
Chapter 105. Alliance

Silva POV

Days have turned to weeks, then months, and since I reintroduced Summer and Raven into the lives of their daughters a few months back, I have gotten used to my new norm. I am mainly working with Glynda as a teaching assistant with some missions here and there with the weekend tradition of bringing everyone over to the castle. The only notable event during these few months aside from taking my girls out on dates is getting Team CRDL expelled from Beacon by manipulating them into going a bit too far with their bullying, which I made amends to their victims to the best of my ability, plus shattering the bullies bones to the point of ruining their chances for a Huntsmen career permanently.

Things are quiet for the most part well; Yang is still angry at which is starting to get on my nerves because I have apologized for keeping my relationship with her and her mother, Raven, a secret. I feel a bit exasperated with Yang, and I am planning on having a long talk with her to try to mend things as best as I can. Sighing at that awkward talk ahead of me, my scroll rang, and I saw the caller ID, Salem. I answered my scroll.

Silva: How may I help you?

Salem: I wish to meet to discuss our alliance.

Hearing that, I felt excited and asked.

Silva: Does that mean?

Salem: We need to talk first in person before anything else, but I am leaning towards yes.

I grinned and told her.

Silva: See you as soon as I wrap up things here for the week.

Salem: There is no rush so take your time.

I went to Glynda to ask for permission to skip Beacon for the week, and to my surprised, she agreed, but she did ask why so I told her I was running a bit of business on the side and need to be there to negotiate. A half-truth but no lie since the Brothers assigned me to speed up the final judgment of Remnant and Salem will help me better than Ozma to either unite Remnant or destroy it once and for all because I will not endure eternity; I will go mad.

I opened a portal to Salem and passed through it into her fortress. I saw Salem with her hair down and not tied up into her usual spider-like hairdo, which is a bit creepy. I complimented her.

Silva: You are looking lovely, Salem.

Salem gave me a soft hum in reply, and I then went straight to business.

Silva: So what do you expect from me in this Alliance of ours?

Salem: A few things, for starters, Ozma's current incarnation head on a pike.

Silva: Not a problem but his next incarnation, we need him out of the game for the long term, so when he pops up in his new host, let me incapacitate him with a drug-induced coma.

Salem nodded in agreement then looked at me curiously and asked.

Salem: There has been a question on my mind for a while now that I will have an answer to; since your goal is to try and unite Remnant right now, why seek me out instead of Ozma?

Silva: The answer is not complicated; I feel that I would have far better success in uniting Remnant with you instead of Ozma. Unlike Ozma, you are a far better manipulator than him and far more ruthless, so you get things done and don't any crap from your pawns unless they have something useful to contribute.

Salem raised and an eyebrow and commented.

Salem: An interesting assessment, but that aside, my next condition is of a more intimate nature.

Silva: Shoot.

Salem got up and walked towards me, then continued.

Salem: While you may be right about my previous path being unable to achieve what I desire, death. Can you say that the path you are showing me can give me the release I want?

I answered honestly because lies with her will just come back and bite me later.

Silva: No, I can not offer you any guarantee.

Salem sighed and said.

Salem: I appreciate your honesty; unlike Ozma, you at least offer some sense of transparency, but to tell you what I want from you, I need to explain my four daughters to you first and what led to their death.

While I know what she means, I let her do the talking while keeping my silence.

Salem: You see, my daughters that I had with Ozma not only inherited our magic but a bit of our respective immortalities. They could heal far more quickly than ordinary people, and we're able to expel their souls from their bodies. So when Ozma tried to sneak them away from behind my back, it quickly escalated into a fight because we thought even if the girls got hurt, they would recover easily enough. How wrong we, no, I was when they died from the crossfire. I regret this to this day.

Salem then slipped her black dress off, which made my mouth dry as a bone, and she moved into close proximity to me and continued.

Salem: If I do not get the release, I desire I at least want a companion to be by my side so long as this world turns. I do not doubt that a child between you and me will be every bit as immortal as you and I, so for my allegiance, I want you to impregnate me.

It took me several moments to process what she told me, and my first reaction was mild anger.

Silva: Just how selfish are you!? You are treating a child as a tool for your benefit, YOUR CHILD, and you want them to endure the same torture as you do now. I guess the expression, Misery Loves Company, really signifies you.

She looks at me in surprise at my anger then says.

Salem: Yes, I am aware of what I am asking, but nonetheless, you could very well ask the same as me in a few centuries if uniting this abandoned world proves hopeless.

I could see her point, but I don't like it. I may have enough blood on my hands to create a lake, but I have my bottom lines, and using innocent children, especially my children, to benefit myself with their suffering goes way past it. I focused and calmed myself and considered her proposal from different angles before outright refusing it. Unfortunately, I can see this actually helping Salem free herself from her curse by the Gods because the way to break it is for her to learn the value of life and the importance of death.

I hope I don't come to regret this. I told Salem in a harsh tone.

Silva: Very well. I agree, but I warn you if our child suffers from your selfishness, then I will make any pain you have felt feel like a gentle breeze in comparison. Do I make myself clear!

Salem smiled and replied.

Salem: Certainly, and I can see that you will show any child from our union far more care than either Ozma and I ever have.

The next moment my clothes disintegrated from a pulse of magic Salem fired at me, and I looked at her with a deadpan look.

