
A Shadow: The Unrestrained Stalker Girl

Synopsis: (Point to be Noted : the total number of chapters of this book will be less than 100) A self-centered girl named Luna has an unalterable-obsessional crush on a guy named Brandon who is almost 10 years older than her. But the guy never treats her romantically. On top of that he thinks of her as a kid. Apparently Luna married his friend from the same highschool named Arthur to get closer to Brandon. Because Brandon is Arthur's father's younger brother. As Arthur was Brandon's only nephew and the only family member, Easter took the advantage to at least stay around Brandon. At first she just wanted to see Brandon's face everyday with an innocent heart and didn't care about the relationship status(her uncle-in-law) between them. But slowly her growing emotions turn more condensed towards Brandon instead of building it up for her husband Arthur. On the other hand, Arthur only marry her because of his unusual attraction for her. But Arthur's earlier lust towards Luna turned into a pure love with the changing circumstances. And no one knows what Brandon feels!! Everyone's feelings started to collide again and again centering Brandon. But unexpectedly Brandon's feelings or thoughts drowned them in a deep maze of mystery. And thus, a sprint between morality and loyalty is being depicted through the story. A story that can be just a simple love story or can leave behind the definition of love and reach beyond it. A love that solidifies with worship or an worship that sculptures an extreme level of human emotions. A dramatic plot based on psychology and some imaginary characters with a realistic characteristics..where lust will have a friction with affection.. At the end who will win the race and who will conquer the love.... Is getting love or conquering it, the same thing. Love that can turn a winner into a loser and a loser into a winner.... An extreme point of self-love that will leave behind the self and turn over towards someone else . Loving the reflection is also a form of love or is it a selfish love.... Or just another version of vanity..... Let's find out through this story that demonstrates the struggle of a girl on her way of achieving love...... What will she get !!..... What will she learn !! Will she cross the limit or create a new limitation? And at the end, love will change her or she'll change the interpretation of love...... will she defeat her emotions or those feelings will defeat the amour propre…….who will get addicted first?THE PREDATOR OR THE PREY!! BUT WHO IS THE REAL PREDATOR?And who will worship love more than worshiping the self? So let's experience a blindfolded journey of love in the dark. ( Because it's not a love story of heros but a tale of inclination between villains) Genre: Romantic- thriller Warning: it's a negative version x (so ignore it if it's cross the limit of your moral values)

AriaArsha86 · Urban
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68 Chs

CHAPTER- 45(I have an other disposition of mine that desperately wants to be your Queen)




After wandering for about half an hour in front of the door of Brandon's room, Luna at last knocked his door with a hesitant mind. 

No one responded.

She waited for 1 minutes and proceeded to leave as she doesn't have the courage to knock twice. 

But all of a sudden, Brandon opened the door. 

Luna didn't expect Brandon to open the door so soon, especially in the middle of the night when he's a heavy sleeper. 

Discovering herself standing in front of Brandon, Luna solidified like a newly made mud statue as if she will crumble by just a slight touch. 

"You're still awake….!!" Luna asked with a doubtful and nervous voice.

Brandon exhaled some smokey air emitting from the cigar*tte in his hand. 

"I can't sleep…." He said soon after taking in a stroke from the cigar*tte. 

"Bran... I .... I'm…." Luna tried to say something but she couldn't figure out how to apologize to him. 

She kept organising her words in her brain to make it the most sincere apology. 

But Brandon left her brain in a chaos as he himself talked without letting her to say anything else,

      " It's good that you're here. It's really uncomfortable to sleep with this guilty feeling." He made a firm eye contact. 

Luna kept staring at him with emptiness and confusion in her eyes. 

Brandon continued speaking,

         " I'm extremely sorry for my behaviour today. I was really mean to you that time…. You know it wasn't my intention to hurt you…. I was just ..... And I'm not feeling good after making you cry…. Maybe that's why I couldn't sleep. " he apologized looking at her puffy eyes. 

Luna didn't expect that Brandon would apologize to her like this. She couldn't hold back as she got on her knees, giving Brandon a counter shock. 

"WHY YOU'RE APOLOGIZING!! It was my fault…. I was rude to you….…. I should be the one to apologizing to you first…. I'm sorry…. In the future I'll never disobey any of your order….." She grasped Brandon's ankle with both of her hand while kneeling down and started sobbing. 

Brandon fell into an embarrassing situation as Luna literally wrapped her arms around his feet and her tear drops started falling on his toes. 

"Get up Luna… You're not at fault… You didn't disobey my order….. You came back home as soon as I told you to do so." Brandon tried to pull her up. 

"No…. Even if I obeyed your command…. But I disrespect you in an immature way….. Please forgive me….. I'm sorry." She again fell over on his feet. 

