
A Record of My Journey into Immortality

"In a world where people seek immortality through cultivation, a young man from the mortal Hu Clan has a special ability: his 'golden finger' doubles the benefits of good things and halves the harm of bad ones. During his travel to Pure Might Sect, He suddenly awakened his past life's memories this started his journey through immortality." Hello! I'm a new author, hopefully, you all enjoy this fanfiction that I made. Because of the lack of fan fiction about "A Record of a Mortal's Journey into Immortality", I decided to step out and give you all a story about it. Go easy on me, tryna improve and be a better story writer, so please point out mistakes I made for me to improve, Thank you! P.S. The Cover Picture is not Mine, found it on Pinterest, hit me up if the original owner wants to remove it.

Im_Asian · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: 2nd Rate Martial Artist

What happened?

I was just on my way back to my apartment to start reading my favorite novel again after work when suddenly an impact occurred behind me.

A flash of blinding light and a powerful force sent me tumbling onto the road before everything went black.

Opening my eyes all I see before me is the setting sun on the plains of grass.

Where am I?

"You're finally awake." A firm voice spoke behind me. Turning my head I saw a teen of fit stature, with clear black eyes and sharp eyebrows.

"Uh, yes it seems so," I answered still confused by what was happening.

How could a man with a snapped spine and a crushed skull stand up and look at the green field that appears in his vision suddenly and not be shocked by this event?

Taking a deep breath I heard the teen speak once again, "My name is Dong Fa seems like we will be joining the same sect, nice to meet you." The young man then clasps his hands.


Beyond being confused I returned my greetings "Name is Colin." I said and offered a handshake.

"Colin? That's a weird name." He looked at me confused, nodded his head then left to greet the other youth in this caravan.

He talked to me first but did not return my handshake...

"What's going on?" Looking around me, I realize now that I'm surrounded by Asian people. Well to be exact northeast Asians, and it seems like I'm in China.

Suddenly a loud shout was heard throughout the camp, "Everybody! Line up for the distribution of food, if you're late you will not get anything".

"How could someone shout that loud?" Shocked, I didn't put much thought into it just like what I do to things I can't be bothered with, and head to the center of the camp to get my food because I'm hungry.

*growl* Yup, I'm pretty hungry.

Heading to the area I noticed how people looked at me differently. Their eyes show respect and fear, why?

Even the guards with swords strapped at their waists look at me approvingly. I'm by no means stupid, based on what's happening so far this is either a dream or I transmigrated.

Considering I'm pretty much dead with my head crushed into smithereens, I can conclude that I'm the latter and the youth I transmigrated to is someone special, perhaps a young master?

Well, food first...


Night finally came, and everybody went to sleep except for the night guards.

Heading back to my quarters, thankfully pointed by some youths, I lay down and think.

"It's really unfortunate I didn't finish reading the novel." Grumbling my sorrow, I decided to just sleep through all my problems, and think about it tomorrow.

Sometime later, in the middle of the night.


Taking a deep breath, Hu Lin calmed himself down. Yes, his name is Hu Lin.

"I thought I simply transmigrated but I didn't realize I actually reincarnated and just remember my last life."

Hu Lin, a youth in his teens. He is currently 14 years of age and is heading to Pure Might Sect to further improve his martial prowess.

Believe it or not, Hu Lin is already a 2nd rated martial artist and is considered a rare talent who comes once every hundred years.

His father or My father is the head of the Hu Clan Branch in Sapphire River City. When a Master from the Pure Might Sect visited our Branch he noticed me and decided to take me in as his disciple.

I could have decided to directly become a core disciple of the sect through my master, but the previous me before regaining my memories decided to prove himself by passing the entrance exam that will happen next month.

And so here I am, about to enter the sect through its entrance exam. This is also one of the reasons why most of the people in this caravan respected me.

"Sigh, why do you have to prove yourself Hu Lin, now I have to take the exhausting entrance exam." Lamenting on these facts, I could not help but notice how I was sighing too much today.

"Sigh." Shaking my head, I decided to head to a nearby creek to check my appearance, after all, it's quite different from recalling my face through memories.

Standing up, I quickly leave the camp.

I would only dare do this because I am a 2nd rated martial artist, capable of somehow protecting myself. After all, I remember everything, Hu Lin is me and I am him.

Reaching the creek, I squat down to take a look, thanks to the full moon it's bright enough for me to see myself.

Looking at that long black hair, handsome face, with a sharp nose and dark but shiny eyes.

"Hehe, I'm quite lucky this time." I must say, I'm way more handsome this time compared to my last life.

Suddenly a sound was made.


Hearing that I quickly looked over and stood up. "I could hear your breathing, come out," I said while calming my mind.

"Hehe as expected of the Genius of Hu Clan."

A voice that seemed familiar was heard and a black silhouette slowly came out of the bush.

With the full moon shining on the person, he was revealed.

"Dong Fa?" Scrutinizing him, I listened to my surroundings more and concluded that he was alone.

"Hm, I can't believe you remember me." Dong Fa said eerily as he slowly walked over to me.

Tensing my body in case of a sudden attack, I appear calm outside. I asked him, "What are you doing this late here? You could get hurt."

With a solemn gaze, he stopped walking towards me.

Now there is only 2 meters between us.

"Kekeke, I could ask you the same." Eerily laughing, his face suddenly became stoic.

I didn't speak but readied myself. My instinct is telling me this person in front of me is dangerous.

"This is no fun. But whatever, just know that with fame comes dang-" Before Dong Fa could finish his monologue, I went in for the attack.

The first to strike will have an advantage. Gathering the True Qi into my legs, I dashed towards him and threw an overhand straight to his face, interrupting him.

"You!" Dong Fa, quickly leaned back but I didn't give up and went for a spinning elbow.

'I hit!' That's what I thought, but looking at him blocking it with his hands, I know I'm up against a 1st rate martial artist.

Hello! I'm a new author, hopefully, you all enjoy this fanfiction that I made.

Because of the lack of fan fiction about "A Record of a Mortal's Journey into Immortality", I decided to step out and give you all a story about it.

Go easy on me, tryna improve and be a better story writer, so please point out mistakes I made for me to improve, Thank you!

Im_Asiancreators' thoughts