
A Second Chance to Breathe

During the worst war in history, four friends team up to survive this apocalypse. God gave them a second chance at life, now they need to give everyone else one too. (Both Girls AND Boys lead in this story :))

WonderKid_405 · Teenager
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5 Chs

Caroline’s Catastrophe

Caroline could be called many things, dumb was not one of them. She used her head and she used it good. Any situation she was in she could find herself a way out, it was just how she operated, and she liked it that way. But as she would soon find out, her head wouldn't help her in this situation.

Caroline leaned her forehead against the cool glass of the train window, relishing the calming vibrations of the tracks below her. She had just got back from her math class in Boston University. The most surprising part? She was 14, but she was a gifted student so they practically kicked her out of school and put her in college classes. That was fun seeing all the stares from jealous college-aged students. She didn't mind though. Caroline was always in her own little world. She found it protected her from all the evils in her world.

Books were her coping methods along with her mind. She built up walls to resist any intruders from trying to invade her personal bubble. She hadn't had many friends growing up for that exact reason, so they decided she was an outsider.

As the years went on, she buried herself in knowledge to fill her life. It was her dad that stepped up and forced her to socialize in a learning environment-also the schools-to keep from her introvertive ways. She didn't appreciate it at first, but she had managed to make a friend or two who didn't envy her for her brains. That she appreciated.

The train came to an abrupt stop and she slid forward in her seat unwillingly, stopping herself from smacking her head on the seat in front of her. She rolled her eyes and stood up from her seat, grabbing her black Jansport backpack and slinging it over her shoulder.

Her phone buzzed and played a jolly tube she now associated with her Dad.

Dad:You almost home sweetie? I have a surprise waiting for you! Love you!❤️

It was her Dad. Chocolate brown eyes and soft Sandy hair with a huge grin that makes you smile even on the darkest days. Ever since mom died, he's had to work more double and night shifts as a security guard at Costco and 3 other jobs, but he always found time for Caroline and you have to appreciate that.

She walked through the streets oof Danes and couldn't stop thinking about her surprise waiting for her. A puppy? No, we couldn't afford that, no matter how much she would want it. Maybe a dinner with him? That seemed like the most reasonable option.

She walked through the lobby and waved to the desk man as she stepped into the elevator. He'd had worked at this apartment for who knows how long, it had definitely been before they'd arrived. It slowly crept up the floors until it got to floor 8. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open to reveal the familiar hallway that has always been.

She walked down the long hallway with bounce in her step, she was so excited to see her dad, even though it's only been a few hours. Just walking had felt like it had been hours. She finally grabbed her key and unlocked the rusty door that said: 8C.

"Dad! I'm home!...dad?"

She looked around and all she saw was the somewhat clutter of the house. Pots and pans had been stacked on the kitchen counter because there was no other place to put them, same with plates. She made a mental note to bring that up on the way to whatever they were doing later. She turned around the corner to her living room, filled to the brim with horrendous furniture.


Her dad lay on to floor in a pool of his own blood. Caroline stopped in her steps. It would've helped if she heard the footsteps behind her, but she was focused on her dad. Her only living relative, dead. Gone. Tears sprung to her eyes and she couldn't help but let them fall. It was all her fault. She felt a pang in her heart. Soon it turned into a pinch, then a throb.

"You should've stayed in the lobby." A voice whispered in her ear. She fell to the ground with the knife ripped out of her body.

She gladly welcomed the light, but it wouldn't let her pass, no, really. It physically wouldn't let her pass.

"It's not your time, my sweet child, you are destined for great things."

"Please, just let me be with my dad in heaven, I can't do this without him. Just let me go. Let me go!" She pushed against her, uh him..it?

"Sweetheart, I will protect him, just as I will you. There is no need to fear, I am here with you in here." She pointed to Caroline's fixed heart. She didn't feel any pain anymore, as if it had never happened.

Caroline looked up at her with waves of hurt in her eyes, "ok, I'm ready."

The light grew farther and farther away until she saw the back of her eyelids, the weird colors and pixels swirling aroundShe snapped her eyes open and saw a body covered in back clothing, sporting a wound identical to hers. She stood up fine, sure she had blood on her(her own), but there was no tear in her skin. Caroline began to wonder what she saw, but she had no time, sirens filled her ears. She quickly ran upstairs and grabbed all she could find that she would need, including a picture of her and her Dad. She ran back downstairs and took one look at her Dad.

"I will live on for you, only for you. I love you too Dad." She spoke all choked up.

And she climbed into the fire escape.

This is the last miracle out of four. These children are destined for greatness. Follow their journey to see what happens.