

After a few hours of plotting with the three old men, Nao returned to his appartment and slept like a baby.He needed to wait a few days until Naruto became a genin and he was going to make the most of those days.

The next morning he woke early and went to Kaia's hotel room.He woke her and they both went to the third training ground.Kaia sat down excitedly and waited for him to begin her first lesson.He decided to first test her with the bell excercise and he was pleasantly surprised.Kaia had an amazing stamina and was pretty good at close combat.Talking about her something changed in her appearence.All her injuries had been healed, she was as good as new.The same could be said for Nao and it was all thanks to a jutsu he had created.

Jikanton Hijutsu: Jikan hanten hīru

The user simply had to target an injured aread of his body, then he would create a small time bubble around said area and finally he would reverse it to the time it was fine.To be more precise he would make the area go back in time, a time when the area wouldn't be injured.The jutsu could only work on an area that was injured for less than 10 years and was extremely taxing in chakra.It could also fail and age the area without any possiblity to make it go back to normal.

He also discovered that he could create small time bubble that he could use to theorically age or rejuvenate anything.If he could reach a perfect mastery in this power he could bring the dead back but also kill anyone easily without said person being able to counter it.He had plan when it came to his power, once he reached a level high enough with it he would use a jutsu to make him eternally young but also partly immortal, then he would freeze the time in an area and use it to train for hundred or even thousand of years.After that he would either be strong enough to obliterate anyone or he would've mastered the Jikanton enough to do what was said earlier.

But enough talking about that



"HEY!YOU CHEATED!!"Shouted as she immediately brought her hands to her mouth, her eyes watched Nao with fear of what he was going to do with her.She feared him so much that she thought he would be angry if she shouted at him.Instead he cheerfully laughed and helped her get up.

"HAHAHA!It's not called cheating if i'm the one making the rule!!"Said Nao which made Kaia pout cutely.

"Well, since you did good on this test i'm gonna teach you a jutsu!!I already know that you have a raiton affinity so i'm gonna teach you a raiton jutsu"Said Nao, that actually made her smile in the same way Naruto would.


She sat down directly in front of him and waited for him to teach her the jutsu.He began to slowly make some Hand seals and finished with the Dragon hand seal.


As he finished the hand seals Nao's hands were covered with violent wave of electricity.

"Raiton:Jibashi, is a basic raiton jutsu that allows the user to create a wave of electricity from their hands. The user can vary its power from a small surge to shock an opponent to a powerful stream of lightning capable of ripping through solid rock.However this jutsu can be pretty complicated for someone with bad chakra control as it would completely burn them.To master it you will need to practice with it for a long time, varying it's power to control it better and changing the length and width of it in order to adapt it to various situation.Of course since it's a basic jutsu it's not too powerful but ,it will allow you to deal some damage to a jonin if you can master it."Said Nao as Kaia had stars in her eyes.


She wanted to hug him but he dodged her and threw a scroll at her.

"You'll find all the details about the jutsu in this scroll.Remember, practice makes perfect, or atleast close to perfection."

With that he left her and walked to Naruto's appartment.The door was already opened so he entered and immediately had to duck when he saw a kunai coming at him.He didn't sensed any ennemy so he activated his sharingan.When he understood what happened he blushed while Naruto laughed.

"HAHAHA!YOU GOT CAUGHT IN MY GENJUTSU!!"He laughed and walked towards Nao.




Nao calmed himself and chuckled.

"It's still impressive that you could fool me this easily.You used a camouflage seal didn't you?"

"Yeah!Danzo-Jiji came a few days ago and gave me a scroll on seals.He also gave me a scroll on Genjutsu but it's still too complicated for me.By the way how did you get caught?I mean it wasn't a high level genjutsu."Said Naruto while mocking Nao a little.

"*Sigh*I'm not really used to dispel genjutsu coming from seals so that's why.Which remind me that i have to train in Fuinjutsu with Jiraya!"Said Nao, making Naruto frown.

"So that old pervert is still there?"

"Yup!I know you hate him because he kinda abandoned you but you should train with him.Even though you don't like him he can make you into a powerful ninja."Said Nao.He didn't expected that Naruto mistook his word and began to sob, clenching his fist.


Hope you enjoy it!

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