
Chapter 20

  After Dawn's statement, Logan was in shock, that have him thinking as he thought, “How did she know where the bathroom was at?” the next thing that Logan was wondering was he was someone watching him? But most of all, is his life in danger? Before he could think of his next move, “Logan, are you ok? What wrong?” broken from his train of thought, from hearing Dawn voice, she stood there with the first aid kit in her hand, a worried look on her face seeing that Logan had this pale look like he has seen a ghost.

  Logan took a deep breath then ask “how did you know where the bathroom was at?”

  Dawn sighed. “I knew the people who had own this cabin” as she approaches Logan.

  “I guess I have to find somewhere else to go since they----

  Dawn cut him off “Logan, you don’t have to worry because they passed away five years ago, they do have a son, but nobody has seen or heard from him. And this cabin had been abandoned since then, so you’re good.”