
Teenage Memories III

"I'll get it dad" said Natasha with a smile when she heard the doorbell ring and she rushed from her room down the stairs.

"Alright Tasha" came Larry's voice from the kitchen.

"Hello Peter" said Natasha as she smiled and she opened the front door to see Pete's somewhat angry face.

"Wipe that frown off your face, you look like I forced you to come over here" said Natasha as Pete shot her a look that read "just who is blackmailing me again" and Natasha just laughed.

"Oh come in" said Natasha with a smile and Pete sighed as he entered her house, he had to admit that it was very nice on the inside and on the outside.

"Tasha, who's at the door?" asked Larry as he walked out of the kitchen while drying his hands with a cloth.

"Oh Dad, remember I told you that I invited Peter over since we have a project to work on" said Natasha as she smiled.

"You did?" asked Larry.

"Yes Dad, remember I told you yesterday after dinner, when you were dozing" said Natasha as she laughed and Larry laughed.

"Ahh yes I remember now, nice to see you again Peter" said Larry as he smiled and he brought out his hand for a handshake and Pete smiled as he shook his hand.

"Same here Mr. Cole" said Pete as he smiled and Larry smiled at him.

"Dad, can we use your office for our project?" asked Natasha as she smiled, she was not crazy enough to use have a guy in her room, that was only proper.

"Sure Tasha, I just need to clean my desk" said Larry as he smiled.

"Already did, and I also arranged the folders from darkest colour to lightest, they are in your laptop bag" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Well then you two can continue on with your project, don't let me keep you here" said Larry as he smiled and he walked away as Pete followed after Natasha into Larry's office and she closed the door behind them.

"You have the courage to lie to your dad that we are doing a project?" asked Pete as he shook his head.

"I didn't lie to him, we are working on a project, a project of catching a criminal" said Natasha as she looked at him and she smiled.

"Anyway, do you have what I asked you to bring?" asked Natasha as Pete sighed and he unzipped his bag as he brought out a clear folder and he handed it to Natasha who had stars in her eyes as she looked through the folder.

"A real life criminal record, this is awesome" said Natasha as Pete scolded himself internally, he had to have won the award for world's worst cop right now, he was forced to give a little girl, actual police information.

"That's Miguel Henry , you can see the various crimes he has committed, and that's the guy I'm looking for" said Pete as Natasha sat down on the couch.

"Hmm" said Natasha as she looked at the picture of Miguel, scruffy black hair and brown eyes.

"Haven't you taken into consideration that maybe he doesn't look like this anymore" said Natasha as Pete looked at her.

"I mean, maybe he could have shaved his head, or grown a beard" said Natasha as Pete had to agree with her.

"That's true, and he's still running around freely" said Pete as his phone suddenly rang and he brought it out of his pocket and he answered the call.

"Lawson here" he said as he answered the call.

"I'm working on it" said Pete.

"He's not easy to catch, I haven't found him yet, yes, I will come to the station when I can" said Pete as he ended the call and he sighed.

"Wait, your name is Peter Lawson, and you are a police officer?" asked Natasha as Pete looked at her.

"Yes, what does that have to do with anything?" asked Pete.

"You are the son of the law then, I think that I should call you son of the law" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Don't" said Pete.

"Well chose one, either I call you son of the law, or Pete which one?" asked Natasha.

"Neither" said Pete.

"I will call you both then" said Natasha as Pete sighed, she had to be the most annoying person that he had ever met.

"Pete, call me Pete" said Pete as Natasha grinned.

"Tasha, I am going to the office, I will be back by 6pm" said Larry as he shouted.

"Okay dad, see you" replied Natasha as Larry walked out the front door.

"Anyway, Miguel has five false identities, they are all listed in there" said Pete.

"Hmm" said Natasha as she looked at them and she brought out a file in her backpack.

"What is that?" asked Pete.

"A timetable of which janitor cleans at what times of the week" said Natasha.

"Where did you get that from?" asked Pete in surprise.

"Oh from one of the janitor ladies, Gladys, she's my friend, I helped her clean up once when my dad was late from picking me up at school, I asked her for the timetable today, and she gave it to me, no questions asked" said Natasha as she smiled and Pete had to admit that she was good, why didn't he think of that before?

"Hmm, from the names I see on the timetable, I can't see any of Miguel's other identities here, mostly likely he used a new one" said Natasha.

"But I think that we should check all the male janitors, I know five out of the eight, and one of the three that I don't know is the one schedules to clean today, so come on let's go" said Natasha as she handed him back the folder and she got her backpack.

"Go where?" asked Pete in confusion.

"To the school of course, I forgot my notebook there" said Natasha as she smiled, that was the perfect excuse to go back and look for Miguel.

"You left it there on purpose didn't you?" asked Pete as Natasha grinned at him.

"Well yes, of course I did, we need a valid excuse to go back there when everyone is gone" said Natasha as she smiled.

"You have been waiting for something like this to happen right? Because you are so prepared" said Pete.

"Well life is sometimes boring, so I can't pass off this wonderful opportunity, so come on we have a criminal to catch" said Natasha as she smiled and Pete sighed as he followed after her.

Natasha locked her front door as she walked to the pavement when she heard a voice call her name.

"Natasha, where are you going?" called Dom as he walked to her.

"Ahh Dom, Hi, I forgot my notebook as school, I need to go get it" said Natasha as she smiled at him.

"I see" said Dom as he noticed Pete.

"Oh Dom, this is Peter, he's my new friend, we are working on a new project together, and he's going with me to get my notebook" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Nice to meet you Peter" said Dom as he smiled and Pete smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you too Dom" said Pete.

"You want me to drive you over there?" asked Dom.

