
A romantic comedy with a ghost girl-It's never too late to start again

Saik is an expressionless boy who can see ghosts. Yuki is a ghost girl who has always been alone and has never had any friends. Saik dreams of being the perfect boy his mother dreamed of having and Yuki wants to have friends. Working with each other, they will both achieve their own dreams... On the other hand, Cristal is a nice girl, who has no interest in love... Until Saik saves her, arousing some romantic interest in her, provoking jealousy in little Yuki. "A-am I in love with Saik?" Unknowingly, Saik managed to romance two girls, and a few more, though he doesn't realize it. With two goals in mind, Yuki will do her best to achieve them. "You'll fall in love with me and I'll make you smile, Saik!"

AngelPikas2 · Urban
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52 Chs

CHAPTER 28 - Birthday Party. Part 1.

CHAPTER 28 - Birthday Party. Part 1.

I am walking down a quiet street, while I have Yuki on my shoulders. I don't know why, but she likes to pet and sniff my hair. It's a little uncomfortable, but it doesn't bother me either. As long as her movements are smooth and hardly noticeable, I don't mind.

"Today was a great day, Saik! A girl told you she loved you and you earned thousands of points! You will be the most popular student in school! You achieved something almost impossible to achieve!"

"Ah. What laziness. I don't like the word "popular." I don't want to be robbed of my days of tranquility. And about the girl... Well, I think it's a little obvious that she has a lousy taste for men. Or she just made a joke of me. Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore."

I pulled my emergency lollipop out of my pocket. To prevent running out of lollipops, I always have one in my left pocket, that's the last lollipop I eat and then I buy more. It's a way of knowing that I need to buy more.

Ah, I really needed to eat something sweet after a long day. I accomplished a lot today, I must be proud of myself. Myself, congratulations, you did well. Thank you, myself, likewise.

Ah... That was weird. It'll be the last time I do that nonsense. I even felt sorry for myself.

Fortunately that stayed in my mind and Yuki can't read minds... I guess. Until this moment, I think the only ghost that was able to read minds was the 100th legendary ghost. That ghost could guess my next moves.

Anyway, that doesn't matter.

I'll get to the store to buy more candy and then I'll go home.

I arrived at the store where Iris works... Mmm. She is not at the counter. Maybe she's cleaning.

I don't feel any bad feeling, so nothing bad is happening to her.

I took a bag with lollipops, chocolates... Oh, there's some new spicy candy. I'll take a bag with me to taste them at home. I'll also take this jar of chocolate. I think I need something saltier or more acidic.

"Look, Saik, they're selling the ice pops I ate when I was alive! Buy me one, please!"

A strawberry-flavored ice popsicle. The right choice.

After choosing my products, I approached the counter.

I paid for my products and left the store with the bags.

On my way out the door, I almost collided with Iris.

"I'm sorry, Iris."

"D-don't worry, it wasn't your fault."

Fortunately I realized in time and took a step back to avoid colliding with her.

"I thought your turn was over."

"I'll be working overtime today. I just went home to make Sylphie food."

"Ah... Sylphie, three classmates and I are going to celebrate winning first place in the points competition. Did Sylphie ask your permission to go out with us? I wouldn't want her to get into trouble."

"Yes, I gave her permission. Many congratulations, Saik! My daughter told me you broke a record."

"I think I'm the first idiot who always risks all his points. I'm sorry, but I must go. I'll see you later."

"Take care, Saik."

I walked away from her and took the ice pop out of the bag.

"Give me, give me!"

I'm sorry, Yuki, I opened it for me, not for you.

"At home you will eat yours."

I gave the ice pop a lick. Mmm... I must admit that I expected something better, but I am satisfied. At least with this I will satisfy my need to eat.

We got home and I left my precious candy in the beautiful candy drawer, the place where I keep all my candy.

"Ah... I remembered it with a better taste."

Yes, the ice pop is not that delicious, but at least it is able to satisfy my hunger.

Well, I have 35 minutes to meet with Sylphie and the others. I'll take advantage of it and get some exercise. There's a park two blocks away, I'll go for a run.

Ah, and I need to talk to "her," too.

I changed my clothes and put on my sportswear. Tight black clothing. My muscles feel tight.

I stroke my abdomen and chest... Well, there's no problem, they're in perfect condition.

I lent my computer to Yuki to watch videos while I exercise.

After 5 minutes of warm-up, I started running around the park. I had to comb my hair and put on glasses because there are little kids in this place, I don't want them to think I'm some kind of pervert or weird guy. What kind of freak runs around with his hair covering his face? I prefer to avoid misunderstandings.

