
Flight of Blue


Hooo boy! Over one thousand reads?! You guys are amazing! I'm still putting in my Author's pre-post (or whatever they are called). Also! Need to clarify something! Not every chapter is going to be three or four thousand words long. The last one was a little excessive I admit, but they will be at a minimum of 2000 words long.





Time stopped. They were all frozen in place, unable to process the words the King had spoken.

"Sans is destined to die."

Frisk's eyes were immensely wide opened, their sky-blue eyes full of fear.

Sans can't die! He was Frisk's super funny Dunkle! He may be lazy, but he still took care of Frisk like they were his greatest nephew! He couldn't die before confessing to Toriel! Frisk's ship would be ruined!

To them, death didn't have as much of an effect as on others. If Sans died, Frisk could just RESET and try and find a way to fix it. Their naïve mind never thought of the consequences.


The voice in his head started to build up, its words constantly reminding Papyrus that his brother's life might end. Unconsciously, he started breathing heavily, his SOUL attempting to calm him down from his rising hyperventilation. Sans had been by his side for his entire life. Losing him would shatter Papyrus's very being, unable to recover from it. Without meaning to, his magical eyes activated. An orange glow began to emanate from his eye sockets, filling the room with a warm orange. His magic started to radiate heat, releasing a fragrance of fresh oranges.

Undyne glanced at him and noticed his magic attack. Thinking fast, she ran over to him and tackled him from behind, ready to suplex him unconscious if he went out of control.

"Papyrus! What's wrong?!" She yelled, trying to get through to him. The magic in his eyes halted, before vanishing from Papyrus's eye sockets. The orange magic that had been infused into the air had also disappeared, all trace of it gone.

Papyrus gasped.

"U-Undyne?" He stuttered softly, freezing Undyne in place.

"It is good you stopped me in time," he continued, seeing the startled look on Undyne. "Otherwise I might have done something terrible. I don't have magic attacks very often as I have a much more powerful control on my magic due to lots of training from Sans. H-He said that for skeletons, magic attacks are much more dangerous considering that we are completely made of magic." He stopped, his usually jovial face threatening to overcome itself with sorrow. His head sank, refusing to look anyone in the eye.

"Was it Sans and his possible death?" Undyne asked carefully. He nodded, slowly getting back up. "What was that coming from your eyes?"

"Sans called it a 'magic focus'. It is a useful tool for monsters with high magic levels as it gives them better control over magic. It also improves the monster's vision." Papyrus had a look of defeat, considering that he had almost let his magic go out of control.

"I MUST APOLOGISE." Papyrus spoke, his voice stabilizing. He went to continue, but Asgore raised his paw.

"I understand Papyrus." Asgore took a deep breath

"The truth is, we don't know if the curse is real."

Papyrus's head shot up, a faint glimmer of HOPE in his eyes.

"REALLY?! ARE YOU SURE?" He asked, his voice increasing in volume. "MY BROTHER MAY NOT DIE FROM THIS 'CURSE'?!"

"Well," Asgore began. "This has been passed down orally for centuries. It is possible that the curse was added later on and is not true at all. It could just be there to warn people about the Infinite Soul and how its power is damaging."

Undyne listened to him, feeling something was off about his words. Her instincts kicking in, she carefully studied Asgore as he spoke. With a start, she realised why.

The King of the Monsters was lying.

Toriel knew that it was a lie. It wasn't fair, but she knew it had to be done. Papyrus had suffered a magic attack after merely hearing that his brother would die. This lie was to help him cope by not needing to worry about Sans.

Toriel herself had to keep her emotions in check, knowing the truth and the pain that awaited her friend.

The Infinite Soul truly was cursed. The version Asgore gave them was just a simplified version. Choosing not to listen to Asgore's lies, she began to recite the original in her mind.

Endless power, no limitations

A Soul of Infinity, control over nations

Chosen to one, to rewrite the Earth

Renew it fresh, abolish its dearth

Power to corrupt, the Infinite Soul,

Bestowed upon a curse, removing control

They who tried to take it for their own

Suffer a curse, cutting to their bone

Mind of evil, mind malevolent

Stripped to nothingness, pain not relent

Malicious heart, spread to kin

Pain they feel, from their sin

Mind of righteousness, mind of virtue

Death still approaches, before it's due

But through pain and suffering, emerge victorious

and save the world, turn evil to dust

Infinite Soul, no mercy it shows,

And with its emergence, you shall all woe

For good or evil, misfortune arrives

And for its wielder, their life shall not survive.

She still remembered it, from all those years ago, when she was a child. She could recall asking Gerson about it, and whether it really was true. The historian smiled at her, assuring her that nothing he said was a lie. She wondered what would happen if the Infinite Soul did appear. Gerson's smile dropped a bit, telling her that it would be best if it didn't. Back at that age, her mind knew it was bad, but it could be used for good things, so it wasn't a problem, was it?

