

"Tch, they are so clueless...."

The woman says as she unties herself from the handcuff that is placed on her by Edward and others, it was made out of aluminum metal and unknown material that stops her from using her ability.

"Still such tricks like this indeed have flaws."

Judith tose the cuff to the side and cautiously stood from her feet.

The two stop in their tracks as they notice something shots out into their bodies. Choe looks distant, as her eyes caught something early ago,

"Don't tell me he can resize objects!"

she whispered as her special eyes can see the smallest details when the two Edwards came close to Mr. Kermit himself.


Edward noticed his right hand was holding three large needles and glanced to his left to find Moho on his stop unable to move, as large needles stick out of his chest and body paralyzing him.

"I didn't expect that your body would catch those from that fraction of a second."