"Kya! I love to watch you run, darling!"

"31, how did you do?"

"I killed two members because they insisted on the idea of looking for Shadow and because they tried to capture me."

"I see. Thank you very much."

(Pov- Sylphie.)

I hope I don't disturb Saik with my visit. I didn't have time to clean my house, I don't want him to see the mess I made while cooking.

But... To think that Saik was able to earn thousands of points in a single day, is really incredible. He managed to get past two third-year students, and they weren't just students, they were the captains of the soccer and basketball clubs. They were students with a lot of experience and skill, but Saik managed to beat them... I don't know how exactly to react to that.

I'm surprised, obviously, but... Who is Saik really? I know he's kind, he's a good person, but he has that mysterious side. He falls asleep in class, but he's the smartest in the group. He's a cute guy, but he never combs his hair. He doesn't care about the opinions of others. And now I discovered that his soccer and basketball abilities are superior to the abilities of the captains. Saik is a prodigy for everything... I hate to say it this way, but he's a weird guy. Weird in a good way.

"Great, he's doing it one-handed!"

"And he looks our age."

"Which school will he attend?"

"Go and ask him!"

"I-I won't ask him, you do it!"

I recognize that uniform, they're public high school students. What are they talking about...? Ah... I-It all makes sense now.

Saik is doing push-ups on the floor with one hand. Considering that he does it without stopping and his speed, he is clearly too strong. I guess, I don't know anything about muscles, but I know enough to know that Saik is strong.

A-ah... M-my nervousness came back to me. What can I do? Do I go over to greet him or wait for him to finish?

... No... Sylphie, if you stare at him, he'll think you're a pervert. He is your friend, you should go and say hello to him. Yeah, I'll say hello.

I approached him with slow steps... W-well, no problem, he's your friend, you won't bother him, Sylphie.

"H-hello, Saik."

"Oh, hi, Sylphie."

Saik got up from the floor and... h-he combed his hair... I-I can see why the girls were staring at him. S-Saik is wearing his glasses and combed his hair.

N-no, improper thoughts are invading my mind! Get out, get out, I'm not a pervert!

"Has it been an hour? Sorry, I think I got too distracted."

"D-don't worry, t-there's still 5 minutes to go... W-wow ... You combed your hair... Is it a special occasion?"

"I wanted to run in the park, so I had to comb my hair so as not to scare the mothers and children. Well, we'd better hurry, I'll go change my clothes."

"I-I will accompany you."

As we walked, I couldn't help but look at Saik's face. He is really cute... And handsome... Uwaaaah! Get out, undue thoughts, I'm a decent girl, I'm not a pervert!

"You could say that we have already won first place, I don't think other teams will be able to catch up with us, not even Ram's team, which could be considered our only competent rival."

Saik is right. It is bad to be overconfident, but, realistically, it is almost impossible for others to beat us, unless they take a risk and want to bet all their points with other students as Saik did. But Saik is even riskier, considering he bet all his points more than twice. I think it was three... I don't know, but just betting once is too risky.

I really admire that part of him, I wouldn't be able to do something like that.

"And do you think the other special exams are difficult, Saik?"

"This special exam is a test, exam only has the name. The exams test our learned knowledge. Special exams are tests that will test what we have learned in school, as well as our knowledge and skills. Difficulty will vary with students. Maybe for Ram it will be an easy test, but for you it will be difficult. I cannot tell you if they will be difficult or not, that will depend on what the special exam requires, in terms of knowledge."

"Yes, I understand... I'm bad at sports, so I hope some test doesn't consist of running or anything like that."

"Ah, it is true, it is quite possible that something like that will happen. Some school competition. Our group with other first year groups. I must admit that I feel anxious. I never participated in any of that at my previous schools. When school festivals or something like that were organized, I never did anything and fell asleep, and if the others were angry with me for not doing anything, I would go home to sleep more calmly, although my mother ended up scolding me."

I couldn't help but laugh a little as I imagined Saik being scolded by his classmates. Always so lazy. After all, that's part of his charm.

"I guess you were the most hated in your class, weren't you?"

"Something like that, I guess. Changing the subject, do you think having thousands of points will bring me benefits? I don't know, maybe they will let me choose the next exam or something like that."

"I don't know, but I think having so many points should serve something else besides buying answers or protection points. My father was a teacher at our school, but I was never interested in his job, so I didn't know anything about that school before I entered."