Toriel smiled at her naivety, then realised that she needed to tell Gerson about Sans. Her smile dropped. Why did it have to be Sans? Out of billions of humans and thousands of monsters, it chose

Sans, Toriel's dearest friend. No one else could make her laugh like he did, and he was always there when one of them was sick or injured, and he was very protective of them around strangers.

She recalled a few weeks ago, when a female thug had come up to them with a knife and threatened them. Toriel had decided to go shopping and chose to walk, as it was not very far. Sans decided to come with her for company. It was his off day, he said. They had passed by an alley, when a thug came up to them. The thug looked quite young, with a bandanna covering most of their face. They were quite tall, about 5"9, and was wearing a frayed hoodie and jeans. Sans had walked up to her and put on his most terrifying smile, impressive considering he was always smiling. Toriel had heard slowed down music, and when he turned to her, his pupils had disappeared. Usually, Sans would make a pun and then use one of his 'shortcuts' to get us out of there, but not this time. She didn't know what he might have done to the thug, but luckily she had freaked out when he turned back to face her and ran like they were on fire.

Then he just acted like nothing happened, making puns to defuse the situation. Toriel badly wanted to ask what had happened, but it was clear that he wasn't budging.

Sans, she thought, you are hiding many things from us.

Sans, in question, was strolling through the city, trying to clear his mind.

He had been awake the entire time, and had overheard everything they said, with the exception of the legend. When they had arrived to see how powerful he was, he had to resort to his influencer technique, which he hated using on them, but it was necessary to make sure he wasn't acting like he was faking sleep. The moment they left, he had teleported to his room, mentally cursing himself.

Dammit! Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!!! He yelled in his mind. How could I have been so careless?! Now they now about my nightmares, and now I'll have to tell them things! I can't! I have to protect them! If they knew about the RESETs, about who Flowey, Frisk and I really are, they would hate us! And all because I didn't react in time!

Sans knew that if he kept doing this, he would start hyperventilating, which might result in making a sound, and then they would know he was awake, then they would want answers, and-

He stopped. Taking a deep breath, he tried calming himself down.

Breathe in...

Breathe out.

Okay, he thought, the best thing to do now is to get out of here and try to figure something out. He went to grab his blue hoodie, and then remembered that Papyrus snatched it off him because it had "A DISGUSTINGLY HIGH AMOUNT OF KETCHUP STAINS!" He decided to get his second favourite hoodie. After some rummaging, he found it. It was similar to his blue one, but instead it was yellow, his second favourite colour. Putting it on, he used his magic and teleported to the outside of the city district.

It was a beautiful night outside. The stars were twinkling, the moon was shining. On nights like this, guys like him...

Should be with family.

"Heh. That's pretty cool." He judged, rewording his iconic phrase from the Genocide route. He started strolling. A few shops were open. In the distance, he could see Grillby's new bar. It was an instant hit. The layout was similar to his old one, but was about four times bigger, able to seat a lot more people. The fire elemental was a master with creating new alcoholic specials. Add magic to boost the taste, and the place was never empty. Activating his magic focus, he zoomed in. With its extremely sharp vision, Sans had vision better than a hawk. He could see a decent amount of customers, all enjoying the amazing specialities the fire mage had to offer. Sans noticed that a reserved sign had been placed on his usual seat. He smiled, thankful that he had such a great friend. He considered stopping, but decided against it. He didn't want to bother the elemental, though he would just say that he was never a bother in his impressively formal voice. Sans had made a joke about that, saying it was because he sometimes did comedy there on his off days and in his free time, which boosted the number of customers. Sans was one of the best comedians in the city, able to make a joke from anything.

Sans continued, walking to the city square. A few people were there, watching an old episode from Mettaton's new show. The guy was an instant hit with everyone, just like he had constantly reminded them. From what Sans had heard, he was in New York currently, airing his show from The Big Apple. Movement caught Sans's eye. Turning a bit, he noticed two people following them. An idea started to bloom in his head. He turned a corner, going into a narrow alley. He knew this alley from a few weeks back. From both sides, thugs appeared, two from each side.

"Evening fellas," Sans began. "What might you guys be doing on this starry night?"

One of them sneered. He had a green Mohawk and was wearing shades. He was holding a bat. "We're here to take revenge for what you did to Cassy."

Sans cocked his head. "The girl who tried to mug me a few weeks back? I let her off with a warning."

"Too bad, ya runt." Mohawk said "You threatened her. Now you gots to face us."

They all charged. Sans fell to the ground, activating his Blue Magic. They all stopped mid-movement, their faces frozen. Sans kept it like that.

"Tsk, tsk." He sounded. "That's not a nice way to greet a new pal." He then brought his palms together, making the thugs slam into each other's solar plexus. Releasing them, they all fell, the breath knocked out of them.