"Okay okay…. I forgave you. Just stand up." Brandon imposed his full strength and pulled Luna up to his embrace by his one hand. 

Luna energylessly poured all her weight over Brandon's body and it looked like she climbed onto his body up to his chest because of the pull.

" I'm sorry..." she kept weeping.

"Alright….. Next time try to do something mature to disrespect me…." He teased her. 

"Bran…I'm sorry.. there won't be any next time.." Luna increased her crying sounds as she tried to free herself from Brandon's embrace. 

But Brandon again hugged her intimately just by only one hand. Although he tried to keep his other hand as far away as possible so that the burning ember and heating smoke of the cigarette couldn't touch Luna's skin at all.

"I'm not angry at you even a little bit . So stop crying. And I'm sorry too." He kissed on her head .

Luna's tears stopped flowing as Brandon's lips touched through the scalp of her head. 

She got back to her senses as she got out from Brandon's arms and stood properly on her own feet. 

Wiping off her cheeks with the back of her hand, Luna cleared her throat,

"And ….. I want to tell you that…. Please don't misunderstand me…. I really love Arthur. I love him sincerely. And I said those stupid things driven by my emotions. I just wanted to hang out with my colleagues and friends during the dinner party. I couldn't get any chance to meet them after my marriage. That's why I was sad. And I mistakenly vent my anger on you." She explained with a fake smile. 

" I know….. I KNOW YOU LOVE ARTHUR. And I hope you'll always remember that even when you lose your temper ." Brandon patted on her head. 

"Absolutely….." She nodded. 

"Hey…. Are you having fever ?" Brandon asked her as he could sense the temperature on her body. 

He checked on Luna's forehead through the palm of his hand. 

"Just a little bit. I'll be alright…. Don't worry." Luna removed his hand from her forehead at a speed. 

"Go to sleep…. And make sure to take the medicine…. If you don't have the medicine, you can take it from me." Brandon held her hand and was about to drag her inside his room. 

But Luna didn't go.

    "No… It's okay. Arthur already gave me the medicine. I'll take another pill and then sleep." 

" Oh…. Glad to hear that. Then go and take some rest. Give me a call if your condition get worse..." Brandon left her hand.

"Okay…." Luna shook her head unwillingly. 

She doesn't want to go back, leaving Brandon right now. It's too difficult to convince her heart to go back to her room after having the most irresistible and splendid sight of Brandon in the last phase of night.She can't cut through this maze of him.But her hands are tied. She can't behave unreasonably in front of him at a time like this when she already made a reckless scene to upset him . 

Brandon was about to close his door….. But Luna halted his hand from closing it. 

"B… Bran…. Wait…. I…." She swallowed her saliva while talking.

"What is it, Luna??" He raised his eyebrows. 

"Actually I have something to tell you… I want to make a confession…" Luna awkwardly smiled. 

Brandon's face turned blue,

        "CONFESSION..!!... Y~You don't have to confess anything. Just go back…. We'll talk later, okay." He nervously tried to avoid her. 

"No… It's important…." Luna insisted on hearing her confession. 

"IMPORTANT..!!... No, I don't want to hear anything…" He denied. 

Luna still stubbornly continued speaking,

             " I just wanna say that…. It's me who has been sending you those enormous texts and calls since the evening. Please don't be angry. It might have caused you a headache and disturbed your work …. I'm sorry for that as well…." She lowered her head out of embarrassment.

Brandon was holding back his breath. Hearing from Luna, he took a breath of relief. 

          "Oh…. This is what you mean to say… I thought of something else." He laughed at his own imagination.

"What did you think??" Luna asked.

"Nothing... And by the way… I already know that it's you who sent me those 385 SMS and 5 blank calls during the whole evening. Your number is saved in my phone from earlier. So I wasn't disturbed by the fact of getting messages from any unknown number. I knew only you could do this silliness in the most creepy way ." Brandon kept laughing. 

"WHAT DID YOU SAID!! You had my number all these days saved in your contact list !!! Then why didn't you give me your number until now?" Luna frowned. 

"It's because if I were to give you my number, then you would have disturbed me all day with your useless calls and texts….. Besides, if I only gave you access to my phone number, it would be unfair to your other teammates." He explained. 

"That doesn't make any sense….. It's true though…..I would have disturbed you… That I'm still going to do. But as for the unfairness…. Situation has changed now…. I'm your family…. So no one will object from now on…."Luna smirked. 

"Good to hear that you started using your brain in all these matters…" Brandon inbreathed another stroke of cigarr*tte while talking. 

"Then…. Can I see how you saved my name on your phone?" She demanded like a kid. 

