
Chapter 78 Rise Undead

Somewhere between life and death.

--Uhgt... my head... where am I?

In the absolute darkness a trembling young voice sounded confused and pained.

--I can't see anything... Wait! I can not feel anything! Argh!

The voice gave a growl after shouting and soon a new growl echoed in the void, or rather a bestial and primal roar.


The boy roared with all his might as his memories came back to him.

-- WHAT WAS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?! BEAT ALL MIGHT ?! ALL FOR ONE! KUROGANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

The young man's voice became confused as he processed the fragmented information from his memories.

--I tried to stop Kurogane... but I... fused with All For One... hit All Might and hurt many heroes, Kurogane in the end... he just mocked me and killed me.. .like nothing...

The young man's voice professed his sorrow and his impotence, his principles, his ideals and his mission were crushed by his opponent as if it were nothing more than a bad joke, he, his opponent only had fun with his crazy self and enjoyed mutilating his body and massaging it.

The deceased youth, Midoriya Izuku could remember the sinic, hedonistic and terrifying grin on the demonic face of his executioner Kurogane Yuuji "Ymir".

Contrary to what many would expect, Midoriya did not feel angry or filled with a desire for revenge towards Kurogane, he only felt hatred towards himself for his weakness and his action during the battle. After calming down, he began to repeat the battle in his mind, being the only thing he could still feel or use in the darkness of death.

--Why did I fight Kurogane in the first place?

A simple question arose in the midst of his ramblings, which led him to another round of introspection, revealing his own incoherence and the erratic behavior of his last days.

--That...voice...the...rainbow...light...I...control to fight Kurogane?

--Indeed my cute Izuku~

As stated in the saying "Talking about the Devil and he peeks out"


Two voices resounded in the darkness, a male one full of hatred and frustration and the other female who, unaware of the other party's emotions, only transmitted joy and indifference.

--Come on~come on~ my cute Izuku~ be a good protagonist and come back for me~

--Return? You already killed me! You killed Ka-chan! You killed all those soldiers! YOU! What else do you want from me?

Midoriya Izuku in his despair did not realize that he had recovered his body and found himself naked while large and seemingly endless sources of tears escaped from his eyes running down his cheeks and staining the floor. In front of him a young woman with brown hair and rainbow eyes was dressed in an orange jacket with a hood with two small round ears and a blue and white striped pleated skirt, with cream-colored sneakers and radiant white knee-highs with bunny endings. , giving him an adorable but strangely disturbing look.

--Come on, come on~ izuku-chan~ don't be like that~ first of all you should thank me and praise me for resurrecting you~ for allowing you to come back to life~ now thank me~ Izuku-chan~

--I am alive? Hey! OH!

With a scream, the young man covered his crotch with his hands, to which the young woman only mocked.

--Pff~ as if there is a lot to see~ poor Ochaco-chan~ her nights will be very boring~


--Hahahahaha~ calm down Izuku-chan~ well continue to thank me and then serve your purpose and defeat (Kill) Kurogane Yuuji "Ymir" he shouldn't exist~ he should never have existed~

Said the young woman with a tone of supremacy while her iridescent eyes shone with an intimidating and cruel light.

--You told me that before! TELL ME WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Tell me how and why? Tell me who the hell are you?!

Midoriya screamed forgetting his nakedness and pointed with his hands at the young woman gesturing his anger and annoyance, only to blush with embarrassment and return to cover his genitals.

--Pfff~ Hahahahaha~ you are really adorable Izuku-chan~ I am something like your "GOD", I am the guide and I am the way, all start from me and all end in me, everything is for my control (And my pleasure )... but I'm not all powerful~ there are rules you know~ there are also other existences on par with me and these are a bit stronger than me (the bitch from DxD, the Smiling Sadist from Fate, the lunatic from ToAru and the hippies drigadics of Konosuba and Naruto) and one of those existences sent a variable to my world~

--And that variable is Kurogane?

--*Ping*Pong* correct answer~ you won some underwear~

The girl sneered and tossed him a pair of boxer shorts emblazoned with All Might's picture, which he put on immediately.

