
chapter 3

Summary: As perceptive as the demon slayers are, even they are not sure whether the demon's words here are truthful or not. You, my dear readers, will know more than they do, but not as much as me ;)

Notes: There is some old-timey racism in this chapter in case any of y'all wanna avoid reading about that... The rest of you enjoy.

Chapter Text

This demon's yellow-blue eyes were fixed at the scene in front of him, the remnants of Japan's Hashira's and many more demon slayers stood in front of him.

"Please forgive our intrusion" Yong began with cold formality, "I come as my client's translator, this is Mr. Stuhac, he has come all the way from Siberia, to bring you a Matter of great importance, If you would please hear him out."

"Go on then," said Kiriya, not determining hostile intent from him.

"If we are going to let him talk," Sanemi interrupted, "then perhaps some of us should go and get our Nichirin swords, just in case."

"Skazhite im, chto eto ne nadolgo, mister Yong." there was something of a flinch in the room when they heard Stuhac speak, everyone was ready for combat.

Yong sensing this spoke hastily. "My client urges you to be patient," he said, "he promises that he means no harm and that he will not take long"

"It's alright Sanemi," said Kiriya, "If he wanted to attack us, then there would be no point in coming to us like this, he would have done it earlier when he had the element of surprise."

Sanemi huffed and relented, but still remained vigilant, they all did, even Tanjiro, Tanjiro sat where he was, and prepared to listen to the demon's story, but he did not take his eyes off of him for a second. He did not like the scent Stuhac was giving off, this demon had eaten countless humans.

"Thank you Yong." said Stuhac, "now if we are all ready, I will begin… My real name is Leonid Petrovich Solovonov, that was my human name, and still is the name I prefer, now that I have a hope of being turned back into a human."

Shu Yong Translated.

"But how did you become a demon in the first place?" Kiriya questioned.

"If you can remember, then please tell us" Tanjiro implored.

"I thought Muzan was the only one who could turn people into demons," Tengen whispered to his colleagues.

"Just listen," responded Giyuu.

"If I am not mistaken," said Solovonov, "It was in the winter of 1905, I was a sailor in the Russian navy, and captured by the Japanese navy, during the Russo-Japanese War, it was then that I met Muzan. Back then, he was masquerading as a Japanese naval officer, I forget what name he used, but, singling me out, he gave me some of his blood, and turned me into an immortal demon-" Yong's face twitched while translating this.

"I know not how long it was after, but I had lost control and fell upon my comrades, who were also captured, I killed them all. Later, Muzan released me into Manchuria. I have lived as a demon ever since, unable to see the sunlight."

He stopped for a moment, and watched their facial expressions as Yong Translated… very few changed to show sympathy, most of them had already heard the same story so many times.But Solovonov only smiled, he knew that he would not have to beg, his request would be reasonable, and they would fulfill it.

"I now hear that you have done the impossible, you have not only defeated Muzan but three of you who had been turned into demons were turned back into humans, there is a miracle medicine which has been developed here. Now all I ask is that you give me a vile, so that I may become a human as well."

Yong finished the translation, and then for a moment; the room was silent.

"There is something I'm still having trouble with" Tengen spoke up; "I thought all of the demons died with Muzan, they disappeared when we killed him didn't they?!"

"Not necessarily," answered Kanao, "The Demons who were more powerful, certainly the upper moons; would have continued to live independently after Muzan's death, which means that this demon here is particularly powerful." She then turned to the two uninvited guests.

"Mr. Stuhac, or Solovonov or whatever you are called, just how many humans have you eaten?" Her words were calm, and yet full of indignation.

Yong cringed at the way the Japanese girl had mispronounced both the names of his client (Setuhaku and Sorovonovu) and then turned to translate her accusation.

