
February 7, 2021: Déjà vu

Sensing that the bus was about to go on its way, Syn snapped out of her reverie. At that point, Rai was already out of the bus, and by then, it appeared that all of the passengers who were waiting at the bus stop had taken their seats. In a haste, the lady stood up and made her way towards the middle door of the vehicle, nearly stumbling as she went down the elevated platform. Luckily enough, she was able to grip the metal pole just in time to support her body.

As she saw the door beginning to slide close, she tried to raise her voice to get the attention of the driver. However, her voice seemed to have been caught in her throat. Come what may, she wasn't that utterly shaken up by the encounter that she just had with the man named Rai, putting more depth to the mystery on why she couldn't summon her voice.