
A romantic comedy with a ghost girl.

Saik is an expressionless boy who can see ghosts. Yuki is a ghost girl who has always been alone and has never had any friends. Saik dreams of being the perfect boy his mother dreamed of having and Yuki wants to have friends. Working with each other, they will both achieve their own dreams.... On the other hand, Cristal is a nice girl, who has no interest in love... Until Saik saves her, arousing some romantic interest in her, provoking jealousy in little Yuki. "A-am I in love with Saik?" Unknowingly, Saik managed to romance two girls, and a few more, though he doesn't realize it. With two goals in mind, Yuki will do her best to achieve them. "You'll fall in love with me and I'll make you smile, Saik!"

Hector_Angel · Fantasie
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 11- The mentality of a widow. Part 1.

CHAPTER 11- The mentality of a widow. Part 1.

(Pov- Sylphie.)

"Mother, won't you eat?"

"No... I'm not hungry."

She entered her room.

... Why does she look so sad?

She doesn't smell of alcohol... She did not drink any alcohol today.

She bought a lot of food ... She even gave me a lot of money to buy school supplies ... Where did she get so much money...? I don't want to think anything bad about her ... She would be unable to steal or sell her body ... Or so I would like to think.


I sat down and put my head on the table.

"Father… We really need you."

(Pov- Saik.)

The second day of classes.

Groups of friends have already formed.

And as I had planned, I am excluded. I became the lonely, quiet kid in my class.

Anyone would think it is a bad thing, but it is very comfortable and relaxing for me.

I must not put up with annoying people.

I must not listen to people's problems.

Being a loner is very beneficial for a boy like me. A guy who just wants to have fun alone and be calm.

I'm not interested in getting a girlfriend either ... Although I am not saying that I am not 100% interested.

If some weird girl falls in love with me, I'll take her. I always wanted to know what it feels like to have a girlfriend.

I've never had a girlfriend, so I'm a little curious, but not that much.

It's not a priority.

Human relationships are only for reproduction, and I don't want to have children.

"Ah... Yuki is bored, Saik. School is very boring."

"You would have stayed home."

Talking in a low voice would make me sound like a weird kid if someone listens to me, that's why I speak very, very quietly.

I don't think the boy sitting next to me hears me.

"And miss the fun ?! I promised to help you make friends, and I will!"

... Although I didn't ask for your help.

Friends are unnecessary.

They are of no use to me.

Why would I need to have friends?

For now, I don't need them.

"It's the second day of school. We will choose the class president."

Blah, blah, blah.

Ah... And I was so eager to learn something that will never be of use to me in the future.

"Any volunteers?"

Saoto, the popular boy, raised his hand.

I don't judge people by their appearance, just by their actions.

He is someone smart, I think he would do a good job.

"I offer myself."

Ram raises her hand.

"I offer myself."

Mmm... A difficult decision.

On the one hand, I think Saoto would do a good job. From what little I have seen, I have realized that he is someone who really pays attention to the classes.

On the other hand, we have Ram, the brain of the group.

Who do I vote for?

"And I also propose that Saik, the best freshman, be the president."

... I will vote for Saoto.

I raised my hand.

"With all due respect, I refuse to be. If they choose me, I won't do anything, I don't care about the consequences. If they elect me, it will be like not having a president."

I lowered my hand and they all started murmuring.

I don't need to pay attention to know that they are saying bad things about me.

The looks of my classmates do not matter to me.

If I cared about my reputation, I wouldn't have said that, but I don't care what other people think of me.

The only thing that should matter to me is what I think of myself.

I must not let the opinions that others have about me affect me.

"Okay... I guess we'll start with the voting."

Blah, blah, blah. The typical voting.

I will vote for Saoto, just because Ram tried to ruin my peaceful life.

Wow... Is that childish of me? I got carried away by my emotions ... It doesn't matter much, anyway, I was going to vote for Saoto.

He's a good boy, I can see it.

Even if he's the cliche handsome boy.

"I've finished counting the votes. Saoto, you will be the president. Ram, you'll be the vice president."

I could see some disappointment in Ram's eyes. I admit it was satisfying.

"Don't worry, Ram. Saoto received 11 votes and you received 9. The difference was minimal."

"Only two votes difference ..."

Ram turned to see me, but I ignored her gaze and kept drawing a cute cat in my notebook.

How sweet.

The first classes are over, I can now enjoy my food.

When I started living with Yuki, I decided to learn to cook. I've done quite well lately. I'm proud of myself for that.

I got my food out of my backpack and Ram put her hand on my table.

"Who did you vote for?"

"Isn't the vote supposed to be secret? So quickly did you start to get corrupt, vice president? That must be a record."

"Just answer."

"Wow... You are being aggressive. Let's play a game. Hide your hands behind you and raise as many fingers as you like. If I guess the amount, you will leave me alone. If I lose, I will answer the question."

—... "It's okay."

She did what I told her and Yuki looked at Ram's back.

"She has 7 fingers up, Saik!"

"The answer is... 7 fingers."

My answer made her a bit surprised and she sighed.

"You're lucky that I'm an honest girl... You won."

"Really? Today is my lucky day. Should I buy a lottery ticket ...? Ah, I forgot that I am a minor. What a waste of luck."

I took my food and got up.

"I voted for Saoto, but that doesn't mean I did it for some stupid reason like hatred or revenge. You may think I was mad at you because you proposed me to be president, but that didn't matter to me. I voted for Saoto because he has something that you don't."



I quickly became aware of Ram's strong and cold personality. It is not difficult to guess that she is a difficult girl to deal with.

The first day of school she was surrounded by people, but now no one approached her because of her personality.

Having her as president would be annoying.

"Goodbye. I will go enjoy my lonely life."

I walked away.

Now I'm going to eat.

"Saik, Saik, you must make friends! Invite Noel's daughter to eat!"

"I wonder if the magic chest has already been unlocked."

"Saik, don't ignore me!"

I walked out of the classroom and crashed into a girl... Well, she crashed into me because she was running.

She was about to fall to the floor, but I held her arm and kept her from falling.

"Sorry, I was in a hurry."

"Don't worry."

I went my way ...

I don't want to waste any more time. Now I will eat.

"Hey, Cristal, hurry up! The specialty sandwiches will be over!"

A girl yelled at the girl who crashed into Saik.

'That's true! Let's go!"

She watched Saik go.

"That boy looks weird. Why doesn't he comb his hair?"