Silva: Really?

She gave me a small smirk and said.

Salem: I rather not wait, plus it has been a long while for me since I last had any sexual release.

She then pulled back some curtains, revealing a bed ready, and she sat on it then beckoned me.

Salem: Come.

I did not need to be told twice, and I got up and went to her. As I was about to press her down on the bed, she turned the tables on me and had me on my back. Salem gave me a sultry smile as she conjured a pink light in her hand then touched my hardened member sending waves of pleasure through me, making me almost cum, but she stopped as I was about to. Salem chuckled and said.

Salem: Surprised? This is an old trick I relearned, plus a few other things to ensure that everything goes as I desired in anticipation of our alliance and union.

She then touched herself with the same pink light making her vagina wet and ready, but before the deed was done, I asked her.

Silva: Mind teaching me that trick and few others?

Salem: Hmm, another time, so for now, let's focus on the present.

She straightened my shaft and pierced herself with it. She is as tight as a virgin; it really must have been a while since she had company in bed. Salem then commented.

Salem: An excellent size, and I expect you to have the stamina to ensure that you can keep up with me.

Silva: That's my line!

I sent a vibration through my cock, making Salem yelp in surprise and clenched on me even harder. I gave her a smug smile, and she then said with a smile of her own.

Salem: I think that is enough pillow talk.

She started to ride me and steadily increased her pace as she did. I grabbed ahold of her jiggling breasts and sent vibrations through my hands to assault her. She soon lets out moans of pleasure as she increases her pace, and she shudders as we cum at the same time. I let her have her fun. Now it's my turn.

I pinned her on her back, and she wrapped her legs around me as I pounded her. I soon blew my next load into her and continued ramming her until she came again. I then lifted her as I sat down with her, still connected to me. As we faced each other, I kissed her and grabbed her cushioned rear end, and started to thrust into her again as we kissed.

I got a long week ahead.

( A few days later)

I woke up to an unfamiliar dark ceiling, and I felt Salem sleeping in my right arm. I used my left hand to get the sand out of my eyes and thought to myself, what a wild couple of days. Salem has definitely gone through a long dry spell because even with magic, she drained me thoroughly. I slowly got up, feeling the pins and needles sensation in my crotch, making me wince; the funny thing about my immortality is that I only recover from harmful things at different rates depending on how much I focus on the damaged part but otherwise, I heal normally from non-lethal harm like now.

While I can't die, I can go through a lot of pain; of course, the Brother Gods gave me a slightly different version of Salem's immortality, well whatever. As I got up, Salem stirred from her slumber and greeted me.

Salem: Good morning, Silva.

I joked a little.

Silva: How can you tell? It's always dark outside.

Salem snorted at my poor joke then said.

Salem: Regardless, I can say with sufficient confidence that you managed to impregnate me after all your hard work.

While I won't deny that part of me is excited to have my own flesh and blood come into this world. I also feel a sense of dread that I might have condemned said child to a miserable existence with immortality unless I ask the Brothers to grant them the ability to choose their death. Another thing on my to-do list, but I asked Salem the specific piece of magic I hoped she knew about that might ensure that my girls stay by my side for centuries, if not longer, if it worked.

Silva: Salem, I need to pick your mind on something.

Salem: Oh? What about?

Silva: I was wondering if there is a magic that transfers damage from one person to another automatically?

Salem: I do think I have at least a few books related to that odd bit of magic. Why?

I sighed and explained myself.

Silva: I do not wish to spend my immortal existence with only a few people like you and Ozma, no offense.

Salem: None taken, now continue you have intrigued me.

Silva: My hope is to use that spell with myself as the medium for taking damage for others and modify it also to register the ravages of time and aging, to make the people I care about somewhat immortal like me. What are your thoughts on the matter?

Salem looked at me, astonished, and grabbed her chin as she started to show an expression of deep thinking. After several minutes she told me.

Salem: It could work...

As I got excited, she splashed me with cold water.

Salem: BUT! It will take time to research it and then make it usable.

Well, at least I got something, so I asked her.

Silva: May I borrow the books on the related subject?

Salem: You may not.

I looked at her, stunned at her refusal, and before I could ask why she then said.

Salem: I will research it myself because in the event our child does not turn out to be immortal like you and me, this clever bit of magic can save us quite a bit of heartache. So, I will do the research and provide you with the spell after getting it to work.

Silva: Thank you, Salem.

She waved off my thanks and replied.

Salem: I am also doing it for myself so save your gratitude.

I thanked her once more regardless and headed back to my home in Vale as she dismissed me.

Salem POV

It looks like I gained more from this alliance than I initially thought, a spell to make myself a sacrificial effigy for not only lethal damage for the aging process as well. What Silva did not realize is that he may have given me a means of ending my long existence. With some work, I might find a loophole in the Brothers design and transfer my curse onto another, but for now, I need to see if it will work first, and for that, I need to test subjects.

Luckily, no shortage of fools fearing death fills this world and will do anything to stave off death. Atlas seems like a good starting point to acquire what I need to start my tests. For now, I will maintain my alliance with Silva in case this turns out to be another dead end to find death's brace. One way or another, I must thank him for giving me a touch of hope in different ways.

I touched my womb, and the previously unseen crest now lit up over it, confirming that I am with child: so many things to do and all the time in the world to do it.