
Invasion of Konoha ( Part 2 )


As soon as the gigantic explosion was heard and seen, every civilians started to run for their lives. The explosion was actually dangerously close to the arena. The Jonin reacted instantly and went to see what happened while the chunin stayed with the Genin. The Hokage was kinda shocked to see that, since he didn't expected something to happen so soon.

'Don't tell me it's Nao who started before i could give him the signal.......*Sigh* That boy is truly too unstable.' Hiruzen frowned while Jiraya merely smiled. He knew what happened since Nao had told him. Orochimaru had come as the Otokage and was accompagnied by the Amekage- A blue-haired woman who was called the Angel of Ame- and the Kusakage. The Kusakage was a short, brown-haired man with brown eyes and a clearly way too scarred face. He literrally had scar all over his face.

He could be seen as a veteran from war but actually, before he became the leader of Kusa, he was just a messenger. He wasn't really that strong and Nao could beat him easily-which he already did- but he was incredibly talented when it came to politics.

Nao had told Jiraya that he would ambush the three and use his Susanoo to attack Orochimaru. The snake was powerful and smart but he wouldn't be able to deal with the Susanoo, he never fought one before.

The explosion clearly showed that his ambush was a success. However he shook his head when he heard Kaia laughing like...........Well like Nao actually. It seems that for some reasons Nao unknowingly influenced everyone around him.

The Jonin rushed at the scene , and saw the Otokage and the Amekage being attacked by some sort of purple skeleton made out of chakra. They didn't knew what it was, but seeing that it was Nao inside, they just went back to the arena in order to help the civilians. They couldn't even reach the arena that several explosions were heard throughout the village.

An impressive army entered the village, ninjas from Ame, Oto and Kusa rushed in the village, while the Anbu behind followed them closely. It was quite surprising that the Anbu couldn't kill them all with their ambushs, but the presence of the Sound Five, the most powerful ninja of Oto if you didn't count the Otokage, was clearly the reason.

Facing such an army, the jonin had no choice but to hold their positions until the Anbu could help them.


Kakashi was slaughtering ninja from Ame when he was nearly stabbed by a sword made out of.......Bone ?

"Sharingan no Kakashi.......You'll die here, for Orochimaru-Sama" Said a white haired boy, who wore a light lavender, loose-fitting, long-sleeved, zip-up shirt, black pants cut off around mid-calf, bandages wrapped around his ankles, traditional shinobi sandals, and a purple, rope-like belt tied in an inverted bow around his waist. He lifted his other hand and another Bone Sword shot out of his palm.

"Jiraya-Sama told us about you, Kaguya Kimimaro." Kakashi immediately got in a defensive stance, waiting for Kimimaro to attack. Jiraya told him that Kimimaro was way too good in Taijutsu, as such he wanted to first analyze his fighting style and find a counter to it with the many jutsus he knew. It never happened since Kimimaro was hit by a flying kick that sent him in a nearby building.

"How are you doing my youthful rival ?! I hope you don't mind a little help!" Said Gai as he made his nive guy pose.

"*Sigh* Yeah i don't mind a little help Gai, especially when i have to fight against a Taijutsu expert. "

They both smiled and blocked two incoming Bone Spears.

'Maito Gai, Hatake Kakashi............I don't think i can win alone. I should call for reinforcements' Thought Kimimaro, he wasn't arrogant enough to think he could win against two Jonin like Gai and Kakashi. Gai could be counted as a Sannin Level Ninja with his mastery of the Eight Gates.

Kimimaro decided to retreat for now and go to the rest of his group, it was quite clear when one looked around that Konoha wasn't going to lose so easily. Fortunately Suna didn't seem to participate in that, the Ichibi Jinchuuriki was still in the arena, so they had the advantage.

"Gai, should we pursue him ?"

"I don't think so! We should go back to the arena, the entire battle is focused in the middle of the village, but the most important targets are still in the arena!" Said Gai.


While all that happened, a certain Snake was fighting against his Ex-Teammates. Nao had suddenly stopped their fight and went back to the arena, a fact that greatly angered Orochimaru since he couldn't even do anything.

"Been a long time Oro-Teme!" Said Jiraya as he dodged a Kunai and started to do handsigns.

"I had hope to never see you again Jiraya, it seems that you've been fated to die by my hands.......Kukuku, i'm wondering where is Tsunade " Said Orochimaru, but Jiraya only smirked.

"You've always been good at taunting Oro-Teme, sadly this time you greatly fucked up.............Don't you think that we were a little too prepared ? The Anbu couldn't have prepared those ambushs so quickly if they weren't aware of the Invasion."

Orochimaru gasped ,and was nearly hit by kick when realization dawned on him.

"...........It doesn't matter! I still have a little something that guarantee my victory! "

Jiraya frowned but said nothing, he finished his handsigns and shouted.

"Katon: Endan!"

Jiraya spat a huge amount of oil and ignited it, shooting a gigantic flame bullet at Orochimaru. Said Snake merely grinned and..............

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!!"


Hope you enjoy it!




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