
The Destined and The Damned

"It is not the weapon that defines you, but how you wield it."~ Camille, The Steel Shadow

Upping the stakes with the chapters now. Stuff just isn't going right for good ol' Greg here. This is the second draft for this chapter. The first one had Gregori give a backstory monologue but that is too early in the story.


"Daddy are you going away?" Daisy asked as he carried her outside. He turned his eyes to her and his face instantly relaxed. 

"Yes flower. I will go on a little journey."

"Can I come with you?" She put her head into his chest and clutched his clothes as she pleaded.

Gregori felt his heart shatter. But he had to do this. He had to struggle now to make sure their lives were better in the future.

"No flower. It will be dangerous for little girls."

"Can't you stay?"

He took a shaky breath.

"Daisy. You are an Iceborn. You changed that day and you body is still a little sick. To help you I need to go on this journey."

"But that lady told you have to kill someone."

"Yes. But I need to find a cure for you. I know it is there, so I will bring it. Okay?" He was speaking the truth.

The council hadn't mentioned it to him but he knew the truth. Finished the mission would give his daughter freedom. It would not however, give him True Ice. Meaning he would have to stay here until Daisy healed slowly. He couldn't stall that long, Annie was waiting for him.

So his mission had an added objective. Kill the inquisitor. 

He had always intended on leaving Daisy here to find a wieldable piece of True Ice. The council and Ashe just gave him a little extra added work. 

"Umm." He murmured into his chest.

"Now how about we go take a look around this place." 

And the two did just that. Till midday they walked around looking at the various things Rakelstake had to offer. They looked up and down the statues. They climbed one of the cliffs overlooking the settlement. They met and had pleasant conversations with a lot of the residents.

Tanen had quickly become Daisy's favorite. The mans proclamation of his dream had her hooked. Hooked enough that she threw her hands up in the air and yelled.


To which Tanen replied, "I believe in your dream Daisy."

The smile that she sported after that comment was as bright as the one when she had called Gregori daddy.

"Me too flower. Me too." Gregori replied.

"Of course daddy. You will be part of the happiest family in the world. Me, you, mommy and Annie. All of us."

He still hadn't explained to her of her mother's passing.

"Come Daisy. Lets sit over there." He pointed toward the large fire at the center of the campsite. It was not empty at all. Lots of people had gathered around it. Barbarians, tribesmen, travelers, traders and nomads all sat around a fire talking.

She nodded and went with him.

He took a spot facing the large fire. The people around him minding their own business. Almost all of them had weapons on their person. Some had standard weapons and others had unique and interesting ones.


"Yes flower?"

"Is that big man sitting on a door?"

He turned to look where his daughter was pointing.

"Yes he is Daisy. And do not point at people, it is rude."

"Sorry daddy. But why is he sitting on a door?"

"You are sitting on my lap are you not?"

Daisy nodded.

"Why are you doing that?"

"Because you are my daddy."

A simple answer.

"Maybe he likes the door." He spoke.

"Okay." She nodded but kept looking at the man.


"Yes flower?"

"What are those sitting with him?"

He looked at the man again and spotted the creatures she had spoke about. They were tiny. As small as Daisy's little head. Fluffy white creatures with four small legs. Their large tongues lolling about. They were cute despite the region. Innocent creatures they were. Even in Noxus anyone who attacked them were given a death penalty. He had seen the worst men treat these creatures kindly.

"Poros." He answered.

Daisy turned to look up at him.

"Can I see them?"

She wanted to go closer to them. He did not want to disappoint her, not when he was about to tell her about her mother's passing.

"Okay but lets ask the big man first. And be careful with them. They are friendly but you have to be friendly as well."

Rapidly nodding she got off his lap and waited for him to stand up. He led her to the man. The man was quite large. Easily the largest man he had seen over the past few years. Completely muscle. Not an ounce of fat to be seen. He had blue tattoos running along his chest and arms, there could be more but with his armor covered the rest. The man's head was devoid of hair. Gregori assumed that he had to have given up something in order to sport that glorious mustache.

The man was in conversation with another. A barbarian. His helmet gave it away. His sword proved it. A large jagged blade. Not something normal people used. His hair another indicator. Barbarians didn't cut their hair, unless it had been cut in battle.

