
I Did Not Think This Though

the last thing I remember was that I was running late for my meeting with Je-Oh shit! I'm late I jump out of the bed. As soon as I jump up to get off the bed I feel a great shock of pain all over my body. I start to fall. Daniel tries to catch me but he falls over too. We end up on the floor and he's on top of me. His arms are wrapped around my body. He lifts himself up to the point where his face is only inches away from mine.

"Hey! You cant go doing things like that! Dumbass You scared me half to death! Whats your problem!?!"He yells. He's so close I can feel his breath on my face.

"Well I just remembered that Im late to a meeting with my manager and I need to get there!"I yell back to him.

We both start arguing and we forget what position were in. The door opens and the nurse comes in. We stop yelling at each other immediately. "Lovers quarrel huh? I remember those days with a few different guys of mine. Ill leave you two alone, says the nurse with a creepy smile on her face as she closes the door. We immediately remember what position were in. Daniel quickly gets off of me and sits besides me. Im blushing so hard right now I cant even look at him. Im pretty sure he's like this right now too.

"It would be better if you just called your manager. Shes probably already worried sick about your phone broke so..."says Daniel in flustered tone. He hands me his phone. His background is of a green chibi dinosaur breathing fire.

"Pppffftt," I laugh. "You like dinosaurs?"

"Do you want to them or not?!?" Daniel yells.

"Okay okay I get it. Chill," I say as I dial Jennifers number.


Jennifer: Hello?

Lisa: Its me Lisa.

Jennifer: Lisa!?! Where the hell are you? Ive been texting you and calling you nonstop. Didn't you say you were ten minutes away!?!

Shes shouting so loud that I think Daniel can hear her.

Lisa: I got into an accident. Im not sure what happened but Im in the hospital.

Jennifer doesn't reply.

Lisa: Jennifer? Hello? Hello?

Twenty seconds later someone slams the door open.