
A Reincarnator’s Guide To Godhood: In A Different Dimension?

After 11 lives, one would expect an experienced Reincarnator to annihilate anyone who dares stand in their path with unmatched power, wouldn't you? Xin Ming, is currently living through his twelfth and last life. Through a series of reincarnations, Xin Ming discovers secret methods, bugs with the system, and millenniums of knowledge of cultivation techniques and mortal affairs, granting him unparalleled power. With his new aptitude he has to make the most of it and ascend this time, however he faces new challenges as he has now become too powerful! [You have broken the natural law of this world] His talent now surpasses human limits to such an extent that even the heavens themselves dare to oppose him. He is cast into other dimensions, forced to confront challenges beyond mortal comprehension! “Just why does this happen to me in my final life…” How would a martial arts perfectionist who is starting from zero again for his twelfth time fare in a fantasy genre world? Or even modern weaponry? Will he survive the relentless onslaught and ascend to godhood, or succumb to the unfathomable forces that seek to thwart his destiny?

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19 Chs

The Saintess, Lysandra

Emerging from the chamber where the holy sword rested, with it held loosely in his hand, Xin Ming was greeted by the warm embrace of sunlight filtering through the stained glass of the temple.

As he approached the grand magus, his expression seemed somewhat conflicted, a hint of displeasure flickering across his features. Xin Ming couldn't help but wonder at the source of his unease, though the grand magus's demeanor quickly shifted to one of geniality as he met Xin Ming's gaze.

Was it just a trick of the light?

"Ah, I see the holy sword did not reject you, you must really be the hero of the prophecy" he remarked, his voice carrying a note of approval. "May it serve you well in your endeavors."

Xin Ming offered a curt nod in response, masking any reservations he harbored about the sword. Though it may not be the legendary weapon of his standards, it would suffice for now.

Before Xin Ming could inquire about the source of his discontent that he saw briefly, the grand magus spoke again, his tone taking on a more solemn note. "Also, one last thing," he added, "the saintess wishes for an audience with you, hero."

"I understand" Xin Ming replied casually, my mind still wandering around.

With that, he courteously turned around and started making his way towards the saintess's abode.

"Wait, do you even know where she resides?" The Grand Magus asked quickly.

"That is quite a good question" Xin Ming responded, my mind still preoccupied.

After he had received directions and left the place he had half a mind to just run away from the meeting and breakthrough to golden realm first, but that probably wasn't a good idea.

As Xin Ming made his way through the bustling streets of the city, the curious glances of passersby followed him like a cloak of scrutiny. Clad in the traditional robes of a martial artist, he stood out like a sore thumb amidst the throng of city dwellers, his attire marking me an attraction in this unfamiliar land.

Hmm, perhaps it's because of another factor?

I was always naturally handsome, but before I reincarnated I was quite fat due to not eating and sleeping well. Also combined with my broken dantian and bullying I had received from others, but it's true both men and women wanted my beauty when my dantian was intact and I didn't look like a disheveled pig.

Now that Xin Ming's cultivation was back he looks the same as he did when he was young.

The radiance of his beauty seemed to draw the attention of every passerby. Their eyes lingered on him, captivated by the effortless grace with which he moved, as if he were a living embodiment of perfection.

Women whispered amongst themselves, their voices tinged with envy as they cast furtive glances in his direction.

Men paused in their tracks, their jaws slackened in awe at the sight of him. It was as though I had stepped out of a painting, a vision of ethereal beauty amidst the mundane bustle of the city streets.

The sunlight caught the contours of Xin Ming's face, casting shadows that only served to enhance his features. His skin glowed with a natural luminosity, flawless and unblemished by the passage of time.

Even the slightest movement seemed to exude an air of elegance, a silent proclamation of his otherworldly allure.

And yet, beneath the surface of his striking appearance lay a selfish, cunning and calculative personality.

With each step, he felt all of their stares, their whispered murmurs trailing in my wake like a shadow. It was clear that his appearance elicited a mixture of fascination and apprehension, the sight of a stranger clad in martial robes combined with my beauty was stirring the curiosity of those around him.

As Xin Ming made his way to the saintess's abode, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-consciousness at my conspicuous attire. The realization dawned on him with a sobering clarity: I would need new clothes, ones that would allow me to blend in seamlessly with the denizens of this city.

The thought of parting with his traditional robes that his late mother had gifted me filled him with a sense of reluctance, but practicality won out over sentimentality, and he resolved to seek out suitable attire at the earliest opportunity.