Politely he intervened in the conversation they were having, "Excuse me? I apologize for interrupting but can my daughter play with your poros?"

The large man looked at him, "Don't worry my friend, she can play with the poros. They don't mind at all." Just like his body, the man's voice was loud and booming. But he spoke with a smile.

For some reason, Gregori found himself liking the man in front of him. He was not quick to trust but this man had a certain quality to him. Unparalleled natural charisma.

He thanked the man.

"Don't thank Braum." He replied with a wide smile.

Gregori chuckled as he watched Daisy go to the poros. They looked at her and instantly jumped at her, licking her face. She fell down in giggles. Her hands moved across the poros ruffling their fur.

He took a seat to the side watching his daughter play with the creatures. 

Some ten or so minutes later a panting Daisy walked up and sat in his lap, holding a poro in each hand. The creatures were happily squeaking with her.


"Yes daddy?"

"When you fell into the lake, some bad people attacked our home."

She turned around. Her eyes finding his.

"Your mommy fought them off... but she didn't make it out."

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"She told me to take care of you. Leanna loved you my flower. Your mummy loved you." He gathered her in his arms and whispered in her ears.

Gregori couldn't see her but her trembling in his embrace hurt. He heard her sniffles. He tightened his hug. He waited as she let it all out.

There were odd looks from people around him. The big man, Braum, he placed a hand on his shoulder in an effort to comfort him. He assumed the man had heard his words to Daisy. The man beside him gave a sympathetic look. Giving them a slight nod he turned his attention back to Daisy. He rubbed circles into her back and waited. 

"Daddy?" She choked out between sobs.

"Yes flower?"

"Where is Annie?"

"Annie was taken by them."

"Will she come back?"

He looked at the brightly glowing star. "She will flower. She will."

Gently lifting her head, he looked into her eyes as he spoke, "Which is why I need to go on that journey okay? If I finish it fast then we can go to Noxus and get Annie back."

She nodded sniffling.

He then pointed to the star. "You see that star Daisy?"

She looked toward the star and nodded.

"As long as that star is in the sky, Annie is safe. It shows where she is. Once I return, we follow that star and we will be together again."

Turning to look at her again ,"Until then I need you to be strong okay? Face everything without breaking."

She nodded.

After his words, Gregori slipped into his thoughts. Absentmindedly he ran his hand through Daisy's hair.


His eyes focused again and he snapped out of his thoughts.

"The creature possessed a sword which beat like our hearts."

Gregori's head snapped around, looking to the man who had spoken. It was the man who had been in conversation with Braum. His sudden snap didn't go unnoticed by the two.

With his hands shaking, Gregori asked, "Would you mind repeating the name?"

The barbarian spoke, "The creature called itself Aatrox."

Gregori's eyes widened, "You faced him and lived?"

He nodded. "You know of this creature?"

Gregori nodded. "Aatrox is extremely close to being a god. Immortal in every sense of the word. He will heal through anything. You can beat him, but you cannot kill him."

Braum spoke, "How can Braum beat him?"

"Aatrox is not the creature. He is the sword. If you can separate the sword form the body, you can beat him."

"Ha HA then we can destroy the sword." Braum replied.

"You cannot. The weapon is indestructible. It cannot be destroyed."

"How do you know this outsider?" The barbarian spoke roughly. He was getting emotional. Gregori recognized the rage in the mans green eyes.

"Call me Gregori. And you are?"

"Tryndamere." He answered but it was clear he was getting to the limits of his patience.

"Well Tryndamere, I know this because I faced him before. Ten maybe fifteen years ago. I faced him when I was a child. Faced him until I knew it was certain death. Then I ran."

Braum's face had a look of pity while the barbarian, Tryndamere, had a look of disgust. It made sense for him to feel that way. Freljordians do not run from battle. They pray for death in it. They will face certain doom with honor. Honor he did not possess.

He never cared for the well being of everyone around him. It was illogical to hope so. He would not sacrifice himself for the greater good. However, if his death ensured the life of his daughter then he would welcome death with open arms but any for any other reason he definitely would not.

