
A Second Chance in Another World

The death of a love one is heart-rending. Joy and love are taken for granted. One music, one piece, the world shall know pain! Read and follow a man’s journey to overcome depression, despair and distress.

RealityProvider · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Predicament II

Flores began ruffling through the black hooded figure's chest to grab a dagger to then slit his neck.

A head fell down…

"This person… I knew it…" Flores was sweating bullets, biting her lips, holding her right palm across her forehead, tilting her head forward.

"Who is this person?"

"It's one of the three hunting dogs of Princess Melissa"

"Sounds like we need to get out of here as soon as possible"

Then suddenly, a barrage of arrows shot forth towards the sky and towards them.

"Roan… you should leave here… I don't want to bring you into this mess…" Flores quickly dragged Roan behind a tree to dodge the incoming arrows.

"I have a plan…" Roan's eyes were now giving off a golden tint.


"Oi Archer, why are you so damn useless?"

"Not my fault that you didn't help me… numbskull Berserker Tch…"

Both black hooded figures were looking away from each other in disapproval.

"But intel never mentioned that she had a companion"

"That stupid Assassin just had to fight straight away without waiting for us"

"Serves him right for being the most arrogant piece of s***"

Sound coming from their ear communication device resembling that of a red spherical crystal.

*I want that b**** to die… YOU HERE ME?!*

"Yes… yes… yes… stop bugging us and let us do our job will you?"

"I might lose my hearing from these goddamn communication devices Tch…"

One of the black hooded figures were 2.5 metres tall resembling that of a giant with a scar across from their right brow down to their lips. The other black hooded figure was 1.6 metres tall hiding elven ears, but what was the most apparent feature of this person was their nose, it was crooked and stitched up.

"Alright Berserker chase them down using this…" Black hooded elven tossed an advanced technology received from another world, a radar towards black hooded giant.

The radar was spherical, it had green grid like lines forming many rows and columns. The radar was picking up two life forms, one was coloured blue and was very small while the other was coloured purple and was 25 times bigger taking a third off the radar's screen.

"So she is now classified as [Threat Level: Tiger]… this is bad news indeed"

*What did you say?!*

"I said remove her bounty because I will soon return with a head"


Black hooded giant disappeared from his spot and so did black hooded elven.


"The plan is…"

"Is what Roan?"

Roan grabbed the hand of Flores and started sprinting through a different path of the forest.

"It's to run… we can't do anything about it since they have a radar"

"How do you know that they have a radar?"

Roan piqued her curiosity.

"I will tell you about it later, now is not the time… by the way do you know an escape route?"

"I don't… I don't need to when I've never seen anyone in years living alone here"


'I can only see what they are doing randomly…'

"Keep running… we will find something eventually" Flores nodded to Roan.



"Oi Berserker, you are nearing them… I am also nearing them but in a different direction… use your Rage form when you see them…"

"Shut up b****, I know what I am doing…" Black hooded giant snorted.


Then another slideshow scene was being processed in Roan's head.

While Roan and Flores was fleeing from a pursuit, Roan had told Flores crucial information.

"Flores… listen to me carefully… when I give you the count… activate your purple smoke ability that chases after enemies towards the only tree branch on a massive tree that will be ahead of us in a matter of seconds… are you ready?!"

Since Flores was naturally faster than Roan, she had to slow down on purpose to keep up with his momentum.

Flores began to see a distinct big tree right in front of her.

"Okay… I'm ready" Flores kept a calm but solemn expression, she had a sweat running across her back as she was under the most pressure currently.


As the black hooded giant's figure closing the gap between the predator and the prey, he was revealing a grotesque face, tongue sticking out and shouting.

"HAHAHAH… It's pointless for you to keep running the Witch of Torment"

The giant slowly saw two figures running at a slower pace than he was.

[Beast Mode] Orange and red coloured aura was complimenting each other swirling around the black hooded giant's figure.

[Beast Style: Frenzy Rage]

All the black hooded giant's aura was being condensed, then it seeping into its head. A red glint appeared on their eyes, their teeth started to form razor sharp edges, finger nails grew, sharpened and blackened and tiger like fur appeared around the body.


The animals were squirming to safer locations.


"Now shoot towards that tree branch with all your might Flores!"

[Curse Style: An Unending Nightmare]

Thick, dark and violet smoke arises from the tip of her right index finger. It shot forward like a cannon towards the distinct massive tree branch.

A violent, angry and grotesque figure appeared then suddenly got purple smoke seeped into their skin.

However, the attack did not work against the black hooded giant as he unleashes claw like barrages shooting out beams of aura.

[Poison Mode] Dark emerald like aura appeared around the figure of Roan.

[Poison Style: Toxic Field]

Then, Roan started producing thick green smoke from the tip of his fingers whilst running away with Flores creating somewhat of a smokescreen.

The black hooded figure jumped into the smokescreen trying to claw his way through and around taking D.O.T and reducing their speed by 10%.

After 30 seconds have passed, the smokescreen disappears slowly. The two figures were nowhere to be seen.



"Oi Berserker, your letting the target get away you numbskull"

Black hooded elf was still chasing the two figures on the left side of Roan and Flores.

No reaction either than the same old snarls made by black hooded giant.

"Look whose useless now… Tch…"

Archer than shot a volley of arrows towards a certain location.


The aura of both Flores and Roan were slowly dimming and weren't as prevalent or predominant as before. The situation for the both of them was dire.