
A Psychopath's Diary: A LITRPG Apocalypse Story

There are many ways to look at the world when the law breaks down and everyone is free from the shackles that bind them. What would the world look like, in the Dark Ages? Lukas is an office worker, just a friendly neighborhood psychopath who despises the bad name T.V documentaries have given to those with this terrible mental illness... ... ...Okay so maybe he didn't care all that much, but when push comes to shove, and his life hangs in the balance, he could surely find ways to survive. Well if meant dooming Humanity, it wasn't his problem to begin with... ----------------------------------------- AN- What could be expected from this story? +A realistically Selfish/Evil MC +A New Post Apocalyptic World +Solo adventure +Technology will be integrated as a Class.  +Hopefully Intresting/Different/Diverse Charactes. +Hopefully consistent release +A lot of delightful Blue Boxes (Not too much though!) -I don't think I'll include Romance, at least not in the traditional Love/Hate relationship. Updated Daily!

Version_401 · Fantasie
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13 Chs

60 Seconds!

{In a corporate Office}




Our whole world and all the dynamics it encompasses are governed by these three words. There are many ways to truly demonstrate the driving force of humans, while everything might have been based on survival instinct back in the day.

'In present times, greed is the one true motivator. Corruption is everywhere and the one thing stopping the world from descending into anarchy is the law...' Lukas thought as he read through the futuristic-looking screen that had appeared in front of him.

While quite a lot of people would argue that morals also play an important part, it wasn't like him. He didn't believe in intangibles like morals that are supposed to guide you toward a better world.

It was the law that he is afraid of... or more accurately it was the law he was afraid of, but now...

[Energy Threshold Detected]

[Loading Nexus...]

[Connecting to the Multiverse...]

[Connectinon Established]

[Planet GC-12315 in Galaxy TX-21133 has achieved minimum level requirements to be included in the multiverse.]

[Dominant species detected... Race- Human]

[Advancement Path- Technological]

[Tutorial Advancements for Age 16-50 beginning in... 53...52...51...]

[Please wait for the Teleportation schema to load.]


A small holographic panel was hanging in front of him, the words were in English, and while he would have liked to entertain the thought of English being a universal language the possibility of an extraterrestrial threat was just a little more daunting.

At the very least he was pretty sure that he wasn't the only one seeing this as the sound of chairs moving backward and collapsing could be heard all around the room.

'And the shouting begins...' Lukas thought as his boss started shouting, he wasn't interested in his meaningless words for now, worst case scenario he would get fired but considering his academic performance in the event of mass delusion he would simply get a different job.

The commotion was starting to increase and Lukas stared at the timer that was counting down, it was already at 40, and seeing that he didn't have much time, he had to confirm some speculations.

Lukas reached out and touched the panel in front of him, it was solid to touch and he could even tightly grip it and it didn't budge a centimeter. He then closed his eyes and tried reaching out to the panel again, feeling the familiar feeling of touching a cold glass window he opened his eyes and stared at the countdown again.

'30 seconds, that's enough time to do something about it.' Lukas thought as he calmly walked out of the room, he opened the glass door and walked straight into his boss's office.

The door slid open soundlessly as he slowly walked into his boss's office. Mark was a paranoid bastard, he had seen news about clients murdering their bankers for losing their money in a risky trade so he kept a simple glock with him in his office.

'Since Mark didn't have a reason to take the Glock with him in his office, I'm pretty sure it should be right here...' Lukas opened one of the cabinets and easily identified the gunbox in there. He opened the box and carefully stored in the box was a small piece of human craftsmanship.

In addition to the gun itself, there were 2 other magazine clips and a silencer with the gun. Each piece of this could prove vital as Lukas stared at the number going down. He quickly turned off the safety in a well-practiced action as he waited for the countdown to finish.

'6 more seconds, I wonder what teleportation would feel like.' Lukas smirked as a rare hint of excitement emerged in his heart.

The door burst open and Mark stood in the doorway, he looked dumbfounded at Lukas standing there holding his Glock in his hands in a carefree manner.

"What are you doing, that's my..." Mark started shouting but then his eyes moved and Lukas was pretty sure he saw the same thing. Another additional block of text appeared at the end of the panel.

[Teleportation Schema Loaded... Beginning Initiation sequence in 3...2...1...]

Mark jumped towards Lukas, his intent was clear as he thought about wrestling the gun from Lukas's hands. 

'Will the solid block of text block bullets?' Lukas thought as he stared at Mark jumping towards him, a bright purple ritual circle appeared beneath both Mark and Lukas as Lukas took aim and fired.

A wall of black emerged from the portal beneath his feet cutting him off from the outside world. Gravity disappeared and the suddenness of it all was so jarring that Lukas had to resist the urge to lurch. The only thing he could see was the bright blue panel in front of him as new words loaded in.

[Teleporation Succesful... Advancing to Turorial Island #1321132]

[Total number of participants in the tutorial: 100,000]

[Random Teleporting sequence initiating...]

[Killed Mark Rennell Lv-1]

[Gain Exp +100]

[Leveled up]

[First user to kill another user of the same species]

[Title Unlocked: {Psychopath}]

[First user to level up in Integration #???]

[Title Unlocked: {Pioneer}]


Lukas paused as he read through the title that he unlocked, he narrowed his eyes as he looked at the panel in front of him. 

Psychopath... It was the label that had followed him all along his life, if you ask him Psychopaths were given a bad name by all those crime T.V. Shows, and the teenage Killer documentaries. And the Serial killers that have rampaged through society...

'Okay so maybe some psychopaths do share the blame but to label all of them as dangerous was totally not cool... this is a little bit racist right...Right?' Lukas chucked at his thoughts as he dismissed the new messages as a coincidence, it wasn't like he was specifically aiming for Mark.

No not in the final moments, that time he was aiming for Mark's forehead. He wasn't going to kill him if he didn't try to tackle Lukas, they could have both gone on their merry way, trying to survive in this new world.

Lukas had lived all his life being a psychopath, and other than the incident where the freaks tried to convince his parents that he was dangerous nothing bad had actually happened. So what if he didn't have any empathy for anyone, that doesn't mean that he had to kill and hurt people for fun, that's an entirely different mental disorder.

Lukas's thoughts were interrupted as he lurched again, he had to use his hands to stop himself from collapsing as gravity returned. His hands grabbed onto a handful of grass and mud as the chirping of birds and bugs entered his ears.

As the world burned bright once again Lukas looked at his surroundings, he was in an isolated forest and there was nothing but fauna all around him. He slowly stood up and dusted the Glock.

'Good thing I grabbed a silencer...' Lukas used his left hand to mount the silencer on his pistol as he looked around.

The Holographic panel that had disappeared before once again appeared in front of him. This time a lot of information appeared in front of him...

'Well... It's a good thing I know something about games. Will I be able to get demigod-like powers...'



AN- A start, let's try one more time? 1st chapter is a little shorter cuz it's a prologue/1st chap.