
Chapter 4

"So, why in the world is Naruto sleeping here as well?"

Tsunade who was visiting Yama so early in the morning saw the slumped and sleeping bodies of the two children.

Funnily it was carefree Yama who was in the dominate position with his feet on Naruto's sleeping scrunched up face.

"Uhh… It just kinda happen I guess, Hokage-sama."

Kakashi who stayed guard in the room explained at the newly arrived Hokage.

Tsunade smiled softly seeing a child who once saved her from her misery saving another child from the same fate as her.

'You really are like a sunshine to others, Naruto.' Tsunade thought to herself while looking at the two.

"…Mmm…M-my ramen…"




This is kind of freaking me out a bit. Why is most of the big shots in the show right here eating breakfast with me so early in the morning?

"Yama, why the long face? You need to eat more, before Naruto decides to eat all the food."

"Tsunade-Obachan, what do you mean by that? I can be considerate to the younger ones ya know!"

Tsunade was acting really strange for a long time, with her visiting really since I got here in Konoha. She wasn't like this in the show. Naruto, well… Naruto is still Naruto, I guess. Kakashi as well, he was the silent type and more on the listening guy.

But Tsunade…

"Hmm? What's wrong Yama? Why are you squinting like that? Is there something in my face?" Tsunade asked me while questioning Naruto and Kakashi with her eyes when I didn't respond.

"… Why are you doing this? Don't you have more important things to do? You're the Hokage, right? Tell me the reason."

"*Cough* *Cough*… W-well, I guess I'm kind a worried… with you?"

Yep, she's acting really strange. She's nervous and trying to evade eye contact? Even Naruto was puzzlingly looking between Tsunade and me and couldn't understand what's happening.

"… Please get straight to the point. I'm not that dense to not see you have an agenda doing these things."

"Ahh! I get it… let's get done with this…" Tsunade straightened her back while looking straight at me seriously. "Yama, No…Senju Yama… Not a bad name, right?...Would you like me to be your adopted mother?"

"Pfft!!!" Naruto spit's out the water he was drinking at Kakashi who was sitting in front of him while the later absentmindedly swiped his face.



"You want to be a shinobi?"

It's been a more than a month since I was adopted by Tsunade and live with her in the huge Senju compound along with Big Sister Shizune.

After all this time I still couldn't believe I've become the adopted son of the famous Tsunade, with a bonus of a caring big sister as Shizune.

"Yeah… Naruto's going to be away for a training with the old pervert. I guess I want to try being one as well."

To be honest, I've been trying to train in secret whenever Tsunade and Shizune were at work, but I was getting nowhere without the proper guidance. It wasn't like what I imaging when I read all those fanfics of the MC training by himself and becoming OP as hell in no time…Nope, reality sucks.

I was hoping that the Acherman bloodline that I remember I got before I got here would help me as well…but, no badass power and talent like Mikasa or Levi has yet awoken inside me.

Well, if I remember correctly there has to be a trigger for the bloodline to awaken… But I don't want to experience that thing if possible.

My supposedly Zanpakto as well, haven't awoken since the first time I saw her, so no to that as well. Still though I do practice swing regularly so I built up some muscles and stamina in that department.

Tsunade and Shizun-neesan looked at each other and a worried look was dawn at their faces. And this is the main problem why I still haven't been enrolled or training as a shinobi this past month.

"You know you don't have to follow in us, or the others' footsteps, Yama-kun. You can just stay as you are; we and Tsunade-sama will protect you."

"Shizune is right, Yama. I didn't adopt you to have you serve under me, or fight for the village."

Tsunade and Shizune had been trying to persuade me not to enter the shinobi world whenever I bring up this topic.

"You two act really strange whenever I bring this up…" The two avoided eye contacts when I said that. "Hmm… should I got to that mummy old man, I remembered he wants to make me strong the last time I saw him."

I pretended to close my eyes while muttering to myself but made sure that the two could hear me clearly. A bit underhanded, I know. But I don't plan to be a bystander when some god want to be are going to invade this village and even try to destroy this world. Not to forget those freaky aliens visiting in the not so far future.

*Baam! * "Absolutely not!" And my plan worked as expected.

Sigh, Tsunade and her habit of breaking tables…

"Tsunade-sama, calm down please… And Yama-kun please stop provoking Tsunade-sama…" Shizune-neesan acted as the mediator as always between us mother and son.

"…But I've been asking to enter the academy or train under you or her, but all you do is reject my request. I want to become stronger as well, you know."

"Sigh…" Tsunade sighed heavily and sat back tiredly on her chair. "We're saying, that you can't…"

"What does that mean? You can't or you just 'won't'?" I looked at Tsunade in displeasure, she won't get straight to the point and it's almost pissing me off.

"…It's imposible for you, Yama…"

"Tsunade-sama you can't be---"

"Shizune, he has to know now… the earlier the better."

I was a bit nervous about the strange exchange of the two. Why are they acting like I was just diagnosed with an uncurable disease? Wait, don't tell me---!

"Do I have cancer?! You two can heal me, right?! You're the best medical ninja, right Tsunade? How much longer do I have to live?!" I ran towards my adopted mother and questioned like a madman.

"Yes—wait no! what in the world are you talking about?! NO! You won't be dying!" Tsunade gently knocked my forehead as I recoiled in pain.

"It's just you aren't fitted to be a shinobi." Tsunade grabbed my face and looked at me in the eyes while caressing my hair gently. "You don't have a normal chakra network like the norm, and ninjutsu or other shinobi arts won't be working for you, Yama dear…"

Ehh? What the…For real?



Shit. Still no good… Shit...

I've been trying unlock some kind of mechanism inside me to hopefully unlock my chakra or maybe reiryuko that I could use, to prove Tsunade and the others wrong. And yet, all I get in return is my hard butt-clinching or fart most of the time.

"Argh! This can't be happening. That spin thing before I got here is a total scam! Where are my supposedly cheat powers? Come on, you have to be kidding me…"

I slumped down in the grass as I just watched the clouds above.

"Yo! Stop being grumpy all the time Yama-kun." A bright and cheerfull face of Naruto blocked my cloud viewing.

"Naruto, what are you doing here? Finally got out of the Hospital?" It's been almost 2 months since he was hospitalized and I've been regularly visiting him ever since Tsunade adopted me.

"You bet I am! Now I can finally train in full gear without anyone nagging at me! Hahaha!" Naruto raised his fist in the air in victory posed while laughing loudly.

"Oh, then that means…" I looked behind him and saw Jiraiya leaning on a tree watching the two of us, he waved at me while grinning when he saw me looking at him.

"Yeah, I came here to tell you I'll be gone for a while." Naruto puts his hand on my head and messed up my hair teasingly. "I'll be back before you know it. See ya, Yama!"

Naruto ran towards Jiraiya who was waiting for him while waving his hands back and forth.

"O-Oh! Take care, Naruto!"

I watched at their backs walking away silently until I could no longer see them.

"3 more years – no, 2 and a half more years left, before this whole thing goes into chaos…" I clinched my hand while reminding myself of the time I have left. "…I'm screwed, right?"

"Hey, are you still sleep there?" I grabbed my sword beside me and looked at it longingly.

I unsheathed it and admired its simple beauty and its blade while sitting in a Seiza position. The relaxing breeze in the air and the gentle sunlight somehow cleared up my mind as I unconsciously entered in a trance while holding the sword in my hands.

Suddenly I found myself floating above the blue skies as I looked around in wonder at the spectacle.

"Took you long enough! Yamamoto…"

A young girl's voice resounded behind me as a red-haired girl around my age looked at me while frowning with her hands on her hips.

"…Who are you?"
