
A romantic comedy with a ghost girl-It's never too late to start again

Saik is an expressionless boy who can see ghosts. Yuki is a ghost girl who has always been alone and has never had any friends. Saik dreams of being the perfect boy his mother dreamed of having and Yuki wants to have friends. Working with each other, they will both achieve their own dreams... On the other hand, Cristal is a nice girl, who has no interest in love... Until Saik saves her, arousing some romantic interest in her, provoking jealousy in little Yuki. "A-am I in love with Saik?" Unknowingly, Saik managed to romance two girls, and a few more, though he doesn't realize it. With two goals in mind, Yuki will do her best to achieve them. "You'll fall in love with me and I'll make you smile, Saik!"

AngelPikas2 · Urban
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52 Chs

CHAPTER 13- The mentality of a widow. Part 3.

CHAPTER 13 - The Mentality of a Widow. Part 3.

As we walked together, we talked about books. It's nice to talk about books with someone, but Sylphie's taste is pretty bad, and in my personal opinion, really bad.

Sylphie's favorite genres are romance and fantasy, but she especially loves isekai novels which, for me, are generic trash.

"I tried reading those 'isekai' novels, but I didn't like any of them and stopped reading them after the first few chapters. Harem this, I'm super powerful, my girlfriends are virgins even though they're thousands of years old, I'm handsome, the male characters are trash compared to me, blah blah blah. It's clear that the authors self-insert in their works, and they just make me cringe. The only reason they're famous is because readers identify with the protagonist, that's it. What I hate the most is that the authors focus too much on the protagonist and the girlfriends, and they don't develop the secondary characters and villains."

"Y-yeah, I agree, but there are some exceptions. I-I can recommend you my favorite novels."

"If they have a harem, no."

She fell silent. Ah, is it really so hard to write a novel without unnecessary harem elements?

That's why I prefer mystery and comedy, they don't focus on senseless romances. "Oh, he saved me, he's my hero. I'm going to fall in love with him even though I barely know him, and I don't mind being his tenth girlfriend. I'll be loyal to him to death, even if he easily cheats on me with other women." Is it so difficult to write a romance with proper development? And the worst are female characters like these: "Oh, he's so powerful, I fell in love with him because he's powerful."

Ah, I really hate that genre.

"… Then I won't recommend you anything more… Can you recommend me a book?"

"Of course. It's a classic, so I guess you've already read it. Do you know the book 'Dark Summer'?"

"No, I haven't read it."

I stopped suddenly upon hearing that refusal. Hey, hey, Sylphie, are you serious? You haven't read one of the best novels ever written?

Well, I don't blame you, it deals with quite heavy themes, such as human trafficking and sexual exploitation, that not everyone would be able to read. There are censored versions, but they're not worth it. What makes the book good is how brutally they handle these topics; it's not all sunshine and rainbows for the protagonist.

Even I, a jerk, managed to feel empathy for the protagonist. A book that makes someone like me care about a fictional character is truly worth reading, not just once, but two or three times, even when you know what's going to happen.

I've read it more than 10 times, as I read it once every year.

I explained to Sylphie why I recommend it, and she agreed to read it. Tomorrow I'll give her a copy of the book I have at home. I tried to get Yuki to read it, but she refused since she doesn't like reading; she prefers manga and anime over novels.

Ah, this youth doesn't appreciate the good things.

We continued walking together.

"I won't tell you anything more, as it might spoil your experience. My favorite character is the protagonist; when you read it, he'll probably become your favorite too."

"T-thank you so much for the recommendation, Saik!"

"You're welcome."

In fact, thanks to that book, the dream of having a younger sister or brother was born within me. I think my parents did want to give me a younger sibling, as almost every day my parents had... sexual relations. Ugh. Disgusting. I regret remembering that.

Adults have sex for pleasure and reproduction. My parents were amazing and full of love. I highly doubt they didn't want to give me a younger sibling, especially since I always played alone in my room. I'm sure they knew I needed a younger sibling. Was my mother unable to have more children?

My parents had sex for pleasure, but I'm also sure they did it to give me a younger sibling. Why couldn't they have another child? I never asked them because I didn't want to make them feel bad.

"Zzzzzzzz. You intellectuals, always talking about books. Zzzzzz," Yuki said, pretending to be asleep.

I wish I could be an intellectual, Yuki. I'm just someone who enjoys reading.

"Ah, what a drag. Back to studying," I said, looking at my classroom.

"Y-yeah," Sylphie nodded.

You don't know what to say, right? Well, whatever.

"Saik, come with me."

I tried to enter my classroom, but a teacher spoke to me.

Ugh, what a drag.

It was about the topic of the girl I hit.

I knew they would accuse me, so I had my arguments to defend myself.

This school has its reputation; they won't expel me if I'm innocent, no matter how important the girl's family is. And since Sylphie has had problems with bullying in the past, my defending her makes me look like the hero of the story, not the villain, even though I hit a woman. Seriously, isn't it normal to hit women? Why? This city is so strange.

Ah... I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved; it only caused me trouble.

