
A Simple Why.

Why is this happening ? Why am I crying ? Why is the world so miserable ? Have you ever ask these questions to yourself ? All of them start with Why. So Why are you reading this ? And why am I telling you ? A simple why can change everything. Even your fate. Our fate.

drr3nz_ · realistisch
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3 Chs


"Oh man. I'm so exhausted. Why do they even host this event. Now I'm part of their puppet. So tired of socialising. Why can't I just die.."

"Broo, if they heard us. We are totally going to die man. Weren't you the one who was so excited to join this event ? Stop complaining and do your job."

Two boys argued with each other. The first one is me, and the other is my bestfriend. We are too inseparable friends. We do have our own circle of friends, but no one can replace him. Seriously.

My name is Dante. And well my friend is going to die. Oops. spoiler. but, yes. he is going to die. Why didn't I save him ? Oh so i'm the villain now just because I didn't save him.

Fuxk you