
A scar behind a face.

gh0st · Urban
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7 Chs

Work place

Hi I'm here for the interview.."oh yes welcome come and have a seat!,ok so they say you can cover ANYTHING.. is that correct?" "Well I wouldn't say everything but yes it can cover most things""REALLY!..,would you mind showing us?" "No no not at all if one of you could get closer to me that would be great!.. ok...and DONE!" "Oh wow it actually covered my dark spots...I've been trying to cover them up for such a long time...I haven't felt this pretty in such a long time...t-thank you.." "Oh god I didn't know that..well it's my job other people feel better about themselves with abs without makeup!" "So you are really serious about this aren't you" "yes I am I would love to inspire others to feel better in there own skin!!" "May I ask why" oh no If she didn't ask why this would've gone much better...but I mean I have to tell her something..right.. "oh Umm I just love making others more confident!" Oh that was a good cover.. "oh ok then.. we will contact you and tell you if you've got the job!" "Ok great!" *two days later* "hello?" "Hello we wanted to call and tell you that the job is yours if you want it!!" "Oh can you please wait a moment?" "Yes of course" " AAAAAA OMG I DID IT IM SO HAPPY DNMSMS" "ok where were we?" "Yes I was telling you that you have the job,if you want it you start Monday!" "Yes will do,see you on Monday boss!"