
A romantic comedy with a ghost girl.

Saik is an expressionless boy who can see ghosts. Yuki is a ghost girl who has always been alone and has never had any friends. Saik dreams of being the perfect boy his mother dreamed of having and Yuki wants to have friends. Working with each other, they will both achieve their own dreams.... On the other hand, Cristal is a nice girl, who has no interest in love... Until Saik saves her, arousing some romantic interest in her, provoking jealousy in little Yuki. "A-am I in love with Saik?" Unknowingly, Saik managed to romance two girls, and a few more, though he doesn't realize it. With two goals in mind, Yuki will do her best to achieve them. "You'll fall in love with me and I'll make you smile, Saik!"

Hector_Angel · Fantasie
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 7 - Saik, a strange boy.

CHAPTER 7 - Saik, a strange boy.

(Pov- Ram.)

That boy named "Saik" is too weird and mysterious a boy. I was able to realize its nature just by looking at it.

He's a loner ... It reminds me of my past self ... What kind of life do you have? To be honest, I'm a little interested ... He is the only boy who caught my eye on the first day of school.

He refused to give the speech, despite being the top freshman.

His presentation was brief, implying that he is not interested in socializing.

And when the teacher asked him something, he simply replied, "I'm sorry, I don't know."

I am doubting his intelligence ... or Maybe… I think he doesn't like to attract attention ... No... If you don't want to attract attention, you will comb your hair.

His hair style is weird ... You can hardly see his eyes.

He's the rarest of my group ... I am interested in knowing more about him.

(Pov- Saik.)

I opened my lunch and started eating.

Being on the roof is quiet. It is prohibited, but nobody respects that rule.

Fortunately, I am alone ... I guess I'm the only loner who eats alone.

the first day of classes. Everyone is concerned about making friends.

I don't have to worry, I already have a friend.

"Simply delicious! I will never tire of your cooking! Saik, marry me and give me food for the rest of your life!"


"Huh?! Did I just get rejected immediately ?! You broke my heart!"

"Would you like my chocolate drink?"


She began drinking. How quickly she forgot her anger.

Although she was joking. I will not fall for their jokes. I am not a lolicon.

... And I'm not interested in romance either.

"Simply delicious!"

She handed me the drink ... And it's empty ... Better not complain, anyway, I have another.

"Thanks, Saik!"

... "You're welcome."

"Fufu. What was that little silence? Were you nervous about our indirect kiss ?!"

She licked her lips and moved closer to me.

"Wow, wow. Are you nervous about something like that? How adorable you are, Saik. Do you want a direct kiss?"

"Actually, I don't mind sharing my drink with people. Indirect kisses are absurd. Only idiots would be nervous about something like that. And I was silent because you had chocolate on your lips, making you look like an adorable little girl. I was about to stroke your head."

"Y-you're doing it!"

... "Ah."

It's true, I'm stroking her head.

"You are so adorable that I didn't realize ... What a sinister power."

"Don't call me sinister!"

The rooftop door opened and I immediately pulled my hand away, pretending I was eating alone.


I will not turn around and continue to eat alone. I won't pay attention. He will surely get uncomfortable and leave.

... Footsteps are heard. Ah... Goodbye, peace of mind. Please refrain from talking to me.

... He continued on his way, ignoring me ... I don't know if you are a man or a woman, but thank you.

"She's a pretty girl ... And wears glasses. Not your type, Saik?"

I won't talk to her for now, I'd rather avoid being called crazy again.

A notification came to my phone and I pulled it out.

... "Now Available. Perfect."

I opened the game "Legends of Sakfor". It is a game where you are an adventurer, who must perform different missions to climb the ranks. It is a very famous online game.

I already unlocked the level 89 sword. I can already kill demons.

I must pass the level.

The break ended and I got up.

I wanted to keep playing.

I put my phone away and got ready to leave.

"E-excuse me."

I stopped and turned to see the girl behind me.

"Y-you forgot your food."

Ah... I forgot to finish eating ... No wonder I'm hungry.

... She's moving her fingers in a weird way and avoiding eye contact.

"Thank you, miss."

I took the food and left the roof, saying nothing more.

"How adorable she is! And her body is very enviable. I give it an 8 out of 10. She's too shy, that stops being adorable when she's very, very shy ... It was a good decision not to tell she anything more."

It's true, Yuki. Her tone of voice was somewhat odd. She struggled to speak and wiggled her fingers too much. She also avoided looking at me ... She is very shy... I'm only going to make her uncomfortable if I try to talk to her ... Besides, I'm not interested in talking to you.

Although I must admit that it is rare to see a shy and cute girl ... Her breasts are big, her short black hair is cute ... She's cute. Why is she so shy ...? I can think of various theories, but, as I said before, I am not interested in talking to her or being her friend.

"Why do I have a feeling you're thinking something cruel ?!"