBU detail having been excluded from the meeting from the getgo.

"It's not so hard when you know where the bodies are buried. Once he saw what Danzo and you did to Naruto-kun, he wanted more evidence of wrongdoing in the worst way and you know me, a real pleaser or have you erased that from your memory, Sensei." she purred and Hiruzen shrank in on himself.

"Shut up."

"Why? You never seemed to have a problem with it before. You even had a ritual after. Oh, how you'd promise to never do it again, it was a mistake and on and on."

"Silence. I loved Biwako." He said clenching his fists.

"Kukuku, amazing how you only remembered that after you got off. Is that why I was your favorite, Sensei? Little orphan girl that idolized you developed to your liking. Didn't even care you were using her, not even when you asked her to get an abor-"

"Shut up or I'll kill you, Daimyo's orders or not."

"So indignant, Sensei. Was I really so bad you shipped me off to Danzo. Even passed me up for the Hokage's position. Or was Minato just better in bed than me?"

"You play your games and have your fun but you'll slip up and be chased out of here again. It's in your nature, rotten to the core."

"Kukuku, think so? Because I think being here gets me everything I want and you can't even lift a finger to stop me."

"And what do you want? Konoha's downfall? Even working from the inside it'll take more than you."

"Oh, no Sensei, that isn't what I desire at all. One thing I want is for you to live in disgrace and you will; forever shamed by what you did to Naruto-kun. The rest? Well, that's a secret." She said, turning to walk away.

"Whatever it is you want, I'll stop you."

"If I honestly thought you could prevent me from what I want, you'd be dead already." she said, closing the door behind her.


Naruto and the two Sannin were sitting in one of Jiraiya's apartments. Jiraiya and Tsunade both felt privacy was required for what they wanted to say. They were having an argument about who would go first and Tsunade looked ready to punch Jiraiya so he gave in.

"So, how are you doing with all this, Naruto?"

"I don't know. It's a lot to take in. I went from making plans to flee the village to being a future clan head and independently wealthy."

"You've claimed three bounties on A rank shinobi. You're fine, financially." Jiraiya chimed in, ignoring the plans to flee part.

"How the hell would you know?" Naruto shot back.

"There aren't many people that don't know you have a knack for killing Kiri swordsmen."

"Well, I donated a lot of that to the families of the shinobi that didn't come back. It was a nice cushion but that's about it."

"Anyway, Naruto I wanted to tell you that I suspected you were Kushina's child when we met but without proof I didn't want to say anything. That's why I went to the Daimyo, to find out who you were and why you weren't living the life you should have been. I'm sorry I kept it from you as long as I did but the Daimyo thought, and I agreed, it was best to tie up loose ends."

"Oh, it's ok, You were actually trying to help me and not just manipulate me to protect a cover up." he said while shrugging. If her actions improved his situation, he won't complain about it not being immediate. "Was that all?"

"Well, I could thank you for winning me a shit ton of money by taking you to dinner. I'm sure Shizune would be up for it."

"I'd like that."

"You won a bet? Why aren't you freaking out?" Jiraiya asked, deeply confused.

"The kid negates that, I bet on him and win and nothing happens. I don't get it but I also don't question it. I am curious why you didn't just win the whole damn thing."

"Gaara is broken, he only finds comfort in his madness. I wasn't there to fight a mad dog and if he pushed me too fair Suna would be missing a jinchuuriki and that can't be good for inter-village relations. Besides, it was only my pride pushing me to compete but what's pride to people that perfected the art of fighting cowardly?"

"That's an interesting understanding of shinobi." said Tsunade.

"I suppose it is."

"Well, that's all I wanted. Come to the Senju compound tonight at 8 and we'll decided something from there."

"Hai, see you then." She nodded and then exited the apartment. Jiraiya watched Naruto grinning like an idiot, completely misunderstanding the vibe.

"Alright, enough of that. I brought you here to tell you I want you to be my apprentice."

"Ah, thank you? It'd be an honor but I think I have to decline." Naruto said, shocking both Sannin.