Yuki, I'll cut your candy for a good while.

After arguing for several minutes, I managed to solve the problem. I admitted to hitting her, but I used Sylphie's defense as an excuse, since she had hit her, and I just returned the blow she gave to Sylphie.

And to not complicate things, since they got scared when they found out I was Saik Norsai, a Norsai, and not only that, but I was the top first-year student, they decided to drop their accusation and pretend nothing happened.

I accepted, as I don't want to drag out this issue. What a drag.

Dialogue is such a beautiful thing when done correctly.

If I get into trouble again, I'll receive a serious punishment. They'll let it slide this time.

"Can I leave, teacher?"

"Of course."

"Oh, right, I almost forgot. Teacher, do you agree with gender equality? Or do you think men are superior to women?"

"I definitely agree with gender equality."

"I'm in agreement too. For instance, if a man bothers my friend, I'd defend her. And if he doesn't understand words, I'd use violence."

I looked at the girls, and two of them averted their gaze. Only the girl I hit stared at me intensely, with that hateful expression.

I like that expression. You're not afraid of me, even though I hit you. Interesting.

"If they bother Sylphie again, I'll first try to stop them with words. And if they keep bothering Sylphie, I'll use my fists. I don't care what they say about me."

I could see fear in their eyes, except for the third one, who just clicked her tongue upon hearing my threat.

Anyway, I don't care.

I yawned and left the teachers' room.

Upon exiting, Yuki immediately punched me on the shoulder with her fist, although it didn't hurt because her body is deactivated.

There are security cameras inside the school; I need to be careful.

"You were incredible, Saik! Your arguments were solid, and you escaped punishment. You're smarter than I thought."

"Yuki, keep an eye on those girls and don't leave them alone. Follow the girl I hit to her home and let me know if anything strange happens."


"Do it, please. I'll give you a good reward."

"It's a deal!"

Yuki walked away from me, and I took out a pen from my pocket.

It's easy to guess that a girl like her won't just sit idly by, especially someone with enough power to seek revenge. My surname guarantees me protection, but that doesn't mean it's 100% safe, especially when a girl who isn't afraid of me hates me and has the financial power to hire people to beat me up or even kill me.

I need to keep Yuki away from violence and crime, so I have to solve this problem before it gets worse.

Ah... Well... I didn't want to use this, as I'm supposed to be a normal person now, but since my school life is at risk, I must do it to protect it.

Helping Sylphie is forcing me to use a power that not even the world's rarest and most powerful individuals possess. A power that only makes me the least normal person in the world, but to keep my school life peaceful, I have to do it.

I sighed and wrote the number 83 on my palm.

"Legendary ghost number 83. Ghost of good luck."

The ghost of a young child appeared over my head and sat on my shoulders.

Ah, having to resort to using my legendary ghosts again... Damn it.

"Now what do you want, idiot?" it said while resting its elbows on my head.

As rebellious as ever.

"Be quiet, only speak when I tell you. I want you to improve my luck in a barehanded fight. That's all."

"Are you going to fight without using your...?"

I stopped it before it said too much.

"I told you to speak only when I tell you. Do what I say and disappear."


It clicked its tongue and vanished.

Ah, I'm ready now.

That girl hates me, she's not afraid of me, and she's wealthy. If she dared to humiliate an innocent girl like Sylphie, she'll do anything to get back at the guy who hit her and made her vomit in front of several people. I humiliated her, and she'll seek revenge for that humiliation.

I doubt she'll kill me, so defending myself with my fists should be more than enough... Ah, what a drag.

I wiped off the number with a bit of water and returned to the classroom.

Upon entering, I exchanged glances with Sylphie, who looked quite worried. But when she realized I was looking at her, she quickly looked away.

Seriously, I'll never understand shy people.

(Pov - Sylphie.)

"Teacher, may I come in?"

"Yes, of course."

Saik... I caused trouble... It could get him expelled because of me.

Because of me... He got into trouble for defending me...

I'm an idiot... I just cause problems.

It's best if I stay away from him... No... I don't think it's necessary... He'll most likely distance himself from me to avoid trouble... He's always been like that.

No one approached me for fear of being targeted too... Saik was the only one who stood up for me... And he'll distance himself from me.

... I'm a burden to my mother... To everyone...

"All right, next hour we'll use the time to form teams and agree on the project. You'll be working on a project related to environmental care. A minimum of two team members and a maximum of four."


Oh no... No... Why so soon? I-I hate group projects! I-I'm never chosen.

Where will I find a team? I-I don't want the teacher to have to assign me to a team, like it always happened... M-maybe she'll let me do the project alone...

"Ugh, what a drag. The environment topic is important, but it's pretty cliché. And now that Lalo García came up with ways to use garbage as fertilizer and stuff, this topic is becoming outdated. Don't you think the same, Sylphie?"


Saik brought his chair and sat in front of me... Maybe... Does he... w-want to work on the project with me?

"I knew the school prepares students to survive in the adult world, and by giving us this kind of task, it forces us to socialize with others... Ah, what a drag. I thought projects would start in two weeks."