And my mother told me that my father didn't really agree with the school's rules and wanted me to attend another school, but since the school gave me a scholarship, my mother enrolled me in that school.

And I was lucky, because thanks to that scholarship I met Saik... No, no, no! Undue thoughts, I told them to leave! I'm a pure girl, not a pervert!

(Pov- Saik.)

I changed my clothes. Casual clothes... I guess that's what it's called. I only know sets of clothes as "clothes."

A tight black shirt and black pants... A set of black clothes. I feel comfortable. I left my glasses at home and messed up my hair. It is no longer necessary to have my hair combed.

[Are you almost there?]

Ah, Naok's already desperate. We'll only be 3 minutes late.

[We are almost there.]

Ah... Well, I see them.

We arrived with the others and Bell raised my left arm.

"Thanks to our hero, we'll win first place!"

Ah, this is awkward.

"Better go inside and shout inside."

We entered a... Karaoke? This kind of places make me feel ashamed, I have always avoided them. Ah, I must go with the flow, at least I'll eat for free... I hope so. I did all the work, so at least I expect them to buy me the food.

We sat down and ordered our drinks and food.

It's my turn to order, and I know what I'm gonna order.

"I want the chocolate ice cream for lovers, with some scoops of strawberry and lemon ice cream."

That ice cream is huge and looks pretty delicious. I know it's for lovers because of its size, but I'll eat it alone and I won't give it to anyone.

"Well, now that our hero is the first in...!"

"If you force me to sing, it will be the last time you can talk to me and I will avoid you at all costs, which means I will never help you again with any homework or special exams."

"Ah... I'll sacrifice myself for Saik and sing!"

Ah, the shame will begin.

I just came for the food, but I'm already regretting it. I hope that ice cream is worth it... Huh?

There's... a ghost here. The ghost of a man with an open stomach and outside guts.

All black eyes... A cursed ghost. In a short time he will be a demon.

"Saik, Ludius and Naok already told me how you managed to defeat the captains of their clubs! If I admired you before, my admiration for you grew twice as much! Do you want me to introduce you to my sister? It's two years younger, but I don't think it's a problem. With you my family's offspring will improve!"


... Hey, Sylphie, I'm the one who should be surprised, not you.

"I'm going to be 17 tomorrow, so no, she's too young for me. I prefer girls my age."

The ghost came too close to me and stroked my face.

This ghost has the ability to feel me, but I can't feel it. Interesting. The energy of this ghost is too powerful.

"You look alike..."

Do I look alike?

"Tomorrow is your birthday?! We must celebrate!"

"No, thanks, Naok. I prefer to celebrate my birthday by coming home and sleeping."

I will only celebrate with Yuki.

"Come on, don't be boring, Saik. It's not every day you turn 17."

"I really... don't want to. It's my first birthday without my parents and I'll feel weird. I'd rather not celebrate this time. Please forget that."

"Ah... Y-yes... I am sorry."

Ah, humans are such easy creatures to manipulate.

"Well, you can give me my birthday present. Sing to make me laugh at the embarrassment you'll give me, Bell. Ah, I must go wash my hands."

I stretched out my arms and grabbed the ghost's arm.

"I knew it…"

"I will go to the bathroom."

I left that little place and went into the bathroom.

... Fine... Well... I don't feel the presence of anyone and there are no security cameras either.

I let go of the ghost and wiped my face in the sink.

"Who do I look like, ghost?"

"You can... see me... You're... like her."

"Her? Did she transform you into an evil ghost?"

"She... stole... my wife... My son... My life."

"Hahahaha! You've said more than enough, you're no longer of any use to me!"

The ghost exploded and dispersed... That power is... comparable to mine.

It's the second time I've felt so powerful in someone. I haven't felt this way since I faced the 100th legendary ghost.

"Fufu. What do you want me to call you? Saik or Shadow? Personally, I prefer to call you Shadow."

That voice... Where does that voice come from?

"I don't have much time, so I'll be brief. Join me or die. You have two or three years to think about it."

"Who are you?"

"Fufu. Why don't you ask 31?"


"What does she have to do with this...? Are you still there...? Ah... 31, come here."

31 appeared beside me.

"Do you need me, cute?!"

"Listen, please."

"I see... To be honest, I thought she was dead and gone to hell."

"Who is she really? She sounded like she had the voice of a girl of about... I don't know... 14 years?"

"If she became a ghost, she must currently be 54 years old. Saik, you and the ghost hunters were not the first to try to capture the legendary ghosts. In the past there were more people with the power to see ghosts who tried to trap the legendary ghosts for their own benefit. A girl named... Well, I never knew her real name, she forced us to call her: "Goddess of Ghosts"."