"What do you mean decline, brat? Do you know how many people would kill to be in your position?"

"And how many of those spent a month training with you? I'm not saying your approach has no merit but it doesn't work for me. Besides, I still have a Jounin Sensei."

"But she can't prepare you for what lies ahead."

"And what lies ahead?"

"There are a group of S-rank Shinobi calling themselves the Akatsuki. They want to abduct all the jinchuuriki for some unknown reason."

"How long have you known about this?"

"I've been aware of them since Orochimaru joined but I only recently found out about their goal of collecting the jinchuuriki."

"And knowing this you wasted a month not being fully engaged? Why would I assume that'd be different?"

"I just wanted you to figure things out for yourself."

"I'm a jutsu creator. Have been since I was six, please don't insult me Jiraiya. Asking technical details about a jutsu I'm trying to learn isn't an unwillingness to work independently. Maybe that bit of information would have been applicable to another problem I currently have or something down the road. We cannot know what will and won't be relevant at a later date. Your refusal to do anything more than explain the steps, once and then scope out women was borderline negligent."

"Alright, alright. I could have been a bit more helpful but I was testing your determination."

"I was hunted for two weeks by two of the Seven Swordsmen. I've proven my determination."

"Your resolve?"

"I killed both of those swordsmen. Iron will."

"Fine, gaki. What do you think I could have done differently?"

"You could have worked on my taijutsu."

"Is it bad?"

"Isn't it telling you don't know? Now, I wouldn't call it bad. I train in the Panther's preferred style but facing with different, more experience opponents would be helpful. My first instinct is to go to my sword or ninjutsu, I can end fights fast that way so my taijutsu skills aren't as sharp as those are."

"Hmm, you seem awfully aware of your flaws."

"No reason not to be. As far as your offer, I need to think about it. Is that ok?"

"Sure brat, but don't think too long."

"No problem. Well, I need to go see my teammates, later Pervy Sage."

"Don't call me that, brat!"


Contrary to shinobi stereotype, Naruto didn't hate hospitals. He hated the smell but who would enjoy the smell of disinfectant? Since he cultivated a joy of reading early on, anytime he wound up in the hospital due to injury he'd just relax and read. Because he didn't make himself a pain and was actually a good patient, the hospital staff was weirdly accepting of Naruto. They didn't care or whisper behind his back, he was just a normal boy with abnormal hobbies. So when he heard,

"What are you doing here?" he didn't take it as an insult or expression of animus.

"Ano, Saito-sensei, I'm just here to visit my teammates."

"That had better be why, if I have to treat you for tenketsu burnout one more time I'll ring your neck." The brunette said. She was the first person to ever treat Naruto when a raiton jutsu got away from him. She fussed over him more like a mother hen than a doctor but it was nice, if unusual for the redhead. "I heard you kicked ass, Naruto."

"I did ok, won my first two matches but forfeited during the final."

"Good, you aren't one of those battle junkies looking for stronger opponents or some such nonsense."

"Nah, I'm too lazy for that. I want all my enemies weak so I can beat them and get back to my books."

"You sound like an old man, Naruto."

He chuckle, "I suppose I do. Would you happen to know where Shikamaru Nara and Shino Aburame are?"

"Actually, I do. They are in the same room since Shikamaru is faking, just go down this hall and it's the last door on the left."

"Thank you, Saito-sensei."

"No problem, Naruto. Just stay out of trouble or else."

"Hai, hai." he said before traveling to his teammates room. Once he arrived he saw an expected sight; Shino staring off into the void, likely having a discussion with his allies while Shikamaru pretended to sleep. For a notoriously lazy boy he pretended to sleep a lot.

"Hey, fellas."

"Troublesome." That resulted in Naruto gaining a tick mark.

"Hello, Naruto-san." No matter how many times Naruto tells Shino he doesn't have to be so formal he is anyway. So, he's given up, for now.

"You feeling better, Shino?"

