
a selfish monster in the multiverse

a man who in his first life selflessly choose to keep his family happy dies and gets brought to life in his favorite anime given 3 powers an not willing to follow anyones wishes any longer he will let his selfish desires take over

dontenglish · Anime und Comics
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powers of the mc

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The user can connect any being to each other to share the same result. For example, connect three humans and shoot one of them, causing damage to all three.

There is a range limitation, but it can be improved with practice, an also depending on how much stronger they are compared to you, it could be canceled


The user can restore anything living or non-living to their optimum state, including high-speed healing/regeneration of themselves or others, restoring life in an environment, such as forests or animal life, reconstructing ruins or destroyed buildings, etc. This is a separate ability to regenerate as this power can heal another being or object, not just themselves.

The only limitation on this is it costs more mana the farther back you restore something


The user's mind is capable of knowing potentially anything and everything and has the capacity to filter what they choose to know, selectively picking topics of interest according to the situation. They can objectively be omniscient at their whim, making this a controllable form of it. Also doubles as a lesser form of the ability, making it as they are knowledgeable of effectively everything at the cost of not being aware of all there's to possibly know on information unrelated to knowledge accessible or picked upon.

The only limitation is how much know about a subject. naturally, if they know nothing, they will die depending on the type of knowledge there asking for