"It is true that I have eaten many humans," Solovonov answered, "at first I killed almost at random, but very soon I was able to get better control of myself, from that point on, I killed and ate to satiate my hunger, but I made a point to only eat humans who… would have been the least deserving to live. Criminals, murderers, bullies, and thieves, those kinds of people. I understand that to you, the killing of any human is wrong, but now I come seeking the cure to my curse so that I will no longer have to consume others to survive, Killing me now will not erase the deeds both hunger and temporary lack of control forced me to commit but allowing me to live the rest of my life as a human will allow me time to repent as a human, and die peacefully, hopefully of old age, I have not aged for over 30 years now, please, this chance is all I ask for."

This was not how any of the members of the corps had hoped to spend this evening, Stuhac or Solovonov, or whoever he really was had been cooperative when Kiriya told him they needed time to discuss it, that he would be bound, and muzzled in the meantime. Sakonji escorted him out of the banquet hall, the swordsmiths and weaker members went home, and now the remainders of the demon slayer corps sat in the hall with their swords.

"I haven't told him that only Yushiro currently has access to this medicine, and he has turned down the invitation to join us" said Kiriya, "he will need to be summoned anyways, and I have sent the Kakushi to do so as you all saw... whether we decide to help Stuhac or not, he should share this information with us so that we will not be so helpless should an incident like this arise in the future. The question now is what to do with a demon who has eaten humans? Should we help him, or does he deserve to be killed to atone for the human life he has taken?""I think we should help him," Said Sanemi. Every head in the room turned to confirm with their eyes what they had just heard! Sanemi was the man who was most unlikely to take this charitable position. "If this demon who has only killed humans because he was hungry; consciously made the decision to only target the ones who deserved killing, then it means he did not slaughter indiscriminately when it was within his power, he's been tryin' to stay as human as possible all this time, granted Nezuko, Tanjiro, and Muichiro never killed humans, but at this point, there is no risk of him killing any more humans if we turn him back into one."

"HOW COULD YOU OF ALL PEOPLE BE SO NAIVE!" Zenitsu exploded! (startling Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, Kanao, and Muichiro who were all sitting closest to him.)

"Listen here! I can hear when people are lying! Their hearts make different sounds when they do! And that guy might have been telling the truth about some of the things he said, but he is definitely up to something! You should have sensed it too, Tanjiro!"

Zenitsu now turned to his closest friend.

"Umm, Its true what you said Zenitsu," Tanjiro began uneasily, "That guy gave off a pretty nasty smell, but I don't think he was being completely dishonest, but how could he be trying to deceive us with this? Why would he come all the way here to ask for the cure, and then cooperate as he is taken prisoner by Urokodaki-San? I think maybe he had his reasons not to tell us certain things, maybe he thought we wouldn't help him if he told us."

"Seriously!?" shouted Zenitsu! "What about you Nezuko-Chan!?" he said now turning to his crush, "surely you can help me explain to Tanjiro why it's too dangerous."

"But I a agree with big brother," she said, "if big brother senses that that man had his reasons for not telling us then it must be so."

"NANIII!?" Zenitsu cried in exaggerated disbelief.

"Then that's exactly why we shouldn't be so quick to help him!" Kanao protested. "If he was lying to us by omission, then that's all the more reason not to trust him, he has already confessed to eating humans, what if what he is hiding is so much worse than we cannot possibly trust him if we knew?"

"I happen to agree with Tanjiro," Muichiro chimed in. "even if he didn't tell us everything, he's put himself completely at our mercy. What kind of people would we be if we just left him like that?"

"We could just kill him then," Giyuu said, "If leaving him to starve is too inhumane for you Tokito, then we should end his life more quickly."


"I can't think of a reason why a demon would come here wanting the medicine" Giyuu continued cutting off Muichiro, "but that doesn't mean he doesn't have an ulterior motive that we haven't been able to think of yet. Tokito, Think about what Tsuyuri said earlier, the fact that this demon is alive means he is probably as powerful as an upper moon, if not more. He's too dangerous to be trusted, despite your inexperience you of all people should know what that means!"