"Yes, my allies were able to neutralize much of the poison, I am only here as a precaution. Thank you for your concern."

"Of course, we're teammates. What about you, Shikamaru? Still pretending to have chakra exhaustion?"

"Not all of us are walking chakra batteries, you troublesome redhead."

"You're troublesome, teme!"

"No, you are. I used to think blondes were the very height of troublesome but I was wrong. I actually talked to my dad about it and he gave me a knowing look. You clearly descend from troublesome people."

"You goddamn right I do. My name might mean maelstrom but I'm an eternal flame, baby. Dattebayo!"

"Oh, Kurenai, your cute little students are so much cuter than mine. Want to trade?" A voice from outside the room said.

"They are downright adorable, Kakashi so I think I'll keep them." At being caught in their childish moment, Shino adjusted his glasses, Shikamaru muttered troublesome and Naruto scratched the back of his head.

"Well, just be careful around Naruto and raiton jutsu, he isn't very good with them."

Naruto immediately became irate, hair floating in distinct tails, "You suck at teaching raiton, dattebayo."

"Oh, Naru-chan, is this about the lightning puppy again."

Immediately his mood changed from righteous fury to embarrassment. "Shut up, you said you'd never bring that up."

"No, I implied I wouldn't but it's good to have embarrassing stories about rookie Chunin, it keeps them humble."

"You got promoted, Naruto?" Kurenai asked.

"Hai, the Old Man told me just a little while ago but I don't think it means no one else has a chance. He just confirmed my early."

Congratulations were given all around and Naruto the team slipped into comfortable banter while Kakashi excused himself. He took a look back at Kurenai's team and knew, while he truly wanted to be directly involved in Naruto's development, this was likely the best team for him. A supportive team with no egos, and people too smart to give into blind prejudice. His team is good, they've worked out their roles after a lot of effort so he can't complain but he hasn't felt the same joy as when he watched an eight year old Kushina clone shock himself trying to master the basics of raiton manipulation.

Enjoying time with people he actually liked couldn't be allowed to last, Naruto realized, as he was summoned to a council meeting by an ANBU; the same one that escorted him from the arena. He didn't think the Old Man would go through with the inheritance stuff so suddenly but he guessed it was better to just get it all over with. He assured his team he'd tell them all about it when next they met and made his way to the meeting, not wishing to make a bad impression. Once he was allowed entrance into the room he was greeted with the sight of the clan heads of the major clans of Konoha; From Aburame to Hyuuga. Tsunade and Jiraiya were there as well, though Tsunade's presence did make sense as the Senju clan head; even the Old Man's advisors were there. The leaders of the major clans were all looking confused as to why they would be there and, especially, why he was there with them.

"We have a lot to discuss tonight, well I have a lot to tell you all. I ask for no interruptions. First order of business. Many of you have suspected the truth but never outright confronted me. This allowed me to violate the Clan Survival Act passed by the Daimyo. Naruto is the true heir to the Uzumaki clan; his parents are Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. He will be getting the domicile he has been entitled to his entire life along with full access to his clan's resources. He also has been promoted to Chunin, it was long overdue and the folly of a foolish, old man. As such, he will have a seat on the council or may choose a proxy, but that can be arranged another time but for tonight, he will join us. Are there any questions outside of why I hide his heritage?"

"I'd like to know if you're sure. Yes, he looks exactly like Kushina but do you have proof he is Minato's son?" asked Hiashi.

"I'm not sure I take to your implication, Hiashi-san." He really wanted to make a good impression but he won't let some asshole slander his mother. They'll be some fighting bastards in here before that goes down.

"I'm only doing my due diligence, Naruto-san."

"No, you're being an asshole and if you continue to imply Kushina was anything less than a faithful wife I'll break every bone in your body. You being a Hyuuga doesn't absolve you from responsibility for your words, remember that Hiashi." Tsunade chimed in.

"That's enough. Yes, there is proof and it has been accepted by the Daimyo himself so you have no grounds to question it. Is there anything else?"

"Will you inform us of the why?" asked Shibi.

