
A Slut's Guide To Staying Married

It’s all pranks and constant bickering until one of them decides to step up and save their marriage. Lakeisha Corrigan is just your regular fed up wife who’s had enough and wants to fix things. Being a wife can be overwhelming, but then she stumbles upon this YouTube channel called ‘staying married’ and sees a glimmer of hope that things can actually work out between her and Baby. Join Lakeisha and Baby Corrigan on this wild adventure to save their marriage. With enough twists and turns to make even the most thrill-seeking daredevil dizzy, it’s a journey you won’t want to miss.

Church_Heathen · Urban
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67 Chs

Chapter 30: Further Details


In the realm of love, where hearts take flight,

A tale unfolds, shining with pure light.

Beyond the flaws, where imperfections reside,

Love's gentle touch seeks the beauty inside.

It sees through the cracks, the broken pieces,

To a soul longing for love's sweet releases.

For love knows no bounds, no shallow guise,

It gazes deep into your searching eyes.

Love's embrace, a sanctuary of trust,

Where vulnerabilities need not adjust.

It holds you close, in moments of despair,

Whispering hope, showing you it cares.

Love's mirror reflects a vision so clear,

Not just what you are, but what you can appear.

With unwavering belief, it takes your hand,

Guiding you forth, helping you understand.

Love sees your flaws, but never condemns,

It offers a refuge, where judgment suspends.

With compassion's grace, it nurtures and heals,

Fanning the embers of dreams love reveals.

Love inspires growth, igniting the fire,

Drawing you closer to your heart's desire.

It challenges limits, breaks down your walls,

Encouraging greatness, as destiny calls.

Love's gentle touch, a catalyst to change,

Unleashing potential, rearranging the range.

It lifts you up when doubts hold you tight,

Whispering, "You're worthy, let your spirit take flight."

Love envisions a version yet untold,

A masterpiece within you waiting to unfold.

It sees the seeds of greatness yet to sprout,

And believes in your journey, without a doubt.

So, let love's vision be your guiding light,

As you journey on, through both day and night.

Embrace its power, let its essence seep through,

For love's transformative magic is meant for you.

In the realm of love, flaws become art,

A canvas of growth where souls never depart.

Together you'll flourish, better than before,

For love sees your beauty, and loves you even more.


The moonlight streamed through the sheer curtains, casting a soft glow on the room as my heart fluttered with anticipation. Perhaps, I am considering taking things further with him tonight. His touch ignited a fire within me, and the desire to explore uncharted territories grew stronger by the minute.

However, before diving headlong into the depths of passion, I wanted to ensure that our hearts and minds were in sync. I needed to talk about our upcoming romantic trip, to discuss the intricacies of our journey ahead. With a deep breath, I mustered the strength to temporarily suppress my longing and focused on the matter at hand.

Regrettably, I pushed gently against his chest, creating a fraction of distance between us. His eyes, once filled with a hunger matching my own, flickered with confusion. I looked at him earnestly, my gaze a blend of desire and determination. The warmth of his bare skin lingered on my fingertips as I tried to convey my intentions without words.

Baby Corrigan, his name both endearing and playful, released me from his embrace, somewhat unexpectedly. His brow furrowed in curiosity as he picked up his shirt from the couch, slipping it back on with a slow and deliberate motion. The fabric clung to his sculpted physique, accentuating the contours of his broad shoulders and toned arms.

As he settled back into his seat, I could feel a mix of emotions emanating from him—confusion, desire, and a touch of apprehension. It was in this moment, in the flickering light of the room, that we both realized the gravity of the conversation we were about to have.

"Hey," I began softly, my voice a fragile thread woven between us. "I think it's time we talk about our romantic getaway."

He nodded, his eyes searching mine for answers and reassurance. "Yeah, you're right. We should definitely plan things out."

I exhaled, relieved that he was receptive to the discussion. "I don't want us to rush into anything without considering all the details. It's important that we align our expectations and make sure we're on the same page."

Baby Corrigan leaned forward, his expression turning serious. "I agree. We want this trip to be memorable, don't we? Let's talk about where we want to go, what activities we'd like to do, and any other essentials we should keep in mind."

And so, the conversation unfolded, with every word exchanged strengthening the bond we shared. We delved into dreams of pristine beaches, adventurous hikes, and cozy evenings by the fireplace. We navigated through the practical aspects of booking accommodations and planning an itinerary that catered to our desires.

"And what about that secluded beach we've heard so much about?" I suggested, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "The one with the powdery white sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters."

Baby Corrigan's eyes lit up, mirroring my enthusiasm. "Yes! I've seen pictures, and it looks like a slice of paradise. I can already imagine us strolling hand in hand along the shoreline, the gentle waves lapping at our feet."

My heart skipped a beat at the thought, and I nodded, envisioning the idyllic scene. "It would be the perfect place for us to relax and soak in the beauty of nature. And maybe we could even try snorkeling together, exploring the vibrant underwater world."

He grinned, his excitement palpable. "Absolutely! We can rent some snorkeling gear and dive into an ocean teeming with colorful coral reefs and exotic fish. It'll be an adventure we'll never forget."

As our conversation flowed, we seamlessly transitioned to discussing our shared love for adventure. "What about those hiking trails we've been eyeing?" Baby Corrigan asked, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "The ones that wind through lush forests and lead to breathtaking viewpoints?"

I nodded, my heart pounding with a mix of thrill and eagerness. "Yes, let's lace up our hiking boots and embark on those trails. We'll discover hidden waterfalls cascading down moss-covered rocks, and when we reach the summits, we'll be rewarded with panoramic vistas that steal our breath away."

His hand reached out and gently intertwined with mine, a tangible symbol of our unity. "I can't wait to witness those majestic landscapes with you by my side, to share those awe-inspiring moments that only nature can provide."

As we moved from dreams to reality, we discussed the practical aspects of our trip. "We should start looking for accommodations soon," I suggested, reaching for my laptop. "Somewhere cozy and intimate, where we can unwind after our adventures."

Baby Corrigan leaned in closer, his eyes fixated on the screen. "Definitely. How about a charming cottage nestled amidst the woods? A place with a crackling fireplace and a plush bed that invites us to snuggle up together."

I smiled, the warmth of his suggestion resonating within me. "That sounds perfect. A place where we can create cherished memories, savoring quiet moments and indulging in heartfelt conversations."

Together, we dove into the details, browsing through various options, weighing the amenities and locations that aligned with our desires. Our shared excitement fueled the conversation, as we laughed, debated, and allowed our imaginations to run wild.

With each decision made, our bond grew stronger, cemented by our shared dreams and aspirations. The planning process became an act of love, a testament to our commitment to crafting a journey that would shape our relationship for years to come.

And as the night wore on, our voices mingled with the moonlight, painting a picture of a romantic adventure awaiting us. We had become not just lovers, but partners in exploration, ready to embark on a voyage that would weave our hearts and souls together, one exhilarating experience at a time.

As our voices filled the room, the initial spark of desire that had been momentarily subdued transformed into something more profound—a shared vision of a future together, both within the confines of that room and beyond. And although the allure of physical intimacy still lingered, we understood that building a solid foundation through open communication was paramount to the success of our journey, both literal and metaphorical.