

"And there we go!" exclaimed Natasha happily in relief once she was finally done with Joy's hair.

"Oh it looks so pretty mommy, very, very pretty, thank you." said Joy as she giggled while looking at her reflection in the mirror, she loved what her mommy had done with her hair.

Natasha had isolated individual strands of her curly hair and had applied the gel on them so that they retained their curly shape, and then she softly pulled back the hair to the middle of her head so that the curls would still be defined. She packed all the hair together with several orange hair clips, then the tips of Joy's hair that she did not gel well left to dangle about bouncing neatly whenever she turned or shook her head.

"You're welcome my darling, I'm so glad that you love it, that took more time than I expected it to." said Natasha as she sighed and shook her head, it was already five thirty pm, it seemed that time moved faster when you weren't paying attention.

"I really, really love it mommy." said Joy as she giggled making Natasha very happy.

"Now go wear your dress and be careful not to get gel on it, I'll go and do my hair as well." said Natasha as she sighed and Joy nodded. It was already five thirty and she was yet to get dressed, Natasha was worried that they would be exceedingly late at this rate.

"How do I put on my dress mommy?" called Joy as Natasha walked out of Joy's room into her room.

"There's a zip at the back of the dress my darling, just pull it all the way down and when you wear it I'll pull it up for you." said Natasha as she entered into her room.

"Okay mommy." said Joy as Natasha sat down at her own dressing table and picked up her hairbrush and began to brush her own hair.

"Is everything alright Joy?" asked Natasha after a few minutes.

"Yes mommy everything is fine." replied Joy.

"Okay just checking." she replied while she continued brushing her hair.

After a few more minutes Natasha started hearing loud giggles coming from Joy's room as she concluded that Dom had probably returned since that was the only reason Joy would be giggling and whispering.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy, look at me." said Joy as she ran excitedly into Natasha's room.

"Aww my baby you look so pretty in the dress, really, really pretty." said Natasha as she dropped her brush on the table and embraced Joy in a big hug.

"I feel really pretty too, thank you for buying this dress for me, and thank you for styling my hair mommy, I really, really love you." said Joy as she hugged Natasha tightly and Natasha could feel her heart literally melting.

"Oh my baby I love you too, I love you so much, you are my joy literally." said Natasha as she laughed and stopped some stray tears from falling from her eyes.

Joy just giggled as Natasha finally let go of her and smiled.

"Hi Natasha, sorry I'm late." said Dom as he walked into Natasha's room.

"It's fine, hi." she replied as she smiled at him.

"Doesn't she look pretty?" asked Natasha as she looked at Dom as he nodded and smiled brightly.

"The prettiest." said Dom as Joy ran to him and gave him a hug.

"I have to finish brushing my hair, at this rate we are going to be really late." she replied as she went back to brushing her hair.

"Let me help you mommy." said Joy as she immediately pushed a little stool to the dressing table and stood up on it.

"Well okay my baby." said Natasha as she smiled and handed Joy the hairbrush.

"Yayyyy!!" said Joy happily as she brushed Natasha's hair and both she and Dom smiled.

"I think that we're going to be late, we should call Lulu to tell her." said Natasha as she looked at Dom who was leaning on the wall.

"I don't think that's necessary, we really don't have any important roles, she took care of everything, all we have to do is show up, as long as we make it there before seven pm." replied Dom.

"Alright then." replied Natasha.

"Am I doing it right mommy?" asked Joy as Natasha smiled and nodded as Joy suddenly pulled on her hair too hard causing Natasha to hiss in pain.

"Are you okay mommy?" asked Joy in worry.

"I'm fine darling, you just pulled my hair too tight, it's alright just brush it a little bit softer." she replied as Joy nodded and brushed softly.

"That's better." said Natasha as she smiled and Joy smiled at her.

After a few more minutes Joy suddenly said that her hand was tired so she went to her room to wear her shoes.

Both Natasha and Dom laughed as Joy left the room. Natasha shook her head. Joy was really excited that she had forgotten to wear shoes.

Natasha went back to brushing her hair as she let out a tired sigh. Her hand was aching her seriously. She had to wash her hair and Joy's hair, then she had styled Joy's hair and that took a while, so yes, she was a little bit tired.

Dom who was still here for some odd reason was quick to notice her discomfort.

"Do you need help?" he asked as she turned her head to look at him remembering that he was still here.

"What does it matter? Are you going to brush my hair for me or what?" she asked with a scoff.

"If you want me to I can." he replied casually as Natasha looked at him a little bit confused and taken off guard, but he did offer and her hand was really aching her right now, if not for that she wouldn't have taken his offer.

"Alright then." she replied as Dom was surprised that she actually let him.

He walked to the dressing table and collected the hairbrush that she handed him as he started to brush her hair gently.

Natasha instinctively closed her eyes, she would not lie, it was kind of relaxing to have someone else brush your hair. She couldn't remember the last time someone brushed her hair. When she was little her dad used to brush her hair and she loved it when he did that.

"Are you leaving your hair like this?" asked Dom causing Natasha to open her eyes as she sighed.

"No I'm not, I still have to curl my hair." she said as she blew out a sigh.

"I can curl it for you." said Dom as Natasha looked at this reflection in the mirror with a surprised expression.

"You can?? I mean can you even use a curling iron?" she asked in disbelief as he nodded.

"Hey, don't you forget that I used to style Lulu's hair for her all the time." said Dom as he sounded offended and Natasha laughed.

"Oh yes, I do remember, but when last did you do that? I don't need you burning my hair." said Natasha as she laughed and Dom frowned.

"I would have you know that I have a perfect hair styling record." he said pretending as if he was offended while Natasha switched on her curling iron.

"Yeah right, I don't want to start regretting before it's too late. Thank you for your offer but no, and also thank you for brushing my hair." she said as she smiled and Dom could promise you that this was the first time he had heard her say thank you to him.

"You're welcome, anyway, I better go change now." he said as he walked out of her room and Natasha proceeded to curl her hair.

Joy who had been peeking from behind her door giggled to herself, she could hear their laughs from her room and it made her happy.

"Mommy, mommy, look at my pretty shoes." said Joy as she ran into her mother's room to show off her orange flats.

"They are very pretty darling." said Natasha as she smiled while curling her hair.

"Be careful darling, the iron is very hot don't touch anything you're not supposed to." said Natasha as Joy nodded.

Natasha was busy changing when she suddenly heard Joy squeal in delight as she burst into giggles.

After curling her hair and being satisfied with the results Natasha brushed her hair one final time before proceeding to her closet to take out her dress.

"I'm going to change darling." said Natasha as Joy who was sitting on her bed colouring nodded.

Natasha smiled and walked into her bathroom as she shut the door behind her.

While Natasha was changing she suddenly heard Joy squeal in delight loudly as her squeals burst into loud giggles.

"Daddy, you look so silly and so pretty at the same time." Natasha heard Joy say from the outside as she could not help but smile, her baby made her curious so see what suit Dom was wearing for the party.

"Well I feel really pretty princess." replied Dom as he laughed.

"Where's your mommy?" asked Dom as he picked Joy up.

"She's in the bathroom changing, she will be out soon." Joy replied as in that same moment the bathroom door opened and Natasha walked out.

"How do I look??" she asked with a smile on her face as she heard Joy gasp while Dom remained silent.