
A Slut's Guide To Staying Married

It’s all pranks and constant bickering until one of them decides to step up and save their marriage. Lakeisha Corrigan is just your regular fed up wife who’s had enough and wants to fix things. Being a wife can be overwhelming, but then she stumbles upon this YouTube channel called ‘staying married’ and sees a glimmer of hope that things can actually work out between her and Baby. Join Lakeisha and Baby Corrigan on this wild adventure to save their marriage. With enough twists and turns to make even the most thrill-seeking daredevil dizzy, it’s a journey you won’t want to miss.

Church_Heathen · Urban
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67 Chs

Chapter 8: The Tightest Trio

I was standing there, rocking this amazing gown under blazing studio lights. The dress clung to my curves. It was this flowy emerald green number, like a freakin' waterfall cascading down my body. The strapless sweetheart neckline showed off my killer shoulders, and there was some fancy lace embroidery on the bodice, adding that extra glam factor.

The place was buzzing with energy. Crew members were running around like headless chickens, adjusting lights, setting up props, and snapping pics like crazy. You could hear the constant clickety-clack of cameras and the makeup artists whispering away while touching up my flawless skin.

Lacey, my Latina friend, was on fire herself. She had that sun-kissed skin, long ebony locks flowing down her back, and these playful brown eyes that sparkled mischievously. Her scarlet dress was a showstopper, all ruffled and twirly, perfectly matching her vibrant personality. She was laughing and filling the whole studio with her infectious joy.

Adele, the ebony beauty, commanded attention wherever she went. She had this regal vibe going on, with strong features that showed her inner strength. Her black gown hugged her statuesque figure, exuding pure class. Amidst all the chaos, Adele stayed calm and composed, radiating that wise energy.

So, the three of us got together for this group shot, rocking these mind-blowing shape wears that showcased our killer bodies. Adele was in the center, looking like a total magnet, and Lacey and I framed her perfectly on either side. We struck some seriously synchronized poses, like we were doing a freakin' dance routine. And man, those camera shutters were going off like crazy, capturing our bond and individual hotness.

By the end of it, I was totally wiped out. I needed a moment to catch my breath, gasping for air like I just ran a marathon. Lacey noticed and came over, looking all worried.

"Gurl, you look hella exhausted," she said, her voice full of concern. "You good?"

I nodded, barely keeping my eyes open. "Just pushing through. The heat and intensity got to me, I guess. But hey, it's all worth it for these kickass shots."

Adele, always the wise one, chimed in. "Take care of yourself, Lakeisha. Your health and well-being are as important as the final product. Let's make sure you're fully rested and ready for the next round."

I flashed them a grateful smile, appreciating their support. In this glamorous world, we knew how to look out for each other, like a tight sisterhood born from shared experiences and unbreakable bonds.

Alright, lemme spill the tea on how me, Lacey, and Adele became the tightest trio ever. It all went down in Miami on a blazing hot day. I had this major photoshoot lined up, and guess what? Fate had a surprise waiting for me. When I rolled up to the beach location, I couldn't ignore these two bombshell ladies, Lacey and Adele, already holding it down with their confidence and beauty.

Naturally, I had to introduce myself. Lacey, with her infectious laughter and friendly smile, welcomed me with open arms. Adele, cool and composed, gave me a firm handshake. Turns out, they were supermodels too, just like yours truly.

As we got to talking, it felt like magic. Our personalities clicked like puzzle pieces. My go-getter attitude and natural charm meshed perfectly with Lacey's vibrant energy and contagious enthusiasm. Adele, with her calm demeanor and wise vibes, kept us grounded.

The more time we spent together, the stronger our bond became. We tackled photoshoots, runway shows, and glam events as a united front. We hyped each other up during wins and had each other's backs during the tough moments. Our friendship became a sanctuary in the cutthroat modeling world.

Then came that unforgettable day on a breathtaking Caribbean beach. We posed together, rocking fierce bikinis, with Lacey taking the center spot like a boss. The exhaustion from the shoot melted away as we captured that moment. Without saying a word, we all knew something extraordinary had happened.

After the shoot, we flopped onto beach towels, catching our breath and cracking up. The overwhelming feeling of gratitude hit me hard. "You two are my sisters," I declared, feeling it from the depths of my heart. Lacey and Adele exchanged knowing looks, their nods sealing the deal.

From that point on, our friendship solidified into an unbreakable bond. We shared our dreams, spilled our secrets, and rode the rollercoaster of life together. Birthdays, milestones, and personal struggles—we were there for each other through it all. We became confidantes, advisors, and the ultimate support system.

As the months flew by, our careers skyrocketed. We jet-setted around the globe, slaying runways, and gracing magazine covers. But in the midst of the glitz and glam, our friendship remained our rock-solid foundation.

Lacey's high-pitched voice yanked me outta my headspace.

"Damn, it feels like forever since we had a legit chill sesh," she said, a tinge of longing in her voice.

Adele nodded along, a nostalgic look on her face. "For real! Between all the gigs, fashion shows, and jet-setting to different cities, we've barely had time to just hang and be ourselves."

I felt that truth hit me. Our crazy careers had made it damn near impossible to find a moment for some real bonding. But being the wheels and craving some quality girl time, I saw a solution.

"Yo, why don't we change that up?" I suggested. "I'll take you both out in my ride to this sick restaurant. We can grab a table, sip on drinks, and catch up on all the shiz we've been missing out on."

Lacey's face lit up, a twinkle in her eyes. "Hell yeah! I'm in, babe."

Adele grinned. "I'm down, too. It'll be dope to unwind and reconnect with my favorite chicas."

With our plan set, we gathered our stuff, wore our clothes, and piled into my ride. Cruising through the city, the car filled with laughter and animated convo. It felt damn good to just enjoy each other's company without the pressures of the fashion game.

We rolled up to the restaurant, a cozy joint known for killer grub and a lively vibe. Finding a table tucked away, we got comfy, ready to dive into some much-needed chill time.