"... Why do you want to work on the project with me?"

"Huh? Don't friends work on assignments together? Sorry, I didn't know."

"I-I'm not talking about that... I... I caused trouble for you."

"Trouble? What problem?"

"W-what? A teacher scolded you for hitting that girl."

"Ah, yeah. It was a pretty boring talk. I feel sleepy just thinking about it."

"Then... Why are you still talking to me?"

"Ah, I see. Do you think it's your fault? You didn't tell me to defend you. I did it because I wanted to. It was my fault, not yours. Like I told you before, I hate people who take advantage of others. I want to work on the project with you, Sylphie, that's what friends do... I guess."

"... Saik... Thank you."

"Huh? You're welcome?"

Saik is a kind guy... He's different from all the guys who have tried to talk to me... He doesn't look at me with lust... I guess, I can't see his eyes clearly because of his hair... But I can feel that I can trust him. I don't sense lust in his gaze, and I don't feel uncomfortable around him.

He helped me without any ulterior motives.

He's... really kind.

"By the way, in case you're wondering, no, I'm not trying to win you over or anything like that. I want to make that clear. I'm not interested in girls. I'm not interested in boys. I'm not interested in anything in particular. You can be sure that I'm not planning anything bad. I just want to be your friend."

Saik looked into my eyes... I can't see his eyes, but I can feel his gaze.

"Don't feel uncomfortable around me, please."

... He knew that I feel uncomfortable when guys look at me with lust... He knew that I feel uncomfortable around men... He really just wants to be my friend... It's... It's a very kind gesture on his part.

I couldn't help but feel happy.

For the first time in a long time, I have a friend... A real friend... A true friend who only wants to be my friend.

"Y-yes... T-thank you."

Really... thank you very much, Saik.

(Pov - Saik.)

Sylphie averted her gaze. She still feels uncomfortable around men; I can see it on her face. She avoids looking at me and she's trembling.

Ah, working on the project with her will be difficult, but I have to do it if I want to get closer to her mother.

Well, that sounded weird, but considering what I plan to do, not only does it sound weird, it's a reality.


Ah, I know that hand.

Ram put her hand on the table.

"I want you on my team."

"Wow. How aggressive. Is that your way of saying hi? When you do it once, it's cool, but if you keep doing it, it loses its charm."

"Stop talking nonsense and answer me."

"I'm on a team with Sylphie, you can join if you want."

"She...? As far as I remember, she's the worst in the class. No, thanks. I just want you to join."

The worst? Well, well... Ah, Yuki, what trouble have you gotten me into? You're lucky to be so adorable.

"Ah, well, then there's only one option left."

I got up from my seat.

Sylphie lowered her gaze, thinking I'd leave her alone. I sense her sadness growing.

Don't worry, Sylphie. Don't worry.

I won't leave you alone.

"I won't join your team, but take this."

I took a lollipop out of my pocket and patted her head, filling Ram with anger and embarrassment. Don't be ashamed of being adorable, after all, you resemble Yuki, it's in your genetics to be cute.

"You look cute when you act cold and cruel."

"Tsk. Damn weirdo. And stop patting me!"

She moved away from me, furious. As she turned around, she hit me with her hair on the face... Well... That felt... good. I'll ask Yuki to hit me with her hair.

And it smells delicious.

Mmm... I always cut my hair when it reaches below my nose and shoulders, but I'm tempted to let it grow to my back, like a woman. Would I look good? It's worth a try.

"Don't you want the lollipop?"

"Of course not!"

I was just trying to be kind.

I sat back down and offered the lollipop to Sylphie.

"Do you want it? Don't worry, I have more."

"Y-yes. Thank you."

She took it. See, Ram? She does accept my generosity.

Well, I guess we can start planning the project... What a drag.

I opened a lollipop and put it in my mouth.

Mmm... I looked around... The geeks with the geeks, the smart ones with the smart ones, the groups of friends with their friends... Well, well. Interesting how the classroom is divided.

And the loners waiting for someone to invite them, except for Sylphie and me, who are loners, but at least we have each other to help each other in these kinds of situations.

I did a lot of group work in the past, but I paid the smart kids in class to do everything and say that I helped. Going to public schools with poor people was quite useful to never fail any school year, as I even managed to bribe teachers to pass me with the minimum grade in the end.

I was never caught by my parents because it was money taken from school bullies in exchange for not humiliating them.

There were some who tried to betray me, I won't deny it, but they ended up regretting that decision.

"Ah, well, let's begin."


(Tuesday's Schedule.)

7:00 am - 8:30 am: Humanities (Philosophy, Classical Literature, and Contemporary Art)

8:30 am - 9:10 am: Break (40 minutes)

9:10 am - 10:40 am: Foreign Language

10:40 am - 11:00 am: Break (20 minutes)

11:00 am - 12:30 pm: Programming and Advanced Technology (Programming Languages and Cybersecurity)

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm: Lunch

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm: Integrated Sciences (Molecular Biology and Organic Chemistry)

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Leadership and Ethics