As Xin Ming approached the sacred temple where the revered Saintess could receive revelations from God, a sense of reverence washed over the atmosphere. The air was heavy with the scent of incense and the soft murmur of prayers echoed through the hallowed halls.

At the entrance, flanked by intricately carved pillars adorned with symbols of divine wisdom, stood a woman, her presence radiant and ethereal.

She must be the Saintess.

Her dazzling beauty was breathtaking. With her golden locks cascading like a waterfall of sunlight and her sapphire eyes shimmering with innocence, she seemed almost otherworldly in her elegance.

But as their eyes met, Xin Ming could notice a subtle shift in her demeanor. A faint blush tinged her porcelain cheeks, quickly concealed by a demure glance away. Despite her efforts to maintain composure, he could sense the admiration and intrigue flickering in her gaze. In that moment, he realized that even the saintess herself was not immune to the allure of his beauty.

Though she concealed it with practiced grace, the brief glimpse of vulnerability only added to her charm. As they exchanged greetings, a silent understanding passed between them, acknowledging the mutual appreciation for the splendor of our existence.

With a graceful gesture, she beckoned Xin Ming forward, her eyes alight with a wisdom that seemed to pierce through the depths of his being.

"W-Welcome, hero, my name is Lysandra" she spoke, her voice a gentle melody. "I have been expecting you." Her words carried a weight of significance, as if she had known of his arrival long before he had set foot in her temple.

"Lysandra," Xin Ming murmured, "That's a good name." My voice carried a hint of nonchalance, tempered by the subtle charm of flattery.

As he complimented the saintess on her name, her cheeks flushed with a delicate shade of pink, betraying her inner excitement. However, upon realizing her reaction, she quickly averted her gaze, a faint embarrassment flickering in her sapphire eyes. With a demure smile, she mumbled something about feeling unwell and hastily excused herself. "I'm feeling a bit under the weather today," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "Perhaps we can meet another time when I'm feeling better." And with that, she gracefully slipped away, leaving Xin Ming standing there, bemused by her sudden departure.

What a strange woman.

Has this saintess never been complimented before or something?

Well this leaves me time to finally organize my thoughts.

After the unexpected encounter with the saintess, Xin Ming decided to retire to a nearby inn for some much-needed rest. With a pouch of coins provided by the Grand Magus, he made my way to the nearest establishment and approached the innkeeper.

The innkeeper, a portly man with a bushy beard and a jovial demeanor, greeted me warmly as he entered. "Welcome, traveler," he boomed, his voice echoing through the cozy interior of the inn. "What can I do for you on this fine day?"

"I require a room for the night," Xin Ming replied, his voice low and measured. "Preferably one that offers privacy and comfort."The innkeeper nodded sagely, as if he had anticipated the request. "Ah, I have just the room for you, sir," he declared, a twinkle of amusement in his eye.

"Follow me, if you please." Xin Ming followed the innkeeper up a narrow staircase to the upper floor of the inn, where he led him to a modest yet cozy room at the end of the hallway. The room was sparsely furnished but clean, with a sturdy bed adorned with fresh linens and a small writing desk nestled against the far wall.

"This should suit your needs, sir," the innkeeper proclaimed, gesturing towards the room with a flourish. "If you require anything else, don't hesitate to ask."

Xin Ming thanked the innkeeper and handed him a few coins from the pouch provided by the Grand Magus, more than enough to cover the cost of his stay. With a grateful nod, the innkeeper bid him good night and left him alone.

As the moon rose high in the night sky, casting a pale silver glow over the sleeping city, he knew that the time had come to breakthrough. With the Holy Sword resting beside me, he assumed a meditative posture and began to focus.

[Using Celestial Draconic Cultivation Technique Lv 4]

With each breath, Xin Ming felt the familiar surge of qi coursing through his veins, energizing my body and sharpening my senses. The techniques he had honed over centuries of practice came effortlessly to me, each movement fluid and precise as he absorbed the surrounding Qi into my body.

But just as he felt myself on the brink of a breakthrough, a sudden disturbance shattered the tranquility of the night. A low rumble echoed through the room, followed by the sound of light footsteps approaching stealthily from the hallway outside.

Can't I have some peace and quiet for once in this crappy world?

With a silent curse, Xin Ming rose to his feet, picked up the Holy Sword and gripped tightly in my hand as he prepared to face whatever threat lurked beyond the door.

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