A human with no dbz knowledge reincarnates in DBZ universe, and reincarnates into a saiyan.
Merus stood up looking at the massive Oozaru's the red eyes of the ape glowed in the dark sky, His mouth begins glowing a bright yellow before he latches open his mouth letting out a massive mouth blast, Merus activates his boosters dashing left dodging the massive attack,
The blast hits the ground, massive explosions light up the night sky, the ground is completely destroyed leaving a massive crater in the ground next to a large valley, The ape begins looking around but he doesn't see merus anywhere,
Just behind Sado was Merus charging a blast with a pistol aiming at the tail of the saiyan, he was about to fire the blast before the light of the blast reflected off of some sort of metal heading straight towards him, he raises his gun towards the metal firing the blast, It hits the object launching it into the sky,
" Tch, thought I had you there Merus, " said Gala with half of his face illuminated by the explosion only his evil smile is seen in the darkness, He swings down his sword forcing Merus to dash back away from the tail,
Merus glances to his left and sees a massive ape fist coming straight towards him, he crosses his arms blocking the attack but is launched, he flies through before regaining his flight, Gala descends down before sitting down on the ape's massive tail, he sits with his feet dangling off of the tail holding his sword over his shoulder,
" This would be so more efficient if you could control this form Sado, " said Gala shaking his head and watching Merus fly higher into the sky pointing his gun at Sado,
A massive swirl of energy begins entering the gun, winds begin warping around merus's gun, Gala's eyes widen as a massive blast shoots out of the gun, he instantly hops off the ape's tail and lands on the ground,
Sado turns around and sees the massive blast heading directly towards him, instead of dodging a massive grin appears on the ape's face, a bright yellow light appears in the ape's mouth before he fires a blast hitting Merus blast head on,
A massive shockwave ripples through the forest, tree are blown out of the ground, the rocks begin flying off of the ground, as the two beams are stuck in the air, the power of each blast are eventually match, the blasts begin to flash different color as merus extends his left hand at the blast, Sado slightly grunts as a huge wave of energy washes over the Ooazru's body,
The Sado blast begins to be pushed back, He brings his arms to his chest before letting out even more energy, The Merus's blast is stopped but he can't push back the blast anymore, The ape is slowly being pushed back,
" Tch, Damn it why couldn't you just dodge it Sado, " Yelled Gala jumping onto his shoulder, he watched the two blasts clash together before a muffled voice talked,
" I don't know why, I didn't just dodge, " Muffled out Sado while shooting a beam out of his mouth,
" Have you had control this entire time? " asked Gala looking at him confused,
" No, I just gained it a second ago, I guess my energy has become so weak that I can control this form now, " muffled out Sado,
" Perfect, I just need you to hold out this blast for a couple more seconds, " yelled out Gala crossing his arms before a bright red aura surrounds his body,
Gala stomped his feet on the ape's fur, his muscle began to bulge out, his veins begin to pop out, he jerks down his arms letting out a loud roar,
" AHHH! " screamed out Gala his red aura flying up into the sky, sparks begin to appear off of his body, he grows taller his tattoos become larger, he closes his eyes and stops screaming, his aura disperses off of him,
" You could power up this entire time? " said a muffled Sado looking at him in disbelief,
" No, you don't know this since we kept it secret but we Appleians can change forms, this form of mine has no defense to it, It's all attack, he can hit me once and I'll be finished " Yelled out Gala firing a red blast,
"You're really gambling all your chips on this, ' yelled a muffled Sado putting even more energy into his blast,
" Of course, I am " Yelled out a laughing Gala,
Sado and Gala's blasts combined twirling around each other, the blasts glowed a bright red-yellowish, Merus blast instantly gets pushed back before a grin appears on his face,
"Finally, " he murmurs to himself before,
He claps his hands, his blast completely disappears, he drops his pistol bringing his hands together, he separates his hands making a bright blue circle with a narrow cross in the middle of it, he launches it at the blast it completely splits Gala's and Sado's blasts in half,
The two men look around in shock as the circle grows larger, completely surrounding them, It's a massive cage surrounding the two men, the cage is a massive circle with small crosses making it impossible to flee the cage,
Merus raises two fingers in the air, firing a blast destroying the fake moon in the sky, a massive explosion happened in the sky before the bright rays of the star rained down on everyone, Sado slowly transforms back into a normal saiyan, He kneeling on one knee looking up at the floating Merus,
Gala comes crashing onto the ground and lays on his back breathing hard completely out of energy, Sado watched as the cage slowly started to get closer to him, he creates a small blast firing it at the cage but the blast is split in two by the cage wall doing no damage to the cage,
Sado stood still before a messaged ring in his ear,
"An incoming call from Leeks," said his scouter, Sado reached up to his scouter pressing the button to talk,
" Hey, come in Sado, what's going on in Planet Sodaian, " Yelled leeks from Sado scouter,
" Well to put it short they got me," said Sado with a grin before passing out, he collapsed to the ground, the scouter continued to try to communicate with Sado but there was no answer...