" I saved your name as your name. Is it something to see with curiosity?" 

"Please…. please…. please…" She pleaded.


       Brandon took out the phone from his pocket and then unlocked it . 

Luna swiftly seized the phone from his hand and watched through her own eyes. 

It's just simply written "Luna" on the contact list of the " L" section.

Her excitement turned into disappointment. 

    "What the hell… It's just my name…" 

            She complained.

"What else am I gonna save you as!! Should I change it to 'chair' or 'table' instead??" Brandon laughed. 

"No… Let me save my name to your phone in my style…." She started typing.

"I'll save it as ' My Love ' ….'My Lovely flower from the moon' " Luna kept typing. 

"No… Please… Give back my phone… Flower doesn't exist on the moon anyway" Brandon tried to snatch it back. 

" Relax… I'm just kidding…. Take it…" she gave back the phone to him. 

Brandon checked his phone as soon as he got it back. 

A smile appeared on his mouth as he saw that Luna only added a "Moon" emoji beside her name. 

"Don't you want to see how I've saved your name ??" She asked.

Brandon closed his eyes for once and took a deep breath.

  " I can't believe I'm saying this…. But yes . I do want to see that." 

Luna hurriedly took out her phone and showed her contact list. 

"I also don't like any cheesy way to save people's names. I was just flexing with you…" She laughed. 

Brandon's laugh turned into a smile that expressed nothing but only impressiveness towards Luna as he saw that she only added a crown emoji beside his name. 

"Won't you ask why I kept the crown with your name?" Luna blushed.


"Because you're my King…. No, you're my Emperor….." She answered , expressing her deep affection for him.

"Then you're my princess…." Brandon rubbed her head. 

Luna immediately stepped back. 

     "No… I'm not your princess… I'm not anyone's princess…. I'm not weak and innocent like those princess…. You know that right….." 

"Yeah… You've never succeeded in your life to behave like an innocent anyway…." He mocked her casually. 

"And you know that I'm tough enough and capable enough to be a Queen…" Luna's eyes kindled with confidence. 


"Then I would rather be a Queen….  Anyway you've never treated me like your princess… We've never got that kind of chance or time as well…NEITHER I EVER LET YOU CREATE ANY OF THOSE TERMS BETWEEN US ... .Besides, All you cared about was Arthur…" She twisted her lips. 

"How so!!??....Arthur wasn't here all this time…" Brandon tried to protest. 

"Yeah… But the main part of your mind was with him…. And the rest of your mind was full of yourself…. However… I'VE NEVER EXPECTED ANYTHING FROM YOU. I'VE ALREADY GOTTEN YOU MORE THAN ANYONE COULD GET. THAT'S ENOUGH FOR ME." Luna smiled with visual  satisfaction.

"Okay…. You're not a princess. You're my Queen who can hold over a vast powerful existence just by herself. You don't need anyone." Brandon pretended to bow down his head. 

"YOUR QUEEN..??!!" Luna enhanced her eyes area.

"Ops…..Sorry… Not mine…" Brandon corrected his mistake. 

"Apparently not yours…. " She repeated emotionlessly. 

But she couldn't act according to her words. So she decided to take her leave. 

"Yep…." Brandon shook his head. 

"Goodnight Bran…. It's late…. I better go back now." She snatched the half smoked cigarette from Brandon's hand before leaving. 

Brandon looked at him with confusion.

"Smoking is a bad idea at late night instead of sleeping." Luna tried to give wise advice.

"Then it might be a good idea in the daytime." He cracked her words.

"Some people can never have good ideas… Whenever the time is …. They come up with the worst harmful ideas as always…."  Luna lost in her own world of paradox.

"Are you talking about yourself or me?" Brandon smiled.

"No, I'm talking about harming ourselves or maybe others…"

Luna smiled back… Then she herself closed the door of Brandon's bedroom from outside. 

As she knows that if she doesn't close the door right now, she might never gain the capacity of closing this door between them ever.





Luna came back to her own bedroom with a light and cheerful heart. 

As if her withered soul bloom again after restoring its distorted state.

The half cigarette is still in her hand. She couldn't throw it away. 

Luna stood beside the window again. She looked back at Arthur on the bed. He's sleeping so soundly now. Maybe he's actually tired because of his work. 

Then she calmly finished the rest of the cigarette by herself and enjoyed the outside view through the window while smoking. 

The night sky doesn't feel dark and cold anymore…. She doesn't know if this is because the quandary of her mind tranquilized down or it's almost dawn and the first appearance of sunlight on the earth's atmosphere is about to occur. 

Whatever the reason is…. She only responded by the peace that spreaded through her limbs as the night wasn't  harsh anymore. 