"She forced us? Did she manage to capture you?"

"Tsk. That girl was a real monster, even to me. Her personality and yours are completely different, but if I compare only strength and total power, both would be equal. But, unlike you, she died when she faced number 100. It resulted in a tie, but she ended up dead and the 100th legendary ghost went back to sleep."

"Then… Is she a ghost?"

"Yes, most likely, but I think she is too powerful a ghost... I'm afraid I might call her the 101st legendary ghost."

"I see... She gave me 2 or 3 years to think about it, that's too long. She must be locked up somewhere or she doesn't have enough power... Report the situation to the ghost hunters and start searching."

"I'll need all my power, darling."

"Yes... Don't worry, I know."

I looked in the mirror, combed my hair and took off my contact lenses.

"Number 31..."

My eyes turned gray.

"Maximum power."

White rays began to emanate from the body of number 31.

"Thank you, my love! I'll be back soon!"

She disappeared and my eyes returned to normal.

I put my contact lenses back on.

"I need to eat something."

I came out of the bath. Fortunately, most groups of friends here don't want to waste their time going to the bathroom, so I got lucky.

I went back into the room. Perfect, my food arrived, but sadly Naok is singing.

Ah, how lazy to listen to him.

I sat next to Sylphie and began to devour my big ice cream.

"It's an expensive dessert, but it's really worth it. Would you like some, Sylphie?"

"M-me...? Y-yes, thank you."

She took one of the spoons that came in the dessert. After all, it's a dessert for lovers, so they gave me an extra spoon.

She tasted my ice cream.

"W-wow, this is the first time I've tasted such an expensive ice cream, but I must admit it's worth paying for."

Oh … I must admit, Sylphie's smile is cute.

"Do you guys want to taste?"

"I want to!"

"Give me a little."


Ah, this happens to me for being polite.

I arrived home at 9 pm. Obviously I escorted Sylphie home like the gentlemanly boy I am... And because again the boys forced me to accompany her.

Ah, today was a long day. I got thousands of points, I ate a big ice cream of lovers and now it turns out that there is a legendary ghost more that was just as powerful as me. Ah, what a great surprise. If she wants to be the goddess of ghosts, so be it, I don't care. But why does she want me to join her? Can't she make it on her own or does she think I'll get in her way?

Oh, maybe she needs the power of the legendary ghosts that are under my control. If so, I will not lend them to her. I got them, they're mine, and I don't plan on lending any.

I went into the bathroom and took off all my clothes. Ah... I need a hot bath to feel better.

I turned on the bathtub faucet.

Perfect, it comes out hot.

For now, I'll ignore that legendary ghost number 101. I'll kill myself when I finish high school, what happens to this world shouldn't matter to me.

If that ghost wants to control the world with her ghosts, let her do it, I don't care. As long as it doesn't get in the way of my peaceful school life, I won't do anything.

I went into the bathtub and sighed. This is what I mean by a quiet life. I like this city, and the school is perfect. They let me sleep in class, and that point stuff is pretty interesting.

I will really enjoy this school life.


Yuki went into the bathroom and jumped into the bathtub... Naked... Ah, why did she do that?

"Let me wash your back!"

"Hey, Yuki, I don't know if you noticed, but I'm a man and you're a little girl. Besides, we're not related by blood. Bathing together is too inappropriate, both morally and legally."

"I'm not a little girl! Besides, you're not a pervert. I know you won't try anything bad. Hahaha! You wouldn't even try even if I looked like an older woman!"

"It's called being gentlemanly... Ah, whatever."

"And how did the party go for you?"

"I guess well... I was embarrassed to hear them sing, but the food was delicious. I bought you some burgers, they're in the microwave... Ah, bathing with a girl reminds me of my mother. She would force me to bathe with her and put me to study in the bathroom. She was pretty strict."

"Did she force you to study even in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, I know, that's too weird, even for me... Well, tomorrow will be a new day of school. I wonder if this time they'll give me an award for breaking another record."

"And it's your birthday too, Saik! We must celebrate!"

"It's not necessary, I'll just buy a cake to eat with you and that's it."

"And you're not inviting Sylphie?"

"I told her and the others that I will not celebrate my birthday because it would be the first birthday I spend without my parents."

"Ah... I see... Do you want me to wash your back?!"

—... "Ah, okay, whatever."

This situation with Yuki is weird, but I'm used to weird stuff, so it doesn't matter.