
Mystic beauty

The Shah of Iran was waiting for Mirza to talk.. he was being tortured in every possible way, but Mirza stuck to his story, it seemed that there was no way that they could extract information from him with torture..

Shah said, 'summon Shameen... only she can handle this.. ' the minister was shocked, Shameen.. the mystical beauty.. everyone was scared of her.. her countenance was unparalleled.. but she was known to practice black magic.. and she was a hypnotic expert.. Shah used her only if he didn't have any other choice.. because the fee which she demanded for her services was something which no one could imagine..it was cruel and gory..

Yet this time after using every way of torture, Shah had no other option left, except to summon Shameen.. she came.. first she met the Shah.. as he saw her, he lost his mind.. this beauty.. he has a weakness for beautiful women.. but he never dared to have designs on this mystic beauty.. people said that she had many evil spirits under her control whom she summoned to accomplish her heinous tasks..

With one look she could decipher what the person was thinking, she smiled looking at Shah, how beautiful was that smile.. she knew that any man would fall for her beauty.. she had a beautiful creamy complexion with large blue eyes, high cheek bones, a perfect nose and full red lips.. her figure was extremely proportional and full.. any man would dream of having her in bed.. but no one dared to.. as there was no one who tried and the people who tried have not survived to tell the tale..

The Shah told her what all happened, he asked her to help him understand whether Mirza was telling the truth or not, he also wanted her help in locating the treasure...

She said, 'this is a big thing.. I need to make special sacrifices to the spirits.. ' the Shah's face became ugly.. he said, 'what do the spirits ask this time.. ' she looked at him and said, 'let me meet that man first, I will tell you.. ' and she turned away.. her figure from the back was also very alluring.. the Shah bit his lip and controlled himself..

She was lead into the jail where Mirza was held.. it was damp and smelled of human excreta.. she didn't show the slightest sign of discomfort.. she went into the cell and looked at a frail man.. Mirza was wounded very badly.. he was weakened and didn't have an ounce of energy left.. he was being starved on purpose.. she looked at the man who lead her and said, 'get some food.. ' he nodded and brought some food and a glass of water..

Shameen approached Mirza and said, 'Mirza, you served your master Zaffar loyally.. now.. you will be set free.. come.. have this food.. ' there was a musical quality to her voice, it felt as if she was casting a spell, Mirza looked at her, his eyes became huge with astonishment, this kind of beauty.. he never saw anyone so beautiful.. when he saw Samyukta on the battlefield, he thought that there couldn't be anyone more beautiful, but this woman, she was on the next level..

He kept looking at her.. she smiled at him.. suddenly he felt a surge of energy surging through his blood.. his heart was beating faster.. what did this goddess want.. whatever it was.. he would give her happily.. even his life could be given away.. she just needed to ask... he thought..

She sat near him and said, 'eat this food first.. ', he ravenously ate his food and gulped down water.. he was starving since few days.. energy started building in his body.. then she held his hand and said, 'come, ' he raised, he kept staring at her as she walked him out of the jail.. he thought that God became kind and sent an angel to him.. his brain felt muddled..

She lead him into a bathing chamber and said, 'take bath and come.. ' he went in, and took a bath.. he felt as if he was in a trance, nothing except her voice filled his brain.. he bathed and came out, she gave him fine silks to wear, he dressed up, then she made him sit and tended to his wounds.. she applied a medicinal paste and tied his wounds in bandages.. wherever she touched him he felt as if a hot fire was being lit.. his body stirred, he felt alive..

She faced him and said, 'now.. I need you to help me.. ' and she pouted in the most adorable way.. he said, 'please... anything.. but.. what can I help you with... '