Muichiro became defensive now, "what of my inexperience! I may be the youngest one here, but I've helped defeat two upper moons! I know how dangerous they are, but what risks are we taking here with this guy? He's already let himself be captured, and if we help him he won't be a threat to anyone at all! How can you still be so distrustful after all that's happened?"

"And how could you be so naive?!" Inosuke spat!

The arguing continued back and forth! Tengen even (flamboyantly I might add) threw a plate of food across the room at Inosuke, who returned fire and would have started an all-out food fight had Tanjiro and Tomioka not stepped in to restrain them, Kiriya tried in vane to plead with his friends to calm down, right before- -BANG!- everyone stopped and looked over to Sanemi, who had split one of the tables in half with a karate chop.What are you doing!?" cried Tanjiro "This hall belongs to the villagers!"

"Getting your attention," said Sanemi, "Besides, we have the money to reimburse them… Look here," he said standing up, "Right now the only things we know for certain; are what we don't know, so let's ask the Chinaman over there what he thinks!" he said pointing to Yong who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed the whole time.

"Mr. Yong was it? I want to help your client, but some of these guys here bring up good points as to why we shouldn't, you've known Stuhac for some time now, tell us, what kinda guy is he?"

Everyone looked towards Yong now, who looked annoyed if not impassive. "What care is it of mine whether or not you help my client?" he said, "and why should I care whether he is deceiving you or not? I have no dog in this, the man has already paid me for my services, I've stayed here long enough, I'm going back to my car, and leaving for Shanghai first thing in the morning"

"Please wait!" Kiriya cried as Yong turned to leave, "Please! Lives are at stake!"

Yong Paused. "If I told you, would it even make a difference?..."

"Y, Yes!" Kiriya answered.

"In that case, I will tell you just these two things. I never liked Stuhac or whatever his human name was, and I don't care what happens in Japan either, Stuhac is impertinent and annoys me, and you Japanese have only complicated things for my country politically. Goodbye"

"If that's your reason for not wanting to help us, then I am sorry but that's ridiculous!" cried Kanao, "the people who could be hurt if we make the wrong decision, have nothing to do with the governments or wars of our respective countries! More deaths in Japan will not stop the suffering in Manchu-"

"Oh, that wasn't my reason little girl," Yong cut her off harshly, "I am aware that the Chinese have been killing each other for centuries, and I am indifferent to what goes on in the north, I don't consider them my countrymen. Unrelated, I dislike you Japs because you have always been an insignificant race copying all of China's Ideas and advancements until suddenly because you've made yourselves into Europeans, you now think you have replaced us as the masters of Asia, you haven't! And you never will!"

And with that, he left the hall, full of stunned, and offended Japanese…

"That Chinese piece of crap! How dare he!" Tengen roared!

"So we Japanese are just a backwater race of copycats eh!?" Snarled Shinazugawa, "who does he think he's kidding!"

"You are both getting off-topic!" Tomioka warned them, "We don't have time to concern ourselves with politics right now!"

"Giyuu is right," said Kiriya, "It's unfortunate that Yong had such a bad attitude about helping us, but right now, all we can do is wait for Yushiro, in the meantime, we must figure out how to decide what to do on our own, and without fighting amongst ourselves!"

And everyone in the room agreed.

Meanwhile, Urokodaki Sakonji stood guard over the man formerly known as Leonid Petrovich.

"To think that you former Demon Slayers would be so mistrustful, even after having already done this three times," He asked his guard.

Hoh, so you do speak Japanese after all, Mr. Solovonov" Urokodaki said inquisitively. "Why did you bring your translator all the way down here?"

"Because it's interesting" Solovonov smiled, "Besides, he needs to get out a little more..." His smile now broke into a grin, "We all don't we?"

"Just what are you planning?" asked Sakonji.

"Right now," answered Solovonov… "I'm just trying to get that miracle drug..."


I just realized, LPS would not be able to be talking with Sakonji at the end with a traditional muzzle like the one Nezuko had, so picture him with a Hannibal Lecter-like Muzzle