

The door swung open with a groan, and Lucian's father entered, his cloak rustling behind him. He looked weary and tense, his brow furrowed with worry. Lucian rose from his seat, his heart pounding with concern.

 "Dad, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice trembling slightly.

"Dad what happened?" He whispered, glancing around nervously. "I was so worried they'd caught you... that they'd found out..." His voice dropped to a hush as he uttered the forbidden word: "..that you're a sorcerer." 

His father's eyes widened in alarm. "Shhh, not so loud," he hissed, casting a furtive glance around the room. 

"The walls have ears. I can't talk about this now. But I can tell you that I'm doing what I must to protect you, and our kingdom. You must trust me, Lucian." His voice trembled with emotion, and Lucian felt a pang of guilt for pushing him.

 Lucian's heart raced as he struggled to process his father's words. On one hand, he knew he should trust him. He'd always protected him and their kingdom. But on the other hand, the thought of him practicing sorcery - an act punishable by death - filled him with fear and apprehension. He knew he had to be careful, for both their sakes. He had to keep his suspicions hidden from prying eyes, and support his father however he could. 

 Suddenly, Lucian felt his father's presence in his mind like a soft whisper in the darkness. He could sense him reading his thoughts, and as he began to fret, he interrupted his mental ramblings. "Hush now, child," he said, his voice calm and steady. 

"Don't be afraid, my dear. Fear is the enemy's weapon, it clouds the mind and blinds the heart. I know this is hard, but trust me, and all will be well." Lucian was taken aback, but he felt a flicker of hope and resolved the kindle within her. 

"Dad, seriously!" Lucian chided, a hint of playfulness in his voice.


"We've talked about this! You can't just invade my privacy whenever you feel like it," he crossed his arms over his chest, feigning annoyance. "But I'll let it slide this time," he added with a smirk

"Because you're right, that was pretty funny." 

His dad chuckled, clearly enjoying himself.

 "Alright, alright, no more mind reading! I promise." He leaned in, as if sharing a secret. "But just between you and me, your thoughts are pretty entertaining! You've got a real flair for the dramatic, kiddo." He ruffled his hair playfully. "Just don't let it get to your head!"

Lucian tried his best to suppress a frustrated sigh. His father is a kind and caring man, but sometimes his protective nature could be frustrating. He knew he had his best interests at heart, but he felt that he deserved to know what was happening in the kingdom, especially since his father was a key advisor to the king.

 Lucian tried to figure out what the meeting was all about.  But despite Lucian's persistence, his father remained firm. 

"I know this is hard for you to understand, but some things are simply beyond your understanding at this point," he said gently. "I  hope you trust me when I say that what I do is for the good of the kingdom, and that includes keeping you safe."

But Lucian still insists on knowing what the meeting was all about, finally his dad hit the nail on the wall. 

"The king, undeterred by the council's opposition, was adamant that the dragon had to be vanquished. He was convinced that it was the only way to ensure the kingdom's safety, and he refused to let anything stand in his way" 

Lucian, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. The plan seemed reckless, even foolish, and he worried that it could not end well.  he could only imagine the chaos and destruction that would follow if he insisted on going through with his plan.

Lucian's thoughts wandered to the tales of his forebears, who had faced the Dragon War. All manner of fantastical creatures had ravaged the land, led by the fearsome dragon. The elders of that age, desperate to defeat the dragon and its minions, turned to the darkest of magics. But even that was not enough. In a final act of sacrifice, they summoned the Barabel Ort also known as the Green Flame which means Fear in fire. 

The elders of that age scattered it across the seven regions of the kingdom, imbuing it with the power to weaken the dragon. That also reminded her of how their kingdom became one the best in the region, the kingdom of Arcadiah..after the great fight with the dragon, their  knight prove to be the best in the battle and in turn the people of the Snowy peaks and hidden valleys and the people of Alpine tribe meadows and grazing lands.With of course the libana tribe lakes and raging rivers. And lastly the Isolated villagers and monasteries perched on rocky outcroppings came to pay respect and honour to the kingdom of Arcadiah, which of course is where Lucian came from. 

As he thought about his home, lucian felt a deep sense of pride. Despite its challenges, his kingdom stood apart from the rest, a beacon of hope in a turbulent world. Its rugged beauty and the resilience of its people filled him with a sense of belonging and purpose. He felt connected to the land, as though it was a part of his very being. He couldn't imagine living anywhere else, nor could he imagine the kingdom falling prey to the same ills that plagued its neighbors. 

Lost in his thoughts,  Lucian didn't notice his father had been staring at him

Lucian's dad nodded knowingly. "Ahhh, I know that look. You're worried about the king's decision, aren't you?" he asked.

 Lucian nodded, his expression clouding with concern. "Yeah, it got me a little on edge. I'm just not sure what this means for the kingdom, and for us" 

His dad put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I hear ya, kiddo. It's a lot to take in"

Lucian sees his father as someone who exudes wisdom and experience.

He notices the way he carries himself, with a sense of confidence and gravitas. His presence commands respect, and he finds himself hanging on to his every word.

He admires his intelligence and sophistication, and sees him as a source of guidance and support. 


Lucian raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching in amusement. "So, you swear you didn't use some sneaky sorcerer mojo on me this time? I mean, you do have a history..." He teased.

 His dad threw his hands up in a mock exasperation. "Hey now, don't be dissing my skills like that! I didn't have to use any magic on you, your thoughts were already crystal clear. You're an open book, kid!"


As father and son shared a light-hearted moment, the tension in the room eased. It was a welcome break from the seriousness of the situation, and Lucian couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and security in his dad's presence. Despite the uncertain times, they were in it together, and that was all that mattered. The moment passed, but the warmth of their connection lingered on.