"No, Pete will drive me there" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Alright then, be good Natasha, and don't cause any trouble" said Dom as he smiled and he ruffled her hair.

"Aww, what? I don't cause any trouble" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Oh you do" said Dom as he laughed.

"A word of advice Pete, don't let her take you anywhere else, believe me, she's very convincing, if you see a gun, don't let her near it, and also don't let her try to change your mind" said Dom as Pete sighed in relief.

"Thank you Dom, because I thought I was the only one who thought that she was… a lot… to handle" said Pete.

"Yes, she can be like that sometimes" said Dom as he laughed.

"Well good luck, Grandfather's waiting for me, see you later" said Dom as he gave Natasha a kiss on the forehead as she frowned.

"I'm not an annoying child you know that Dom" said Natasha as Dom laughed at her.

"You can sometimes be" said Dom as he walked away and Pete was relieved that finally someone knew what he was passing through.

"We are wasting valuable time, let's go" said Natasha as Pete sighed.

There was silence in Pete's car as they drove.

"Is this your car?" asked Natasha.

"No it's my dad's" said Pete.

"I see, I thought that you would come with a police car" said Natasha.

"Like that won't be suspicious" said Pete.

"How long have you been a police officer?" asked Natasha.

"You know, you ask too many questions, let me ask you some" said Pete.

"Okay" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Do you want to be a police officer or what?" asked Pete.

"No, I want to study business actually, but crime solving is cool as well" said Natasha as she smiled and of course she thought that.

"it is actually very serious work" said Pete.

"What about you Pete, why did you become a police officer?" asked Natasha.

"Captain Peterson Lawson, wouldn't want it any other way" said Pete.

"Your dad?" asked Natasha as Pete nodded.

"So you don't like being a police officer?" asked Natasha as Pete shook his head.

"No, I do, I love helping people, and putting criminals in jail where they belong" said Pete as Natasha smiled at him.

"And we will do just that with Miguel" said Natasha as she laughed and Pete could not help but smile as he shook his head.

"Alright, I forgot my notebook in English class, you go ahead and look for Miguel" said Natasha as she whispered to Pete.

"Don't you dare go anywhere else, and we meet back here in five minutes" said Pete as Natasha nodded and she walked in the opposite direction as Pete went in his own way.

Natasha opened the door to the English class where her notebook was left on her desk and she got it and she gasped when she heard the door open behind her and she saw a male janitor with a shaved head and a moustache as he looked at her with anger.

"What are you doing here? School is closed" said the janitor.

"Oh I'm sorry, it's just that I forgot my notebook see, and I came back to get it" said Natasha as she showed the janitor her notebook.

"I see" said the janitor as he no longer looked angry.

"Yes, I'm sorry if I angered you" said Natasha.

"Not at all" said the janitor.

"Hi my name is Natasha, what's yours?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Marvin" said the Janitor.

"Oh nice to meet you Marvin, I have to go now" said Natasha as she rushed out of the classroom to find Pete.

Pete was walking through the halls as he opened the door to the janitor's closet and he found no one there, he kept on looking though every classroom and still nothing.

"Pete, Pete" said Natasha as she ran to catch up to him and he turned to look at her.

"What it is?" asked Pete.

"I saw the janitor, his name is Marvin, but I don't think that it's him, the man is very slim, you know who looked rather heavy" said Natasha.

"Then in that case, we have the wrong person" said Pete.

"Not to worry, the next male janitor will be here tomorrow at this same time, we just have to come back and see if we can find him" said Natasha.

"Alright then, let me take you home now, it's getting late" said Pete.

"No, you can just drop me off at my dad's office, we need to get some things from the store" said Natasha.

"Okay then, let's go" said Pete as Natasha nodded and she followed after him.

"Today was fun partner, can't wait to continue on in mission bust Miguel tomorrow" said Natasha as she smiled.

"That's a horrible name Natasha" said Pete as he shook his head.

"Well do you have any better suggestions?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"How about Operation FAJ" said Pete.

"FAJ?" asked Natasha in confusion.

"Find, arrest, jail time" said Pete as Natasha laughed.

"That does sound cooler than mine, anyway, see you later partner" said Natasha as she smiled and she got out of the car as Pete smiled at her, apart from everything else and her blackmailing, she was actually very sweet.

Pete started his car as he drove back to the school, he was going to scout around there for longer, he would do his best to keep Natasha at arm's length.

Pete got out of his car as the sky was dark and the school was all locked up, he had been waiting here for the past hour, and there was no sign of suspicious activity.

"So now you can watch this place?" came the voice of a Police officer as he walked up to Pete and Pete looked at him.

"I have been trying my best" said Pete as he replied.

"I was here earlier, and I saw you arrive with a girl, don't tell me that you are after high school girls now?" asked the Police officer as he laughed.

"No of course not" said Pete as the officer knew that Pete wouldn't do that, but he just wanted to test him.

"Oh, so let me see, that girl seemed like she was part of the operation, don't tell me that it's what I think it is" said the officer.

"Well officer Kent, you can think what you want, the girl forgot her notebook at the school, and knowing that we have a criminal here, I decided to follow her over here, in case the guy showed up" said Pete as his voice went serious.

"I see Lawson, you know, just because your father has connections and you got this mission" said Kent.

"Just know that as easy as it was to get this mission, it is also easy enough to lose it" said Kent.

"I really don't know what you mean officer Kent, I respect you, and in that sense, I am not going to try to offend you, but just know that I am doing my job, and I have already reported everything to Bermudez, he knows everything about the operation and the progress that I have made thus far" said Pete.

"Everything?" asked Kent.

"Everything" said Pete.

"So if you would excuse me, I will take my leave now, have a good night" said Pete as he got into his car and he drove away as Kent just stood there, scoffing internally.