
A Sage in Marvel

naruto6667 · Anime und Comics
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Training & Origin Of Chakra

After my date with Peggy, I decided not to visit London Sanctum but delay it till after the as I did not want to rush to gain powers. The first thing should do is be a master of one thing that I am good at and then explore different things, meaning that I wanted to master my chakra related things first. 

So, started making a training plan for myself, I will dedicate most of my daytime training physically and sparring. the evening time doing meditation to assimilate the knowledge from shadow clones and upgrading the mind palace before sleeping.

I only decided to make 4 clones to do other work, one would go to university daily and try to learn as much as he could and gain knowledge at evening time the clone will go to Carter house to tutor Peggy. Clone Number two would try to increase chakra control as much as he could using different things such as waterfall walking, etc. 

My third clone would train in chakra nature transformation, the first thing I did was to try to use apply every chakra nature into a leaf. For wind I tried to cut the leaf between my hands, for fire nature I tried to burn the leaf. With water it was to soak up the leaf for lightning to electrocute or crinkle the leaf and finally for earth I literally had no idea what to do, so I left it on fate. the final result was that I had affinity with was lightning, fire and water. So, the first element I decided to train was lightning.

And my last clone was left to research seals, and I am proud to say that I now had a complete fuinjutsu language and I had already completed some seal. one such seal is weighting seal that I placed on my legs and hands to help me in taring another is chakra daring seal, but I think with enough knowledge and tweaking I could make this seal for other type of energies too.

Seeing as I was reaching my limit in physical limit, I decided to try to surpass it. I decided to seal my chakra and wear weighting seal, looking at a steep mountain I stated to climb it. This was a method with the help of which Kakashi was able to open first gate, beside with me was a shadow clone ready to take action if i am in danger.

Climbing the mountain was a difficult task, I only reach 1/3 of the route when exhaustion kicked in. Reaching the mid-point my arms started to shake uncontrollably. Any gas left in my body was used by 2/3 point I was on my last leg then suddenly I suddenly felt a second wind pass through my body the chakra seal on my broke with a sudden burst of chakra. I suddenly felt a second wind and started climbing the rest of the mountain.

At the top of the mountain, I looked at the setting sun as the exhaustion started to appear. I quickly took a meditative position and started to use Breathing style. The breathing technique was one of the most useful techniques I had, it helped in increasing my stamina and endurance and also increase my recovery rate. I also plan to make a modified breathing technique for my family and Peggy. 

I had plans to meet my family this week and spend some time with them. Speaking of my family it seemed like both my mother and grandfather were quite busy with the new Braches of Business. As our business was mostly related with shipping, I suggested my grandfather to Make a new company which will mainly focused on day-to-day technology. This is one of the first things I noticed in this world, Other than some people or organizations the rest of the world was only about 5-10 years ahead from my previous world.

So, I decided to introduce products a decade head of current time. The only thing I Provided to my grandfather was the design and a working model that I made in my lab. My Grandfather is of a very good businessman and within a year he became a giant in household appliances. As the buisness thrived every month I would tweak some of the already avaliable things in market and send them to him.

Last month when I went home, I suggested to him to Make a new division for cars, The Idea was to compete with three different market, with three different Car divisions Lamborghini, to Compete with Ferrari for sports car, Rover to compete with Rolls-Royce for Luxury and Tesla for affordable cars. The car design and a small-scale model was built for display as built the actual cars. This was a long-term plan as still not many people drive cars in this time period. But by the time of avengers these will dominate the market.

I plan to build a different company in the future that will have hands in every field that I can find but it will be built with a different identity, for now Evan CO. was a new promising company and everyone wanted a piece.

Today's training bore great result I think that I will take a week long break and spend some time with my family my grandparents are getting very old both of them are in their late 60's and my mother is around 40 years old, I think I should tell them about my powers and try to reserch some way to extend their life span.

Speaking of my power I Now know where my powers come from. It happened while I was learning about the DNA in my new field of study, I decided to see my own DNA and compare it with other I found out I had discovered an extra pair of gene in my DNA. Which I concluded as to be X-gene and i also believe it to be the source of my powers. After debating for so long I came to a conclusion that What was my power, I believe that My X-gene works as a type of converter.

Chakra is formed with the fusion of spiritual energy and physical energy and in this world every single living being is born with the potential with the potential to use psionic energy and chi, in my case the x-gene combines them to form a new energy. This new energy has property of both of the energies. 

I also can say that I have alpha level mutant ability like Magneto and Charles because while I can train my ability to Omega level, I still have to train my skills to reach that level like Chares, Magneto & Emma frost. I believe that omega level ability and power are to different things.

Xavior, and Emma both had Alpha level telepathic ability but with skill and some external help they were able to reach display Omega level power in Telepathy.  whereas Jean Gray, Booby Drake& Ororo Had Omega level ability Only limited by their physical strength. My X-gene manifested in form of chakra pathways merging two different energies together.

There is also a possibility of Secondary mutation which can result in increase in power via natural or artificial means or new set of power either complementing the already existing one or entirely different power set all together.

My power has a limit It will only increase so much before I reach a certain point from where I have to look for a new path or I can try for a secondary mutation. Either way It Will take more than 10 years before I can reach my limit. This time frame is made considering the fact that my limit will be decided by chakra capacity, physical limitations. Which I will reach by the time I am in my 20's I will gain strength, but it would be a very slow process. 

As I the son of an ordinary Asgardian not a powerful one my limit, Such as Thor and Loki or a deity. In the anime the Only person to reach was Godhood was Shin Otsutsuki after devouring countless worlds, Hagoromo may be known as a god like entity, but he was only able to transcend life and death with his power as a six path senjutsu user and priesthood.

I Have thought of a method to ascend to God hood, but it will take maybe decades to centuries, and I would have to look around the world or perhaps dimensions to get the desired result. The power similar to Six path Senjutsu Is easier to Attain and would take about a decade give or take. Maybe I should look for different methods to diversify my powerset right I am skilled enough swordsman and close combat fighter that can cut through city and destroy entire blocks of city at a fully powered punch.