"Welp. That was fun." After making sure that the thugs weren't dead, Sans summoned a Gaster Blaster and hopped on it. It soared, flying above the city.

"Wow." He whispered, gazing at the city lights. "I should really show the others this. Maybe even take Toriel with me." He blushed a bit, a blended blue and yellow tinge showing on his cheek bones, then laughed sadly at that, knowing that there was no way she would consider falling for him. He was just a useless skeleton. Besides, he was too scared to ask, in fear of ruining their current relationship as pen-pals.

Shaking his head of those thoughts, he directed the blaster to the Ronz, currently under construction. It was almost done, and was the biggest building in the city. It was a Jack-Of-All-Trades building, containing a restaurant, a video game arcade, a movie theatre and many other things.

"Thanks buddy." He spoke to the Blaster, who nuzzled him before returning to its pocket dimension. Sans gazed at the city, his eyes absorbing all the information it could see.

"I can see my house from up here!" He joked, even though he could actually see Surface Home. Asgore came up with the name, obviously, and despite its silliness, the name had stuck. He saw Grillby's bar, Muffet's pastry shop, the police station where Undyne worked, and Snowdrake's Comedy Centre, where Sans worked.

He sat down, and the thoughts he was trying to suppress came rushing to him.

What was he going to do? It was so hard, so damn tiring to keep a grin on! Every! Single! Day!


Sans looked down. How easy it would be. To just jump off from here. It would be quick after all, considering his immensely low stats of ONE. Then all of it would stop. He wouldn't be in pain anymore. He decided against it. It was pointless after all. The kid would just RESET and he'd have to go through it all over again. Still, he would be free, even for a little bit.

Then, he remembered. The reason why he was still alive. Why he kept a smile on all the time.

It was for them. Papyrus, his super cool brother; Toriel, his amazing friend that he may or may not have romantic feelings for; Alphys, his nerdy friend and one of his besties; Frisk. That amazing kid. They may have done a lot of terrible things, but they were just a child! They were curious, and didn't truly understand the consequences of murder. They were a great child, with a bright future. If Sans chose to die, they would all be shattered. He couldn't let that happened.

He sighed. He may want to die, but couldn't. Not anytime soon. Resolve in his eyes, he jumped.


Me: *Having an internal debate on whether to end it as a cliff hanger or not*

*Decides not to as it's not really a cliff hanger*

*Hopes the audience is satisfied with that*


For a passing moment, gravity lost its hold on the skeleton, releasing him from its constant grasp. Sans relished it, the constant restrictions it always had fallen, giving him a temporary sense of freedom.

Then, gravity found him again.

Sans was falling, the wind pushing past him, attempting to push him away. He briefly considered summoning a Blaster, but then decided against it. If it failed, he could just teleport away. The ground seemed to rush towards him, as if eager to meet him. Sans felt no fear. He knew this would work. He calculated his velocity, estimating himself at around 48 metres per second. He would be ready in ten seconds. He counted down.











At one, his eye activated, and gravity lost its victim once more.

Sans was flying. A blue aura had engulfed him, giving him the air agility of a Peregrine Falcon. This was his own technique which he called 'Flight of Blue'. It worked on the same principle as Blue magic, but the user targets themselves and can control their movement with their mind. However, this takes a lot of magic to perform. By Sans's calculations, he was the only one who could utilize it at this performance level, though his calculations predicted that he could only use it for five minutes as the mental concentration involved was extreme.

He decided to test his speed. He soared back up to the building. Using the window frames as markers, his maximum speed was currently 250 kilometres per hour, well over the speed of his Agility Blaster which could reach 190 kilometres per hour.

"Heh. Another excuse to not have to walk everywhere." Sans commented, reaching the rooftop. He exhaled deeply.

"I should have known they would have found out eventually." Sans said sadly. "Guess I can't hide it any longer." He considered short-cutting himself back to the house, but decided to use his Flight of Blue instead. The euphoria from being able to defy the laws of physics was way too tempting.

"At the speed I can reach, I won't even be able to think of a crappy excuse." He spoke "Guess I should call myself 'Sansnic'!" He cringed at that, realising that it was terrible, even for him.

Turning to face the house, he shot off like an arrow, readying himself for the revelations he would have to reveal.

What's this?! A chapter that doesn't end on a cliff-hanger?!


At any rate, I hope this chapter was okay. It's not my best, but at least it didn't end on a cliff-hanger right?

*Thinks back to the possible cliff-hanger*

Anyways, the school holidays are ending. BOOOO! So I am going to have to work extra hard! Don't worry! I'm not leaving this here! We haven't even scratched the tip of the iceberg. I think...

See ya in the next chapter!


Tyminator_1409creators' thoughts