"In my travels I met two other like him. They had been Shuriman Ascended God Warriors. Made to protect the lands from danger but in a war long forgotten, they had been corrupted."

He looked into their eyes.

"With blood magic, they became unkillable. They became Darkin. Then somehow, they were sealed into unbreakable weapons and hidden away. The two I met taught me how to fight them and even beat them. Brothers they had been. The older had a request and I fulfilled it. The price for his request was letting me use him without losing myself."

Their eyes widened at the realization.

And a voice peeped up behind him, "Is that why your spear is wrapped?" Gregori turned to face the owner of the voice. Tanen was behind him, his brows furrowed in thought.

Gregori looked around to spot most of those near him, were listening in.

He nodded.

"That is how this outsider knows. Now, if you will point me in the right direction, I shall go and fulfil my destiny."

Tryndamere almost started, but Gregori cut in, "How did you survive if you faced him?"

"I stood my ground and swung my blade, I couldn't watch as he slaughtered my people. He swatted me away like a fly. He laughed at me. Laughed. There was no respect given. He was playing." Tryndamere's eyes started to glow in rage.

Gregori fell into thought, "He laughed...." Then he spotted his eyes. "You.. cut open your palm this instant."

The red glow vanished. "What?"

"Cut your palm."

"Now there is no need for blood to be spilled here." Braum spoke.

"No he needs to do this." Gregori ignored the suggestion. He raised his hand and covered Daisy's eyes.

Slowly Tryndamere picked up his weapon and ran his palm along it. Blood flowed as his palm cut open. He raised his open palm to Gregori who watched intently.

"Braum does not see anything differe-" His voice stalled.

In front of their eyes, the bloody palm healed. Completely. In seconds.

Gregori leaned back, taking in a deep breath. "He cursed you."

Tryndamere looked at his hand and then back to Gregori, "How?"

"Blood magic. But there has to be a cost. If you figure that out, you can use it to your advantage. You also need to know how it works."

"What is the cost?"

"You need to figure that out yourself...." He tapped rubbed the stubble that had formed over the days. The last shave was with the nomads before they left for Naljaag. "Do you have any new body parts?"

A shake of the head.

"So, that is one cost ruled out. Are you missing any?"

Another shake of the head.

"Do you have a voice in your head?"

Another shake of the head.

"Do you feel something you don't generally feel."

A nod.

"What is it?"

Tryndamere closed his eyes, took a second and opened them again. 

"Anger. Rage. Uncontrollable anger."

"So, your emotions are the cost. Either your emotions other than anger are weakened or your anger is amplified. Control that and you control your curse. Might even become a blessing. But controlling your anger is going to be very difficult. Don't lose yourself and you will probably be "

Tryndamere fell into thought.

"Now, tell me where your home was and I will do a search for him in my quest from the Warmother."

"Braum shall come with you. My shield is here."

"Aatrox will break your door. This is my battle alone." Gregori spoke.

"My shield is unbreakable. True Ice never breaks." 

Gregori looked at the door. That was a True Ice weapon? These Freljordians were weird.

"It does not matter. Everyone believed gods could not fall but he did it anyway."

"I will come." Tryndamere announced.

"You will not. You have your responsibility to your people." Gregori cut in.

"Braum thinks you should stay with your daughter."

Gregori looked at them and then to his flower. "Daisy? Is it fine for daddy to go hunt for a bad creature? I will do it while searching for a cure for you."

Daisy answered easily, "Okay daddy."

"See? This is just a hunt for a creature. That is all it is to me. I am damned to this duty and it is my destiny to fulfill it." Gregori spoke to the men. "If you truly want to help me.... take care of my daughter." 

He looked to Braum. His impression of the man had improved multiple times over the conversation. "You are Iceborn are you not?" 

Braum nodded.

"Then teach my daughter. She is an Iceborn and she needs to learn about what she can do now." 

Braum's eyes fell onto his daughter and he nodded, "I give you my word to keep her safe. Braum will teach her the same way him mother did."

Gregori relaxed and the three continued their conversation into the night.

Did you expect these two? This all happens in lore by the way. These lot become friends here.

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