"Yes. There are multiple reasons. The easiest to accept is the son of Naruto Namikaze would have had assassins after him before he could walk. I truly wanted to protect Naruto from that, especially when I didn't know if I could fully trust my shinobi to protect him." Many of the shinobi bristled at the accusation.

"I don't find that fair at all!" Tsume yelled. She may not have done much for the boy (or anything) but she'd never just allow someone to kill him, nor would she believe any of her clan capable of such an act. All the clan head silently agreed, taking offense at the implication. Naruto held back a scoff but didn't hide how he felt about their performative outrage.

"Do you disagree, Naruto-san?" Shibi asked.

"The shinobi of the village, generally, were less discriminatory. Though the primary reaction was to treat me like a primed exploding tag they'd rather not be around. Some were more ignorant, some less but the consensus seemed to be they'd rather I not be anywhere near them. Also, I just had a man imply my mother was a whore to my face as if it weren't offensive. That was my reality so whether or not any of you would attempt to protect someone you'd prefer not be near you, I don't know but acting like the Old Man just levied a grave insult is absurd." When Naruto finished answering Shibi, much of the indignation had left the faces of the clan heads. When taken from Naruto's perspective, it would be easy to assume some would willingly look the other way while he was removed either through kidnapping or murder. Many were having realizations about what their inactivity in the life of Naruto, Minato's child, meant. They speak of his noble sacrifice but had sullied it by their choices. There were all starting to feel the weight of twelve years worth of shame. Hiashi felt it more than any. He holds some resentment toward Naruto for injuring Neji to the extent he did and engaged in a moment of pettiness. It was beneath him and surely not justified when speaking about the dead.

"Moving on, protecting Naruto was one reason but it wasn't the only and in retrospect I cannot say with all honesty it was the primary one either. My position was vulnerable, the wealthiest of the civilians were attempting to make a power grab, leveraging the money required to support our recovery. I couldn't allow that. The current Daimyo was also an unknown to me and didn't trust he'd send additional resources without requiring something in return so I did a shameful act, I pilfered money from the Uzumaki clan funds. It was a substantial amount and in my desire to not lose a necessary emergency fund I allowed a way for Danzo to take funds from the account as well. I've made restitution to Naruto for what I've taken and was in the process of repaying what Danzo stole. This is why I didn't promote him to Chunin, I didn't believe I could delay giving him his inheritance or the knowledge of his parents and clan any longer than that as an automatic search for any due assets is started when our shinobi make Chunin. The inconsistencies in Naruto's file would have gotten back to the Daimyo and this would have been the result. However, the Daimyo was alerted to my actions some time ago and had been conducting his own investigation into my and Danzo's actions. He brought it all to my attention a few days ago where Danzo Shimura was executed for his crimes.

I am deeply ashamed of my actions and how they've hurt Naruto. I am even further shamed by the consequences of my actions. As ordered by Daimyo-sama, I will be stepping down as Hokage as soon as I find a worthy replacement. That is expected. What wasn't was the other order given by the Daimyo." Hiruzen said before gesturing to his ANBU who left and returned promptly with a cloaked guest. "Take off that ridiculous cloak, this is no time for your games." Hiruzen barked.

"Kukuku, so mean Sarutobi-sensei." The familiar laugh and timber set most of the room on edge. Orochimaru the White Snake was here. Konoha's greatest traitor was here. The Ino-Shika-Cho sprang into action attempting their well practiced containment formation. Hiashi and Tsume assumed their taijutsu stances. Shibi wondered if he were surrounded by idiots as the Hokage clearly summoned the notorious traitor. Tsunade and Jiraiya had been warned by Hiruzen he had some shocking news to deliver so while greatly surprised they didn't blindly attack her. Naruto just wanted to leave. How should you feel about someone that stabs you in the gut but also gives you the means to speak to your dead mother? He hadn't the faintest idea so hoped he could turn invisible through will alone.

