
A Slime in MCU

What happens when a marvel and tensura fan dies and accumulates karma. He reincarnates, of course. Our MC died in a random stabbing incident, along with the stabber. He ends up meeting the Death God, who grants him 2 wishes and a choice to reincarnate in a reality of his choosing. Read now to follow the adventures of our MC, travelling in the MCU as a slime from Tensura. Disclaimer: I do not own any Marvel Characters or "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime" characters. This is a pure work of fiction. I apologise in advance if I hurt any viewers' morals or views. I started this work as a procrastination project. Had this idea in my head for a while, before i saw a similar story to this one on this site. I have taken some inspiration from that novel, but most of the content is OC. There is no harem or cheesy romance in the book yet, but i might change that in the future, i don't know. I am a decent fan of the MCU, havent read the comics and my understanding of the MCU is shallow. The plot may defer from the original, but i'll try to keep it as close to the original. First time writer, English is NOT my first language. Constructive Criticism encouraged. Cover Image not Mine. Credit goes to creator of the Image (I believe it is Toei Animations) Thats how i believe the character is going to look in his human form.

DaoistLeon · Urban
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46 Chs


Sitting back in my car and driving towards the address great sage displayed on the windshield, I recall the events just before the accident.

As the girl started crossing the road, the replica time stone stored on my body glowed bright green, and a pulse of energy shooting into my eyes.

The girl ran into the street to catch her ball, bent down, and did not pay attention to her surroundings.

A car with two drunk teenagers racing through the street ignore the traffic light and continued at the same pace.

The impact was horrible, the girl flung into the air for 5 meters, with a trail of blood and gore following in an arc behind her. As she landed on the ground, her body mangled, her pretty little frock covered in blood and her head twisted at an unnatural angle.

Instant Death.

Fury took over me for a moment before I blinked my eyes and the scene of the girl running to catch the ball came again.

This time, I reacted fast and ran into the street, pulling her in an embrace and rolling out of the way of the car.

Just before the car passed by us, I stuck a microchip I hurriedly produced by the rear wheel.

I could take the impact of the car, but the little girl could not.


Riding in my car, I come to a parking lot of a Sandwich Queen.

I see a car parked over at the disabled section while another two parked beside it crossing over lines.

One of them belonged to the people from this afternoon.

Opening the door of the sandwich shop, I scan the interior.

Four people. 3 guys and one girl.

Age, around 24-25.

"Great sage, create a barrier sound barrier around us. Play the previous recordings on the CCTVs around the area on loop, don't let them see what I'm about to do.

{On it.}

There was just one sandwich artist remaining in the store, and I knock him out with a weak tranquiliser from my <poison> skill. He should be awake in a few hours.

I pick up a glass kept on a table to my side and smash in on the ground.


The sound gets the attention of the 4 sitting in the booth in front of me.

"Who is the owner of the white mustang out front?" I ask in a cold voice

"Hey, bro what happened to my car, did you crash into it?" I blond punk gets up in flurry and panic.

"Were you the one this afternoon racing through Brooklyn?" I asked again, my voice getting colder.

"Yea.. Ugh."

Before he could finish his words, my hand dashes forward towards his throat and I toss him out of the shop like a rag doll through the window.

His friends look on in horror, unable to process what just happened.

I walk out of the store and towards the crumpled figure of the blond punk.

He gets up and coughs blood, before looking at me with fear, anger and confusion.

"What are you doing. You wanna go huh? Let's go." He stands up shakily and in a breaking voice he challenges me.


My figure disappears in a flash from front of him, and I arrive behind him.


I land a kick behind his knees, forcing them to slam on the concrete parking.


Grabbing a fistful of his hair, I pull back hard, ripping a few strands of hair in the process.

I lean near his ears, and whisper, "this is payback for almost running over a little girl this afternoon. You remember, don't you?" I eject a mist of poison of my own creation near his nose. Fast acting poison heightens pain sensitivity while preventing fainting.

This guy's going to suffer through all that I have.

Without waiting for an answer, I proceed to break every single joint in his fingers until I see his friends rushing out of the store looking for him.

"You asshole, what do you think you're doing, let him go or I'll shoot.." A guy in dark hair points a gun towards me while threatening me.

Not paying attention to those morons, I continue breaking his fingers, then move onto his wrists and then making my way to his shoulders.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh…ekkk,.aahhhhhhhhhhhh" his shrill screams echo around the empty parking lot.

He can't even focus on begging it to stop, just screaming at the excruciating pain.

Bang, bang, bang

Three bullets come towards me but with just a glance they stop in mid-air in front of my face.

Seeing as that didn't work, the dark-haired guy empties his gun towards me, while the remaining guy also fires his gun tucked in his waistband.

I ignore them for the moment and turn towards our blond friend in my grasp.

Moving on from his arms, I move to his legs.

Break, break, break.

Tossing the now mangled breathing body of the blond guy on the ground, I turn towards the remaining members of his gang.

"Who was with him this afternoon while he was racing?" I ask the three trembling punks in front of me.

".. you monster, what have you done to him." Comes to trembling voice of the girl.

"WHO?" I ask, this time with a bit more of force, and 20% of <Intimidation>.

"W-w-we all were. W-we h-had a bet to see who reached our hangout first." Stammers the dark-haired guy.

"Good answer. Now, you all die." I display a smile, but to them it looked like the hell's gate calling out to them.

Flash, flash.

A cold gleam of a blade flashes with me as I weave through the small group, before standing back at my original space.

Thud, thud…

Even before they could utter a scream, pieces of their bodies fell to the ground and their heads rolled.

Wiping off the blood on my precious blade, I keep it back in my subspace and move towards the blondie again, only to see him struggling to get away.

"You know, this is what happens when you carelessly drive on the street without a care for others. A cute little girl almost died because of you. Now don't you think this punishment is much better that suspending your license?" I ask with a smile on my lips, but the smile not reaching my cold eyes.


I step on his head, squashing it like a bug.

"Burn" I utter as blue-white fire erupts from my palms and devours the corpses of the 4 and burn them into oblivion.

Nothing remained, not even a speck of ash.

Walking back to my car, I mumble, "it's over", and drive back home.

First time writing any sort of violent scene.

Dont know if i wrote it right. Contructive criticism appreciated.

Wanted to make the MC someone who follows "Cute is Justice", but also very ruthless to those that cross him.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

P.S: quite a few people are confused about the gender of our MC.

He is genderless when he is in slime form, but male when in human form. He can change into a female whenever he wishes, such as when he travelled and acted as a gun for hire for 2 years after kamar-taj.

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