
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasie
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69 Chs

Chapter 13: Alert

I woke up to Leo poking my face to wake me up which I could tell he was smirking at my expression. He said as I rubbed my eyes tiredly

" Wake up, sleepy head. " I wasn't amused though and I just wanted to sleep more and I said my eyes closed as I snuggled up against him like he was a pillow

" I want to sleep some more... " I tried to focus on his heartbeat as I was drifting off again but then I felt him move away making me lay on the bed face down as I herd him as I sleepily reached my hand out to try and grab him.

" Sorry, but I let you sleep in as much as I could. But it's time to start the day- " he stopped when I managed to grab the bottom of his shirt while still faced down even though it was weakly. I tugged at it slightly before releasing and just falling back asleep. But then suddenly I opened my eyes when I felt someone scoop me up from the bed into these big arms. I looked and it was Leo who was holding me cavalier style and he asked

" Come on now. Do I have to help you by helping you get dressed? " that was when I started to move around in his arms as I said finally giving in

" Fine fine, I'm up I'm up. " He helped put me down as I raised my hand to my face as I yawn I went to my closet and grabbed a sweater and my jeans. My eyes were a little more awake now but I forgot that he was in the room and I didn't care at the moment, so I changed my clothes in front of my closet. Once I got the sweater and was pulling it down over me I turned around I realized Leo was watching me and I wondered why he looked so surprised about. Then I realized that he has never seen me change clothes in the same room as him. I felt him looking me up and down and it made me wake up more and blush slightly. He had his eyes fading a little blacker as I tried to shake it off as not a big deal

" Okay, what's the big deal anyway. I mean, you've seen me without my clothes on enough to where it's not such a big deal if I change clothes. " then I realized my face was still blushing and I looked at him and I noticed he was starting to smirk as he leaned in from of me. He then said low as he started to move some of my hair behind my ear

" I don't mind it at all, so why are you trying to explain yourself to me? " I didn't answer because I didn't care to as I smiled and grasped the side of his neck in my right hand my other going up into his hair as I gave him a long kiss. I pulled away and said feeling tempted to continue to kiss him more because it was making me feel more awake.

" Well good then. " he smiled and I felt him tear a bit of me sweater as he refused to want to let me go. I moved away and noticed a scratch opened a bit that showed my cleavage which made me self-conscious that he was looking at it. He said he was sorry but I didn't believe him since I noticed he'd smirk when I wasn't looking. I didn't want to eat breakfast and I'm not much of a coffee drinker. I felt frustrated that Leo was trying to hold me almost wanting to look at me like this but trying to make shore no one else could.

At times I wondered what made him want me to be only seen by him. I noticed as I was going to head to the daycare center that something felt off. I felt like someone was watching me or something like that made me feel on edge. I went into the building and saw all the kids and some of the woman who help take care of them. The feeling from before was gone, but made me wonder if that was because I was near so many kids? Anna came right up to me and hugged me with a smile

" Autumn! I'm happy you came today, and that that weird man isn't here too. " it made me smile and I tried to tell her that Leo isn't some weird man and that he's actually a nice guy. Even so, she still insisted he was weird and that I shouldn't hang around him. I didn't take her seriously, but it was nice that she made me smile and giggle anyway.

Once I was done I decided to go to the garden and try and shake off any of these weird feelings I was having once I had left, and I think it was mostly paranoia. The garden was quiet and I knew that it helped me forget about all of these thought's. I walked around and laid in the grass for a while and tried to use this peaceful silence to help me listen as I had my eyes closed. I feel a lot better after a routine day. My thoughts started to come back as I herd the faint sound of steps approaching by the sound of grass under those steps rustling. I opened my eyes and as I was sitting up I felt a blur of something pinned me down to the ground as I herd a growl come from above me. It was so fast that it took a bit for my mind to process. As I struggled to quickly find a way out as I felt my heartbeat starting to pick up pace as I felt my struggling left me with being clawed as I tried to process this wolf that had familiar eyes that had bloodlust in them.

[ Alpha Leo's POV ]

I was getting my work done and I was finished with training early so I thought I'd like to visit Autumn at the daycare. When I got there she had already left and I had asked if the woman there herd where she was going, but they didn't know except for Summer who thought she'd probably was heading for the garden when she left.

I wondered why she'd go there for, but I know how much she likes it there so it wasn't out of the ordinary. I started to head there, but once I reached the church, that's when a scent hits my nose. It was a mix of peppermint, cinnamon, and it made me freeze. Because I could tell it was hard to describe but I knew it was Autumn's scent, but what made me freeze was because I could smell a strong scent of blood.