Even after finishing the whole cigarette, she still couldn't throw the last part into the trash can as it's from Brandon.

When her fingers were almost about to burn by the flaming little stub of cigarette, she put it inside the glass of milk that Arthur kept for her earlier. 

She didn't drink the milk when Arthur asked him to do that. Neither did she take any medicine that time. Everything is kept on the table untouched as the same. Only difference is that the milk started spoiling.

Closing the window and then curtains, Luna went to the bed. Now she can sleep peacefully. Her heart and brain relaxed completely as everything sorted out with Brandon.

She smiled looking at Arthur as she's in a good mood. She wanted to tell him that everything had been solved. But it won't be appropriate to disturb his sleep. 

Luna quietly slipped inside the blanket and unfolded Arthur's arms. Then she knotted herself in between his arms and fell asleep leaning with his chest in a comfortable posture. 




In the Morning:


"Luna ….LUNA….WAKE UP… It's almost 9 am. I'm going down for breakfast. Won't you join us…." 

Luna opened her eyes, hearing Arthur's loud voice. 

Arthur has already gotten ready to go to the office. 

While tying the tie around his neck, he kept calling Luna. 

Luna hurriedly sat up on the bed. 

" Oh no…. Today I couldn't cook for Brandon. I've overslept. Where is he? He must have gone to the office already by this time!!" She stood up from the bed.

"No… He's waiting in the dining area. We still have some time. If you wanna join for breakfast, then you can. And there's a lot of people for the task of cooking. If you fail to cook, we're not gonna starve anyway." 

"Just give me a moment…. Of course I won't let Bran go for work without even meeting me." Luna ran towards the bathroom. 

She somehow brushed her teeth and washed her face after using the restroom. And she hurriedly came out of the bathroom before Arthur completed wearing his shoes as the last step of getting ready. 

Luna tidied up her hair standing in front of the mirror.

Arthur pushed her aside and set his own hair . Then he sprayed the deodorant on his clothes as a finishing touch. 

" Let's go…By the way…. Thanks for waking me up. Or else I would have to wait for a long day to meet Bran. I don't know why suddenly you're behaving so softly with me!!" Luna swiftly walked away after thanking Arthur. 

Arthur sighed frustratingly and then walked behind her while typing on his phone screen. 

This morning when he found Luna sleeping on his arms, he felt a little bit guilty about what he's going to do today. But observing her attitude, he became one hundred percent sure that whatever he's going to do with her, will serve her rightfully. And this is the reason he deliberately made Luna wake from her sleep. Or else he doesn't have any inclination of creating opportunities for a nerd like Luna to have breakfast with his own uncle.

While walking across the stairs,Arthur sent a text to someone through his phone written, 'You can enter inside the villa now."  




In the Dining Hall :


"Good morning, Bran." Luna charmingly greeted Brandon while entering the dining area. 

"Good morning, my little flower from the moon." Brandon answered, sitting on the chair.

"Hey… Wait…. Didn't you say that You two had a fight last night !!!" Arthur looked at Luna and asked. 

Brandon has just bit a portion of bread. But hearing Arthur's words, he almost choked the food in his throat. 

He quickly drank a glass of juice from the table.

"Yeah…. But then we patched up." Luna answered with a blush on her face. 

"When…!!" Arthur again asked. 

"Last night…." She said. 

"Last night when…!!.!!" Arthur tried to ask specifically as he clearly remembers that he didn't witness anything like this last night.

"In our dreams…. Brandon and I, we appeared in each other's dreams at midnight and then apologized to each other…" Luna lowered her gaze shyly while standing close to Brandon's chair. 

"What do you mean….!!" Arthur narrowed his eyes out of confusion.

Brandon middled in their stupid conversation. 

  "Just shut up Luna.."

            He shifted his gaze towards Arthur,

    "Don't listen to her, Arthur. She's just babbling nonsense. I think she had lost the last remaining screw of her head ….. Ignore what she says...Come and eat first." 

"Brannn….. I have all my screws in my head." Luna showed objection. 

"I see…. You keep screws inside your head… hahaha.." Brandon teased her. 

"No …. I didn't mean that…." Luna made her face .

"Then how did you guys patch up…? When did it happen ?" Arthur was intended to interrogate farther but a guest appeared at the moment interrupting him.




"Hi guys….." A marvelously beautiful lady, led by Miss Rossi and two other servants walked towards them with a highly fashionable outfit on her perfectly harmonized figure. 

Seeing the guest, Brandon felt uneasy as he irritatingly looked at Arthur with an unspoken question. 

Arthur didn't notice Brandon as his eyes contacted the lady's eyes and the link sparked a hidden shine in both of their eyes. 




To Be Continued…..