"All of you sit down, now!" Hiruzen shouted, attempting to get control back before things got out of hand. All obeyed their Hokage though reluctantly. "Orochimaru, as ordered by the Daimyo was given a full pardon as she was acting under the orders of Danzo at the time and as I never punished him it was unjust to hold a subordinate to a stricter standard. Oto, her shinobi village will become a protectorate of Konoha, operating semi-independently but my successor will have to iron out the specifics. She is reinstated as an Elite Jounin and conferred all the rights and privileges befitting her rank and is still acknowledged as a Sannin. These orders are absolute and beyond contestation. You are all to inform your clansmen of these developments so none erroneously attack her."

"Sensei, you can't do this. She's a monster. It'd be letting the fox into the chickencoop, no offense Naruto. I can't allow this, I won't let her cause further harm here" Naruto said nothing, still pretending to be invisible.

"Kukuku, stupid Jiraiya. Always talking big. He should shut up before I run him through with my sword and spit roast a few of his toads for good measure."

"Try it bitch."

"How ever did you suffer this idiot for an entire month, Naruto-kun? You must have lost brain cells by the minute. Now that I'm back how would you like to be my student?"

'Did she really just ask me that? No, she didn't. None of them can see me, I'm not even here." His denial no jutsu was strong.

"NEVER!" Jiraiya roared, unleashing his full killing intent.

"Why not? I've already helped him more than you ever have, isn't that right, Naruto-kun?" Naruto just sank into his chair. This woman was crazy but no match for his invisibility jutsu.

"What do you mean by that? Naruto what does she mean?" Hiruzen asked but when Naruto kept silent he got a tick mark. "You aren't invisible, we can see you. That has never worked, not even when you were a child."

"Fine! When I started my independent study I would occasionally receive resource materials, mostly advanced chakra theory or whatever. I didn't know who it came from, I figured some Konoha ninja just wanted to help me."

"See? I'm clearly the better choice to train Naruto-kun. Not some toad summoning lummox. Besides, your skill sets don't even compliment each other. Naruto is a justu creator and kenjutsu user. That's elegance. That's finesse. And above all, it's intelligence. You're an oaf. A stupid, stupid oaf."

"That's enough, we aren't here to watch you insult a loyal shinobi. This meeting is over, my former students and Naruto stay. Everyone else, please leave."

"Are you sure, Hiruzen?" asked Homura.

"Yes, old friend, I will be fine." He watched his advisor nod and leave with his counterpart. His eyes immediately grew colder as he stared at the Snake Sannin. "My authority may be diminished greatly but I will never allow you direct access to Naruto. I won't have you twist him into something dark and ugly, a creature more than a human."

"Kukuku, you haven't the ability to stop me you useless relic. It's his choice and any undue influence on his choice would be unwise and likely unhealthy."

"Are you threatening me, us? Surely you don't believe you could defeat all three of us?"

"That assumes you'd all attack me; Tsunade has been awfully quiet."

"I want nothing to do with this idiocy nor the twisted dynamic that was our team. Come on, Naruto. Auntie Tsunade is going to drink her dinner until she can't feel feelings anymore and you are too."

"Um, I don't- gurk!" he couldn't finish as she pulled on the back of his shirt, rapidly exiting the council room.

"Sensei, we can't let her get near Naruto." Jiraiya said, his eyes pleading for his sensei to do anything to stop her.

"Why are you so convinced I mean him harm? I've only helped him thus far."

"You stabbed him in the gut."

"Just a little. I knew he'd survive and now he has something to remember me by. A little gift from Orochimaru-sensei. Shishou? Yes, shishou. If you want Naruto in the best position to fend off the Akatsuki you'll leave him in my care. I was actually a member, I have more intelligence on them than anyone else you have access to. If you prefer to hold onto old grudges and stroke your ego, make Naruto work with a lazy pervert that never attempted to aid his Godson. And before you start on your excuses. I was a missing nin and I still knew of his interests and helped cultivate them. If anyone deserves to continue his development it's me. Not the feeble old man nor the useless toad. Just food for thought."