
February 7, 2021: Pursuit

Without a doubt, Brock's statement was like a gallon of gasoline that pelted down on Rolo's curiosity that was already ablaze. The guard noticed how the glints on the man's eyes seemed to have lit up. Still, he didn't regret saying the words that he had just said. He was in a delicate position of satisfying both the client and the CEO, so it wouldn't be wrong for him to be honest albeit incompletely. 

"Oh really? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I'm a family friend of the Rosenfeldts. I've known Syn ever since she was young." Rolo said all the while making gestures that conveyed his supposed excitement. 

The longer that he paid attention to Rolo's body language and intonation, Brock became all the more discontented. Most of the time, he could read the true intentions of people through their demeanour. Withal, Rolo didn't have any Achilles heel that he could exploit. He had absolutely no idea if the man was trying to be cordial or outright lying his way in.