--Thanks... but if Kurogane is a variable... what was the original result supposed to be? From what I know and I could see... without Kurogane, many things could have gone out of control, with the league of villains and what happened in Deika, kurogane did many things hidden from all of us. I suppose those actions are what Did they alter your plans...?

--Right~ you win a pair of pants~

The girl continued her taunt and tossed him a pair of threadbare, faded jeans.

--What was the true end of your plans?

asked the young Midoriya who had stopped crying and with his reddish eyes claimed the truth from the mysterious young woman.

--See for yourself~ Izuku-chan~

With a flirtatious twist the enigmatic girl ripped an air kiss which turned into a golden light that penetrated directly between Midoriya Izuku's eyebrows sending him to the ground in indescribable pain.

* *

Tears, roars and blood flowed from Midoriya Izuku's face as he saw the truth of his world, he saw himself, his classmates, his family members, he saw everyone except Kurogane Yuuji, he saw the entrance exam, he saw the assault to USJ, he saw the Heroes Steins Assassin, he saw the league of villains, he saw his nenesis Shigaraki Tomura, he saw the sports festival, he saw the camp, he saw the kidnapping of his close friend and his rescue, he saw the tests for the license, he saw the Kamino fight and its end, he saw everything that would be his past and what his future would be, he saw everything that would eventually become the "SYMBOL OF PEACE" after a long road full of pain and sacrifices .

He saw everything that was supposed to happen, after several minutes that soon became a couple of hours, Midoriya Izuku got up from the ground, his tears dried up like the blood on his face, feeling a great pain in his throat and a Incredibly heavy in his heart, with a deep and diphonic voice, he asked the infamous woman in front of him.

--Is that really...the truth?

--YES~! Do n't you love it~?! A world full of heroes and villains~ without any Sociopaths, Genocides and Hedonists throwing everything into a Realistic dumpster~ This world only needs Ideals and bodybuilder buttocks~

The girl clapped, laughed and smiled at her own statement to which the young hero could only step forward and try to slap her but her body froze so she could barely move her mouth and say what she had to say, with new tears. dripping from his reddish eyes.

-- How many innocent people died that way?! Midnight-sensei died! Over a thousand hundred Heroes Died! Hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens died! Society collapsed! National level heroes turned their back on us! Japan fell! I know everything is for me! But at what price! I'm really Stupid! I shouldn't have gotten involved that day! Togata-senpai should be the heir! What a great hero! What a great symbol of peace! It's just a dream!

Midoriya Izuku broke down, crying tears of blood, his body fell to his knees while he cursed himself, he could understand and reason what had led that world (the original) to that end where he is finally the "Symbol of the Peace" but when he saw the truth, the dark path and all the plots behind the events, he felt disgust, shame, guilt but above all self-contempt, he realized what it really was, they say that when you die you see your whole life for ahead and he really saw her and not once but twice, he saw her life with a variable and another version of her life, which the girl who called herself god referred to as the Original and true one.

Comparing them he saw how tiny and stupid he was, he really was stupid, spoiled and incompetent, blinded by his own narrow worldview, chasing All Might's shadow even when nature itself denied him the gift of a quirk, a Quirk, He continued like a fool moving the gears of the so-called destiny, starting a simple and pure downward spiral towards disaster.

--Kurogone is right~ Reality is cruel, you always have to look at the big picture... I was really stupid and myopic... Kurogane killed all those people but they were all criminals or insurgents, he massacred everyone who would be a threat to He and the others... inculminating me... Hahahahaha~ he is the true hero... except for all those people who would have been condemned because of me and my stupidity...

Midoriya Izuku laughed and cried as the goddess looked at him with a smile but it soon turned into a frown and her foot soon ended up placing the lowered head of the young green haired man.

--Stop crying~ Izuku-chan~ you are my pawn~ my toy~ you will be the symbol of peace~ and you will like it~

A new wave of golden light entered his body, again bringing a world of pain over the young man.

--Now be reborn, rise from the dead and claim your position~ my Izuku-chan~

The young woman smiled widely as she laughed.